
OSM Not working..

  • Patrick Luke

    Patrick Luke - 2017-03-24

    using the latestest YAAC/OSX conected to direwolf/pi, all is good except OSM is not appearing for my area.
    I have attempted to download the topo tiles for my lat/long and no joy. (stuff seems to download but nothing comes of it)
    double checked the lat/long i'm entering (37.7749° N, 122.4194° W)
    ~/YAAC/tiledir contains directorys for N36 and that contains W122 along with a fair few others.
    the log contains a lot of these.
    renderCurrentMap: 0(0)/0 ways(0ur), 0/0 nodes, 0 signs, 0 files(0 new,1 missing) in 2msec @ zoom=58224.418 [37.52759,-122.30897]
    i've checked the View-Map Layers, everything seems to be as it should.
    The topo maps work,
    attempted to import directly and it craps the bed with the parse errors premature end of file; could post that log snip if needed.

    Strangely enough when I zoomed out I noticed that the SoCal/LA area was populated with OSM data..

    So now I'm confused ;-)

    Any directions I'd appreciate.


    Last edit: Patrick Luke 2017-03-24
  • Andrew Pavlin

    Andrew Pavlin - 2017-03-25

    You said you had an N36 directory, but your QTH was in N37. Do you have an N37 directory with W123.ways and W123.nodes? Basically, do you have the files for the whole-degree corner to your southwest present?

    When you tried to import, what file were you trying to import? The YAAC OpenStreetMap Import option expects a bzip'd .osm file (OpenStreetMap's specific XML schema compressed with bzip2); YAAC does not support protocol buffer file format for import. The .ways and .nodes files are already imported and converted to an optimized format specific to YAAC. Also, note that a downloaded XML OpenStreetMap file is extremely large; I myself have been having issues getting a complete download of the current planet file because of pre-mature download abort; attempting to import such a truncated file would cause the "premature end of file" error you are seeing.

    I suggest using the Download Pre-Imported Tiles menu choice to pull tiles from my website for the area where you are missing them.

  • Andrew Pavlin

    Andrew Pavlin - 2017-12-18

    FYI, as of build 115, YAAC does support protocol buffer (PBF) forms of the OpenStreetMap dataset.



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