
#4 Python triple-quoted strings not matching properly


Firstly, a 'well done' to the people involved with this project! xslthl does a nice job! Thank you!

I'm noticing that the python-hl.xml highlighter works well except that it has a very annoying quirk with triple-quoted string blocks. As an example, the following program text in docbook:

<programlisting language="python">

def helloWorld():
A sample string

shows up in the resulting output document as:

def helloWorld():
A sample string

Looking at the FO output file, I can confirm that it's treating the second """ as two separate items. Just for grins, I updated the python-hl.xml file to add the endString tag and that doesn't seem to do anything either. :(

I'm assuming that this is a bug that will require some code changes (eg each token match item will need to be sorted by length (longest first)).

I am using the docbook 1.74 ns XSL with the downloaded changes from the xslthl site put on top.


  • Michiel Hendriks

    The end of the string wasn't properly marked if the end token was larger than 1 character. This issue has been fixed in SVN commit #95 and will be included in version 2.0.1

  • Michiel Hendriks

    • status: open --> closed-fixed
  • Michiel Hendriks

    • milestone: 860581 --> 2.0.0

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