
Mysterious transmissions

  • John

    John - 2015-10-11

    After the upgrade to build 74, I noticed my IGate was transmitting a lot more than normal. Checking the raw packets and messages, I don't see anything outgoing, but my TNC and radio are definitely flipping over to transmit. Disabling the APRS-IS side of YAAC has no effect, so it is not something sneaking in via the network. Turning YAAC off, but leaving the TNC on, the problem goes away, so I don't think it is the TNC. Problem comes back even after long resets of the TNC and YAAC 74. Problem ceases when I fall back to build 72.

  • Andrew Pavlin

    Andrew Pavlin - 2015-10-11

    This was due to a critical bug accidentally introduced into the digipeating logic in build#73. If you are using build 73 or 74, please upgrade to build 75 immediately.

  • John

    John - 2015-10-11

    Will do. Thanks!



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