Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
VS 2013 Beta 2014-05-12
OldVersions 2013-08-15
AnkhRedmine1.2.0_against_collabnetdesktop4.1.3.msi 2014-02-13 73.7 kB
AnkhRedmine1.4.0_against_collabnetdesktop3.6.4.msi 2013-08-15 73.7 kB
changelog.txt 2013-08-15 1.3 kB
readme.txt 2013-03-16 2.6 kB
Totals: 6 Items   151.4 kB 0
This project extends CollabNet Desktop for Visual Studio http://www.open.collab.net/products/desktops/getit.html

1. VS 2012 standard and higher. 
	For VS 2008 and VS 2010 use AnkhRedmineExtension 1.2.0
2. Redmine 1.1.0+. 
	For above Redmine versions use AnkhRedmineExtension 1.0.4


1. Uninstall previous version
2. Download and launch AnkhRedmineExtension msi file
3. Make steps 4-9 of install section

Installation and usage:
1. Download and install CollabNet Desktop for Visual Studio v. 2.3.2 - 3.5.4 (it includes AnkhSvn)
2. Download and install AnkhRedmineExtension (for installed version of CollabNet Desktop for Visual Studio)
3. If your Redmine settings doesn't allow anonymous access or there are non public projects in Redmine then login to Redmine as admin, open administration-> settings->authentication. Check "Authentication required" and "Enable REST web service" checkboxes, click Save. 
4. Launch VS and open solution (solution should be added to svn or you should do it now)
5. In Solution Explorer right-click on solution and select Issue Tracker Setup
6. From the Issue Tracker Connector combobobx select Nitkin Ankh Redmine connector (configuration settings should be appear)
7. Enter Issue repository URL (don't forget to use prefix like http e.g. http://myredminesite.com)
8. Enter user name and pwd to access Redmine (leave it blank if anonimouse access in Redmine is enabled)
9. Click Update button to test connection and load list of projects. Choose default project. Click OK button.
10. Open Pending Changes window (VS menu-View-Pending Changes) and click Issues button (second picture on the left side of Pending Changes window). Issues should be loaded and shown
11. You can click checkboxes Mark fixes and Mark refs and this will add in comment on commit new info like this: fixes #id1 \r\n fixes #id2... \r\n refs #id1 \r\n refs id2...
Also you can set template of commit messages. Just press "Commit pattern" button in configuration window.
12. You can set Spent Time for issues. Note:This works only for Redmine 1.1.2+. Make sure that "Enable time logging" is checked in Redmine (goto: Administration->Settings->Repositories on Redmine server). Also make sure that svn users linked to Redmine users (goto: Your Project->Settings->Repository and click Users link in bottom right corner)
13. Click Commit button. You can enter any comment and comment form 10. will be added to it

You can configure SVN and Redmine to automatically get chenges from repository. To find info about how to do it you can search for "Redmine SVN Hook".

Source: readme.txt, updated 2013-03-16