
Storing maps on different Windows drive?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-03-05

    Hi, I recently bought one of the $65 Winbook tablets with Windows 8.1 installed for use as a portable APRS station. Unfortunately, the Winbook has very few GB of free storage after the bloat of Windows and updates. To mitigate the lack of storage space I installed a 32GB Micro SD card and would like to put my 2.7GB of maps on the E: drive instead of the default C:windows/user directory. Is there a way to accomplish this? If there is documentation I should be consulting please point me in the right direction.

       Thanks and 73,
  • Andrew Pavlin

    Andrew Pavlin - 2015-03-06

    This is quite easy, but you may be disappointed with the performance using an SD card (the major drawback with using YAAC on a Raspberry Pi is the SD card performance), because YAAC map rendering is disk intensive.

    In YAAC, go to File->Configure->Expert Mode. On the General tab, it will show the directories where log files and map tile files are stored. You can click on the button with "..." on it to the right of the directory path to specify a different directory path (such as E:\tiledir). Note that changing the path does not move or copy files stored in the old path, so you would need to either hand-copy the directory hierarchy from the old tile directory to the new one, or re-download your OpenStreetMap and SRTM terrain tiles once the new directory is specified.

  • John

    John - 2015-03-06

    In the General Parameters tab (File - Configure - Expert Mode), change the Base directory for OpenStreetMap tile files to a folder on the E: drive.

    Ooops, overlapped with Andrew.


    Last edit: John 2015-03-06
  • Andrew Pavlin

    Andrew Pavlin - 2015-03-06

    Incidentally, this should be explained in the built-in help in YAAC. If the explanation is not sufficient, please make a problem report so I can fix the documentation.



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