Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
CHANGELOG 2021-01-02 3.7 kB
chewingum-2.0.1.tar.gz 2021-01-02 50.6 kB
README 2021-01-02 2.6 kB
chewingum-2.0.0.tar.gz 2019-04-13 22.8 kB
chewingum-1.0.8.tar.gz 2019-03-26 3.3 MB
chewingum-1.0.7.tar.gz 2015-05-04 3.3 MB
chewingum-1.0.6.tar.gz 2015-01-05 120.1 kB
chewingum-1.0.5.tar.gz 2014-10-16 93.6 kB
chewingum-1.0.0.tar.gz 2014-07-17 86.5 kB
Totals: 9 Items   7.0 MB 0
# Introduction
This package contains my open source 
implementation of a base62 algorithm,
and a tool that converts long, even very long,
natural numbers into base 62 strings without using
mathematical base conversion.

These are the two programs: base62 and chew.

With this new release 2.0.1 there are two implementations of base62 algorithm:
perl, c++. They implement the same algorithm.
chew is written in perl.
With this release the chew algorithm has been rewritten and is not backward compatible.
I have added an implementation of this new algorithm in my little programming language EMal.

# base62 and chew implementations:
 * ./perl/chew 
   this is a perl script, you can run it from the directory ./perl
   for example under Linux:
     > ./chew 123456
     > ./chew -d cgew
   for example under Windows:
     > perl chew 123456
     > perl chew -d cgew
   remeber that this script uses the perl module
   so if you want to move the script out of this directory,
   you should move the module in a path where it can be found by
   the perl interpreter.
   you can digit:
     > perl -V
   to check the @INC paths.

 * ./perl/base62
   this is a perl script, you can run it from the directory ./perl
   for example under Linux:
     > echo "Hello" | ./base62
     > echo "SGVsbG8K" | ./base62 -d
   for example under Windows:
     > echo "Hello" | perl base62
     > echo "SGVsbG8K" | perl base62 -d
   if you move the script outside this directory,
   you should move the perl module 
   where they can be looked up by perl.

 * ./c++
   Here are the sources
   of the c++ versioni, you can compile
   them with:
     > make && sudo make install
   It will install the executable in

# About the sources
 * the perl sources can be found:

 * the c++ sources can be found:

 * the EMal source are:

# Notes
Let me know if you find
an implementation more useful over the others,
I could improve the development in such an implementation.
write at:
lanky at tiscali dot it.

# News
check the CHANGELOG to see what's new; 
the 2.0.1 release has a new algorithm for chewing long natural numbers that is not backward compatible.
We have kept a compat mode.

Source: README, updated 2021-01-02