
#213 Navigation by table of contents


As a user annotating a PDF I would like to be able to import the table of contents of the PDF automatically and navigate using a tree in some separate panel.

In my view, this is the only missing feature preventing Xournal from being a useful and completely sufficient PDF annotation tool. At the moment, the absence of this feature renders Xournal useless for textbooks, as finding the chapter and section I'm looking for takes upwards of 3 minutes for large books.


Feature Requests: #213


  • Denis Auroux

    Denis Auroux - 2016-09-07

    This is a very good idea, though xournal is not recommended for
    annotating whole books anyway unless you first cut them into individual
    chapter pdf files -- its memory usage and CPU consumption grows to an
    unreasonable extent when annotating very long files (I wouldn't go much
    over 100-200 pages).


    • tanyeun

      tanyeun - 2016-09-07

      I created this patch long time ago to navigate throughout the document.

      On Thu, Sep 8, 2016 at 1:10 AM, Denis Auroux wrote:

      This is a very good idea, though xournal is not recommended for
      annotating whole books anyway unless you first cut them into individual
      chapter pdf files -- its memory usage and CPU consumption grows to an
      unreasonable extent when annotating very long files (I wouldn't go much
      over 100-200 pages).


      [feature-requests:#213] Navigation by table of contents

      Status: open
      Group: Next_Release_(example)
      Labels: pdf annotations
      Created: Wed Sep 07, 2016 04:39 PM UTC by Gabriel Elkind
      Last Updated: Wed Sep 07, 2016 04:39 PM UTC
      Owner: nobody

      As a user annotating a PDF I would like to be able to import the table of
      contents of the PDF automatically and navigate using a tree in some
      separate panel.

      In my view, this is the only missing feature preventing Xournal from being
      a useful and completely sufficient PDF annotation tool. At the moment, the
      absence of this feature renders Xournal useless for textbooks, as finding
      the chapter and section I'm looking for takes upwards of 3 minutes for
      large books.

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      Feature Requests: #213

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