
about input video stream

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    thanks for you project firest!
    I have a question about this software,I put  barcode on MPEG4 video,can I use this software decode barcode from MPEG4 video stream?
    thanks you!

    • spadix

      spadix - 2008-11-07

      good question!

      we do not directly support streaming video from files...but

      i *was* able to extract barcodes from an MPEG file by simply passing it to zebraimg.  this is brute force and slow, as it just uses ImageMagick to extract all of the frames as image files and pass each one through the decoder - but it did find the barcode in my test, so it may meet your needs?

      you will have to use a video format recognized by ImageMagick as well as the latest snapshot release to pick up the image sequence scanning enhancement.

      let us know how it goes,

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      thank you for you reply.
      I'll try you post method,extract frames one by one from MPEG4,use ImageMagick cut barcodes area,than use you program synchronization    decode it .I'll post the result when I try it.
      thank you.


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