
YACC as a library

  • Christopher Piggott

    Has anybody tried to use YAAC as a library, to make a non-GUI embedded version? Any thoughts on this?


    Last edit: Christopher Piggott 2014-10-16
  • Christopher Piggott

    Sorry,typo ... meant YAAC not YACC.

  • Andrew Pavlin

    Andrew Pavlin - 2014-10-16

    Actually, YAAC can run in a non-GUI mode (although it must be configured from the GUI first), but it wouldn't do much (except digipeat and I-gate if configured for such) without a GUI. In fact, the sample plugin is designed to extract selected message traffic from YAAC's innards and send the messages to a file (standard output). The sampleplugin and Java docs shipped with YAAC provide enough information to write plugins, although the full source code is also available. The telemetry alarm plugin similarly filters selected traffic (telemetry data) from the received traffic stream and uses it to decide if and when to send alarm notification e-mails, and it will operate fine in non-GUI mode (although it too needs to be configured from a GUI).

    To invoke YAAC in non-GUI mode, start it from the command line with a command of the form:

    java -jar YAAC.jar -nogui

    Other options can be specified (such as the -profile option) as long as they do not conflict with the -nogui option. Note that -nogui is a YAAC option, not a Java runtime option, and therefore must be specified after the "-jar" and JAR file name.



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