
Feedback on version 2.9.15

  • Guido Haberkamp

    Guido Haberkamp - 2007-01-26

    Hi Luan,

    thank you for the builds, you fixed many  bugs and put in many nice little features that increase my user experience (e.g. now automatically opens in the right editor with double click :o)

    With version 2.9.14 I only had time to take a short glimpse this morning and I found that two important bugs were already fixed:

    1 When I entered XML code manually it didn't get deleted
    2 I could move the components pixelwise with the arrow keys and every move turned out as
      expected. Thank you for that.

    At the moment I'm trying out 2.9.15 and there are many well working features already.
    I'll try to complete the tutorial as far as I can. But I understand that it's out of sync, so there will be problems with data binding and so on.
    I'm thinking about what would be the quickest way to sort that out ? Could you send me a simple example project where I can study the XML code and fill in the needed XUI 3.0 parts manually ? Perhaps somewhen in the future this would enable me to write some of the docs/tutorials myself.

    I would really like to complete one development cycle so that we could say:

    "There is 1 working way to develop an RIA Client with Kalideoscope (including some manually-inserted XML tags) and we are working on more features to increase ease-of-use."

    For the meantime, I'll test some more on 2.9.15 and put some of the hints you gave me (especially the one with the guides was helpful) on the wikka.

    I now noticed the alignment tools, but currently I'm not able to get them working. They never change the position of a selected component (or a group of comp.)

    Thank you for your work so far,

    Best regards,


    • Guido Haberkamp

      Guido Haberkamp - 2007-01-26

      One more small bug:

      When you're using guides and "Snap to guides" and you're dragging a button from above a horizontal guide to below it, there comes the situation, when the guide snaps the lower border of the button. But while dragging further with the mouse the upper border still comes down thus reducing the height of the component. This is the case for 5 pixel, if your below that value, the component falls under the guide and reinstates its former dimensions.

      This is no big deal, but, if your working hastily it could lead to neatly aligned buttons with slightly different heights (40, 38, 36, 39).


      • Luan O'Carroll

        Luan O'Carroll - 2007-01-28

        OH! I'm surprised nobody else mentioned this before - maybe the bugs were obscuring this behavior. It's been a long standing (niggling) issue, so I guess we'd better get around to fixing it.

      • Luan O'Carroll

        Luan O'Carroll - 2007-02-05

        I've made some minor adjustments to the sizing of the components when guides are in use so that the size is preserved when using the arrow keys. It doesn't fix all the quirks, but it helps.

        • Guido Haberkamp

          Guido Haberkamp - 2007-02-06

          Hi Luan,

          thanks for your work on closing all the open bugs. From time to time I browse the svn. Unfortunately sometimes SF doesn't synch it for several days.

          I still have some open questions about data binding / event handling, (esp. the passages where the Kalideoscope part of carousel user guide says: "Carousel does the right things for you automatically" :o)

          But there is still some xui documentation left that I haven't had the time to read, so if I'm through with that, and there still are open questions, I'll post them here.

          Please keep me informed, when you plan to release another nightly build.

          Best regards and greetings from germany,


    • Guido Haberkamp

      Guido Haberkamp - 2007-01-26

      finally I got the alignment tools working (I overlooked the Ctrl- modifier in your previous post) But there seems to be a problem with multiple selections and the centered alignment.
      I sent you the screencast.

      However centered alignment works correctly if you select the whole page in addition to the components.

      Some other alignment tools do other interesting tricks,
      (justify horizontally sets width to page width+1, just. vert. the height to page height+1)
      I sent you the screenshots

      So far for tonight,
      have a nice weekend,
      I'll get back to Kalideoscope on monday


    • Luan O'Carroll

      Luan O'Carroll - 2007-01-28

      Thank you for the comments, and I'm glad to hear the overall experience is improving.

      The failure of the alignment tools sounds like a bug - so I'll log it as that and investigate

      I'll get one of the guys here to look at updating the tutorial. I'll also see if I can send you a complete working example, that's not so huge.

    • Luan O'Carroll

      Luan O'Carroll - 2007-01-29

      There's another version at

      It should fix many of the alignment problems, but please report any issues.


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