Denis Auroux - 2019-05-03

Thank you for the suggestion. However, xournal is designed for taking
handwritten notes using a stylus, it is not a PDF editor. It just
happens to let you take handwritten notes on top of PDF files. And so
the priority is to keep the user interface simple, not to become a
better PDF editor.

Concretely, I don't see why QPDF would have any benefits in terms of
functionality over the Poppler library we are already using. It would be
desirable to add to xournal features to manipulate the pages of the
document more effectively (reorder pages, merge documents, rotate and
scale pages), but this is a matter of designing the right user interface
for this, not an issue with the backend.

Also, OCR on typed PDF is not part of our mission -- this would be
reasonable processing to do ahead of editing in xournal, but it has
nothing to do with handwritten annotation. Handwritten OCR would be
great but is a hard problem.

So: I'm sorry but if your goal is to have a graphical frontend for QPDF
and OCRmyPDF then you should try to motivate someone to write one --
however this is not xournal's mission or natural feature set.
