Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
README.gdeptrace-0.5.6 2015-02-12 4.4 kB
gdeptrace-0.5.7.tar.gz 2015-02-12 158.2 kB
dep-trace_0.5.4_i386.deb 2013-10-01 30.1 kB
dep-trace_0.5.4.tar.gz 2013-10-01 104.1 kB
dep-trace_0.5.4_i386.changes 2013-10-01 806 Bytes
dep-trace_0.5.4.dsc 2013-10-01 254 Bytes
Totals: 9 Items   297.8 kB 0
Thu Feb 12 08:47:43 EST 2015

README  for gdeptrace

	nothing material has changed since 55 (54 per say)
		(and 55 should be 5.5)
		gdeptrace is now gdeptrace to follow "expected norms"

	These files are the same on sf:

	NEW for gdeptrace
		depsort -h
		    wrapper to run "typical depends" easy in heavy situations
		libdeps -h
		    like ldd but differently featured for output

	NEW for doil's 10.0.1
		* big improvements since 5.9
		* now a separate pkg for those not Debian dpkg depends inclined

BUILD   will be easy as far as builds go

	$ tar -xzf gdeptrace-0.5.6.tar.gz
	$ cd gdeptrace-0.5.6
	$ ./configure
	$ make
	$ make install

	for gdeptrace 55 is same as 54 minus one minor change
	only 55 has updated examples/

        (most unix apps reading files have this limitation)
        gdeptrace is designed to be unsigned int and will segfault
        (in unix C that's a generic quit) if reading file of
        UINT_MAX - (a few) items, also quits if memory is low

       try examples and use "depsort -h", a common use wrapper
       every R needs to be an L and depsort will work on huge jobs
         (while AddUnknownR works mostly, avoid reliance it can seg fault)
         (or SkipMissing - still not really sugg: make your LR's please)
         seg fault is kernel calling quick exit in libc, intended
       note: gdeptrace's code has a few anti-seg fault checks commented out,
         in strategic places where Big O increase would hurt large jobs
         any such error would be due to improper input
       note: strings / depsort is easiest, but the very fastest is to
         use naturally numbered L's, no virtuals, and skip Clean
         it's cleaning and unfolding that hurt big-o mostly
       it is possible to get all three most desired tables in one run
         w/o overhead, see examples/dep-sort.sh in table-all) case
       -a Option: tied to if's that runing through or skip code
          intently, they do no checking, and even i'm not sure what
          all combinations are all useful or not

gdeptrace CHANGELOG (last two):

gdeptrace (0.5.7) unstable; urgency=low
  * extra script 'depsort' needed script 'compliment', fixed
    scripts depsort,libdeps,union scripts install as SCRIPTS

 -- John Hendrickson <debguy@sourceforge.net>  Thu, 12 Feb 2015 08:48:05 -0500

gdeptrace (0.5.6) unstable; urgency=low
  * added gnu automake packaging
  * the new ver only reflect release naming, nothing to fix for now
    (since 5.5 bumps had been to show changes to examples/)

 -- John Hendrickson <debguy@sourceforge.net>  Wed, 24 Dec 2014 01:15:15 -0500

gdeptrace (0.5.5) unstable; urgency=low
  * impact none: update sort_int.c has minor flaw in one function , fixed
    used for presorting before sorting, no impact (update for lib correctness)
  * imact none: noted foreign changes to new gcc compiler prevented compiling
    of code despite being a non-issue: a non-warning was changed to error
    neither of which would change type.  suspect breakage was goal.

 -- John Hendrickson <debguy@sourceforge.net>  Fri, 25 Jan 2014 16:52:30 -0500

gdeptrace (0.5.4) unstable; urgency=low

  * should now handle 0 or 1 lines input cases (prev. it exited, by design)
    (this was intended to be a [near] last consideration)
  * in examples/ : some edits (in active use)

 -- John Hendrickson <debguy@sourceforge.net>  Fri, 23 Mar 2012 18:45:44 -0500

gdeptrace (0.5.3) unstable; urgency=low

  * PrintRDeps, only after Sift, was wrong / not updated.  fixed.
  * in examples/ : replaced leftovers union dis-union, other adds, as in use

 -- John Hendrickson <debguy@sourceforge.net>  Wed, 9 Mar 2012 15:56:14 -0500

gdeptrace (0.5.2) unstable; urgency=low

  * changed control file : Pre-Depends and Depends are now as sed(1) lists
  * Found in thin chroot (only libc6, rare) that fopen
    may not open /dev/stdin but fdopen still can open 0 (fixed)

 -- John Hendrickson <debguy@sourceforge.net>  Wed, 8 Mar 2012 20:56:14 -0500

gdeptrace (0.5.1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upsteam release.
    (closes: #663123)

 -- John Hendrickson <debguy@sourceforge.net>  Wed, 8 Mar 2012 10:56:14 -0500

gdeptrace (0.5) stable; urgency=low

  * thanks to debian DD and DM for discussions !

 -- John Hendrickson <debguy@sourceforge.net>  Wed, 7 Mar 2012 20:56:14 -0500

Source: README.gdeptrace-0.5.6.txt, updated 2016-04-08