
Incorrect repeater offset on object

  • Gary Ross Hoffman

    Let me preface by saying that I LOVE YAAC! It is by far the easiest APRS client that I have worked with. I even like the unassuming name!

    Okay, when creating an object, YAAC allows a frequency, offset (simplex, +, or -), and a tone to be set. If I select "simplex" a "-" will be displayed, if I select "-" a "+" will be displayed, and if I select "+" no offset will be displayed. In other words, whichever item I select from the offset menu will result in the wrong offset being displayed in the packet stream.

    GRH, KB0H

  • Andrew Pavlin

    Andrew Pavlin - 2015-02-26

    How embarrassing. I did have it correct for the station beacon, but not for objects. Wish I'd seen your post before I sent out build #59, because it's a trivial fix.



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