
Donation linked request : Industrial 2 of 5

  • ploulack

    ploulack - 2010-02-05


    following your wish to accept donation only for format request, my company has made a donation and  would like
    1) to thank you for your work
    2) to request support for the Industrial 2 of 5. We are guessing that since you support Interleaved 2 of 5.


  • spadix

    spadix - 2010-02-05

    Thank you very much for your support of the project; we really appreciate it!!

    > accept donation only for format request

    fwiw, we will accept donations for any reason (that comment was very old…).  Is there some other area you would rather see some focus on?

    Thanks again!

  • ploulack

    ploulack - 2010-02-07


    i would recommend to update the comment :)
    To exec eye balls it might read as if you don't really wish for donation.

    Anyway, back to c4m wishes.
    After extensive testing we found that most of the poor acquisition times seemed to be due to focusing issues and thus re-activated the 'tap to focus' feature of the iPhone API. Now, of course that is not ideal and I was wondering if you had idea on how to force focus? With the idea that if user is correctly pointing at barcode and barcode is in situation where zbar can pick it up butcode is not being picked-up it's mostly because focus is not correct. This idea leading to the conclusion that if it could be done forcing focus at a higher frquency that cam   does it by default would make sense for the iPhone.

    In broader terms,  speed of acquisition is of course where we'd like to see improvements. We've found that reducing to a thin band the area that is fed into zbar helped a bit.


  • spadix

    spadix - 2010-02-08

    > To exec eye balls it might read as if you don't really wish for donation.

    The comment has been updated

    > forcing focus at a higher frquency that cam does it by default

    I'm not aware of any documented API that gives us any control over focus (but please point them out if I've missed them)…you'll have to fight with Apple about that one.

    > speed of acquisition is of course where we'd like to see improvements

    I'm currently working on algorithmic enhancements that will improve speed and reliability…

    > We've found that reducing to a thin band the area that is fed into zbar helped a bit.

    There are some outstanding changes (pending release early next month) that help apply cropping and scaling.  These increase the frame rate, which will help somewhat with recognition speed.

    It also helps to disable unused symbologies; eg, if you're only looking for EAN/UPC, then you'll see an improvement if you disable QR Code and Code 39, etc.

  • ploulack

    ploulack - 2010-02-08

    Donation comment much better, now I feel entitled to give :)

    >iphone focus API
    we haven't seen any either.

    >improvements in the works
    great, I'll have my donation ready!

    >disabling QR code
    good idea, we're only scanning 1D. We'll also try to have the app know in advance which type of code it's about to read, so as to disable more symbologies.


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