
Zebra name clash

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Hi! I maintain zebra in ALTLinux Sisyphus and i got a name clash with old packet zebra (routing software).
    This is make some misunderstanding . May be you should change the name of your project?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Sure ..

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hey joke man!!!!!!!!!

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      No jokes.
      The library name /usr/lib/ is the same in both projects.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Old project:
      New project:

      And it is widely used, for example:

    • spadix

      spadix - 2009-03-17

      sorry, no - we will not rename the project based on this request.  surely your distribution has a way to deal with name conflicts

      fwiw- your case is terribly presented.  were you really expecting us to go ahead and change the name of our project based on your anonymous suggestion and an off-hand reference to an unrelated project?


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      > were you really expecting us to go ahead and change the name of our project based on your anonymous suggestion and an off-hand
      > reference to an unrelated project?

      Hm... How is your attitude to shared libraries ? You understand that the co-existence of software which need of two different impossible ? Or do you propose to use a static linking ? I do not think about themselves, I think about those who will use this.
      Zebra Routing Software is more old.

      anonymous ?     This is not a principle. Ok.

      Regads, Sergey Afonin

      (The first message is not mine.)

    • spadix

      spadix - 2009-03-20

      hi Sergey-

      i think maybe some of your assumptions are too conservative?  requiring that no project in the world will ever reuse or overload a name is not likely to scale very well... actually, the two projects referenced above already create such a conflict?!

      fwiw- i know of at least one distribution that simultaneously offers both zebra routing software (from some branch) and zebra barcode reader (  it may be instructional for you to look into their solution of the problem?

      in any case, the discussion at this point is academic; lucky for you we already need to change the project name for unrelated reasons :)


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      > in any case, the discussion at this point is academic; lucky for you we already need
      > to change the project name for unrelated reasons :)

      Ok. :-)

      > it may be instructional for you to look into their solution of the problem?

      They may use only this options:
      1. static linking.
      2. conflicts between the packages, which tracks the package manager.
      3. renaming a library in the distribution
      All variants are not a good solution. Are there proposed a fourth option ? really ?

      I think what should be given a unique name for shared libraries if it possible., for example, if is used already. At least for software with a completely different functions.

      Regads, Sergey Afonin

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hi, spadix.
      The first and fourth messages was mine.
      I appreciate that you changing the name even if you do it for unrelated reason :)

      With the best regards,
      Sergey Alembekov


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