
YAPCG / Blog: Recent posts

9.19 is released

Hello Fellow Pathfinders!

Version 9.19 of YAPCG has been released. It will not appear in the Files section of this SourceForge project, as I still have not been given Admin access.
However, you can find a new SourceForge project page owned by me, where the files will be uploaded.

Additionally, you can always download the most recent version at

This version introduces Gestalt! (which you can turn on via the Options sheet, in the House Rules section)
Gestalting a character involves a lot of complicated calculations and considerations, not to mention the innumerable ways to build a character while mixing and matching different classes. As such, I am expecting unexpected behavior in the form of bugs. Please report any bugs you find and I will be happy to correct them.
Please report found bugs here: read more

Posted by Dalvin Century 2021-03-07

SourceForge New Page

Hello Fellow Pathfinders!

I am still unable to update this SourceForge page with new versions of YAPCG.
So, for the time being, I have created a new YAPCG SourceForge page:
This is where I will be posting all new updates to YAPCG.
I will also be keeping the YAPCG website updated at all times:

Happy Gaming!

Posted by Dalvin Century 2021-02-21

9.18 is released

Hello fellow pathfinders!

YAPCG version 9.18 is now available for download.
Sadly, I don't yet have admin privileges on this SourceForge page, so I have had to create a new Dropbox to host the files until then.
But, you can download 9.18 here:

Feel free to go to and you can see the new website, and download the file there as well.... read more

Posted by Dalvin Century 2021-02-07


YAPCG Users:

My name is DalvinCentury, and with permission from Daniel (the creator of YAPCG), I will be coming on-board as a developer on this project. I am self-taught with Excel and specifically this project. I look forward to learning more, and releasing updates to come. 9.18 will be released soon, and addresses a number of known bugs. More will be coming, so please keep an eye out.

Posted by Dalvin Century 2021-01-31 Labels: 9.18

YAPCG 9.16

YAPCG users:

Long time, no blog post. I think the posts stopped around the same time my kid stopped having day-time naps. Coincidence? Anyway, I've still been chugging away with releases. I've uploaded version 9.16, and it looks like the last blog post was for 9.07, so let's run through some of the things that have changed since then.

Most recently, I've redone the backend for the race features are generated. Conditional modifiers from all races will now be listed on the Conditional Modifiers page (previously, I just had the core races). Racial features that can be used a limited number of times per day will now also get checkboxes on the Back sheet. (although I'm still working on something for when you get multiple spell-like abilities in a single ability, such as with Gnome Magic). It's also much easier for me to add new races and alternate racial features, so sourcebooks that focus on races are now quicker to do. (I've just started on Blood of the Shadows)... read more

Posted by Daniel 2019-01-21


This week's release will be delayed.

Posted by Daniel 2018-11-06

YAPCG 9.07

YAPCG users:

Version 9.07 is available for download.

I had a medical issue last week, so it's a little smaller than usual. I've added the wondrous items and implemented most of the feats from Melee Tactics Toolbox. So just Armored Athlete, Artful Dodge, and the spells to go from that book. Once MTT is finished, I'm going to spend some time creating a new sheet for the Pathfinder 2 Playtest, which is just about to come out.... read more

Posted by Daniel 2018-08-02

YAPCG 9.06

YAPCG users:

Version 9.06 is available for download:

A number of new things in this version. Firstly, I've added some duration boxes to the Buffs page. So there's now the option to enter the number of rounds a buff lasts instead of just checking the checkbox. There is also a button that decreases each buff one round - when the duration reaches 0, the buff is turned off. The checkboxes are still there if you prefer to use them (or if you want permanent buffs)... read more

Posted by Daniel 2018-07-18

YAPCG 9.05

YAPCG users:

Version 9.05 is available for download:

From Occult Adventures, we now have the Mesmerist for all your swirly-eyed needs. I've also done the descriptions and prerequisites for a bunch of Spiritualist/Mesmerist feats. Next class up will be the Occultist.

I've started work on Melee Tactics Toolbox. The new weapon types are in, and I've input the feat names and prerequisites (descriptions and effects still to come) Check the thread in the discussion forums if there's anything you want prioritised.... read more

Posted by Daniel 2018-07-05

YAPCG 9.04

YAPCG users:

Version 9.04 is available for download.

I've finished the Phantom for now. It can now be included when printing or creating a PDF, and I've done all the outputs that I was planning to do. As I mentioned last week, when you add feats to your phantom, check if they are changing the numbers that they should - I've implemented what I think should be the most common phantom feats, but if you have an unusual phantom build, then something may be missed. Next Occult class will be the Mesmerist.... read more

Posted by Daniel 2018-06-22

Release delayed a day or two

Release will be delayed a day or two.

Posted by Daniel 2018-06-19

YAPCG 9.03

YAPCG users:

Version 9.03 of YAPCG is available for download.

I was laid out with some sort of cold for a considerable amount of time so I think I've lost a week somewhere during this release and the last one - my apologies. Anyway, Spiritualists are aaaallllmost done. There are still a few things left to finish with the Phantom, but I've decided to "turn on" the Spiritualist so people can start playing around with it.... read more

Posted by Daniel 2018-06-07

YAPCG 9.02

YAPCG users:

I'm a bit sick, but 9.02 of YAPCG is out.

Archetypes from Ranged Tactics Toolbox are in - there's only a few things left from that book, so it might be done by next week. I do want to have a quick look at maybe redoing how Ranger traps are handled in the sheets.

