Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Behaviour Control Framework v1.0.2.zip 2014-11-21 618.1 kB
README 2014-11-21 2.1 kB
Behaviour Control Framework v1.0.1.zip 2014-10-28 612.8 kB
Behaviour Control Framework v1.0.zip 2013-09-27 587.8 kB
Totals: 4 Items   1.8 MB 0
Behaviour Control Framework
This library is implemented as a collection of platform-independent C++ source files. To get started (if you haven't done so already) download the latest ZIP of the framework from the SourceForge page, and extract it to the desired location on your computer.

There are three ways of using the library:
1) Directly include the (non-test) source files in your project, and build them with the rest of your project.
2) Build a static library (e.g. *.a or *.lib) of the source code and link your project to it.
3) Build a dynamic library (e.g. *.so or *.dll) of the source code and link your project to it.

Due to the rather small and efficient nature of the library, one of the first two options is recommended. Minimal benefit is expected from building a dynamic library.

Note that as at release v1.0.2, the required (non-test) source files are:
behaviour_control.h                 behaviour_control.cpp
classes/behaviour_common.h          behaviour_common.cpp
classes/behaviour_manager.h         behaviour_manager.cpp
classes/behaviour_layer.h           behaviour_layer.cpp
classes/behaviour.h                 behaviour.cpp
classes/behaviour_sensors.h         behaviour_sensors.cpp
classes/behaviour_actuators.h       behaviour_actuators.cpp

Please refer to the Wiki for information on the library:

The library source code is well-commented for those who wish to look inside, and extensive Doxygen documentation is included in the release. The documentation can be found under:
    Behaviour Control Framework vX.X.X/doc/Behaviour Control Framework.html
Or equivalently:
    Behaviour Control Framework vX.X.X/doc/out/html/index.html

I welcome all feedback, suggestions and bug reports. If you improve or fix anything about the library then I encourage you to let me know so that the library can be improved for everyone!
Email: pallgeuer[at]ais.uni-bonn.de

Philipp Allgeuer

P.S. By the way, I apologise to those out there who use American spelling... Being Australian is a hard habit to kick! :)
Source: README, updated 2014-11-21