Still working on the Phantom. I figured out a method for getting their feat dropdowns and tying the prerequisites into the phantom's stats and skills. Still a little work to go, but I hope to have the Spiritualist playable for the next release.... read more

Posted by Daniel 2018-05-22

Release delayed

I am a bit sick, release will be delayed a few days

Posted by Daniel 2018-05-15

YAPCG 9.01

YAPCG users

Version 9.01 of YAPCG is released.

The sheet can now better import spellcaster characters saved in 8.183 and earlier - most spell data will be converted (it will miss any prepared domain/oath spells, so check these when you are loading in a character) I've also fixed up a couple of bugs and added some inputs for spontaneous casters to enter how many spells they've cast so far that day.... read more

Posted by Daniel 2018-05-02

YAPCG 9.00

YAPCG users:

Version 9.0 of YAPCG is available for download. (

The spells overhaul is done, so I figured it was a good time to bump up the version number. So, let's talk about what's new. The Spells page now has six spellcasting sections - three for Prepared casters, three for Spontaneous casters.
To input spells, first open the appropriate section and select your class - that will update the spell dropdowns, so you can then just select spells in the Spellbook, Prepared or Known sections.... read more

Posted by Daniel 2018-04-18

YAPCG 8.183

YAPCG users:

Version 8.183 is available for download.

New stuff: I've added the Campaign Traits for the current AP, "War for the Crown". Giant Hunter's Handbook is nearly finished - I've put in the Titan Fighter archetype and added in the magic weapons and wondrous items. All that's left is fixing up the spell descriptions. From Occult Adventures, I've added in the metamagic rods and the Vril Staff.... read more

Posted by Daniel 2018-04-04

YAPCG 8.182

YAPCG users:

Version 8.182 is available for download.

I've added the Traits and Feats from the Giant Hunter's Handbook, as well as the Fitting, Resizing abilities and the Ring of Perfect Sizing.

From Occult Adventures, the two Cavalier Orders are in. I've added in the feat names, but most of the descriptions and prerequisites are still not done yet - I'll be filling these in as I add in the new classes. If you want to select the feats now, you can turn off the Feat Prereqs on the feats page.... read more

Posted by Daniel 2018-03-21

YAPCG 8.181

YAPCG users:

I have uploaded version 8.181 of YAPCG:

I've finished off the Psychic's Discipline powers. I've also added a few minor things from Occult Adventures - the new Witch patrons, the ectoplasmic bloodline, the alchemist discovery and all the non-magical adventuring gear. With the psychic finished (except for the spellcasting), the next class I will be adding is the Spiritualist and their phantom.... read more

Posted by Daniel 2018-03-08

YAPCG 8.180

YAPCG users:

Version 8.180 is available for download.

The Psychic class is in... mostly. I'm still working on the spells overhaul, so they'll be missing spellcasting until that is finished. I also still have to fill in the discipline powers for the Psychedelia and Rapport disciplines. But everything else should be in, I think. As always, please post a bug report if anything is broken, something could be better or even just a typo.... read more

Posted by Daniel 2018-02-21

YAPCG 8.179

YAPCG users:

Version 8.179 of YAPCG is available for download.

I spent a fair bit of time last fortnight laid out with tonsillitis, so this is mainly a bugfix release. I did manage to get a fair amount of work done on the spellcasting overhaul, and I also did some prep work for Occult Adventures (mainly setting up the basic details for the new classes - skills, BAB, saves, etc)

Anyway, the first occult class I'm going to add is the Psychic - it had the most requests, and doesn't seem to have anything overly complicated. If you want to see your favorite class sooner, drop me a post here: read more

Posted by Daniel 2018-02-06

YAPCG 8.178

YAPCG users:

Version 8.178 of YAPCG is available for download.

A few new things in this version. I've redone how the sheet works out the uses/day checkboxes on the back page. I can now also add checkboxes for the standard adventuring gear, so let me know if there's anything that you use that needs them. I've also added the ability to add checkboxes to Custom Wondrous items - you can check that out on the Custom Data sheet.... read more

Posted by Daniel 2018-01-25

YAPCG 8.177

YAPCG users:

Happy new year! Version 8.177 of YAPCG is now available for download.

There's basically just one new feature in this version - the Unchained Summoner. This required a whole lot of modifications on the back-end to be able to incorporate all the new options, bonuses and so on for the eidolon subtypes. I've also started reorganising how/where the eidolon stat calculations are done. As always, if you have any problems, suggestions or comments, drop me a bug report, feature request or a post in the Discussion forums.
The last thing I'm planning to do from Unchained is Automatic Bonus Progression. I'm hoping this will be done for the next release - I don't think there's anything that will require complicated changes.... read more

Posted by Daniel 2018-01-11

YAPCG 8.176

YAPCG users:

Version 8.176 of YAPCG is available for download.

This version contains the material from Quests and Campaigns. This includes some minor interface changes - Story Feats are now selected in the standard feat slots, so if you are loading in a character that had them, you will need to reselect them.
I've also taken the opportunity to add an option to hide the Teamwork feats from the feats dropdowns, so if you don't want to see them you can now turn them off on the Feats page.... read more

Posted by Daniel 2017-12-24

YAPCG 8.175

YAPCG users:

Version 8.175 of YAPCG is available for download.

Inner Sea Gods (and Inner Sea Faiths) are now finished. The final parts were the remaining boons, the spell descriptions, and the variant spellcasting.

I'm going to try to quickly knock off Quests and Campaigns for the next minor sourcebook. There's not too much in it - a bunch of traits (including drawbacks), some feats, some spells, handful of magic items. Doesn't look like there's anything too complicated, so I'm hoping I can get it done for the next release (fingers crossed)... read more

Posted by Daniel 2017-12-05