
Use MD5(pdf_content) to open associated .xoj?

  • Taka

    Taka - 2009-12-05

    I find it inconvenient that .xoj file, if it has a pdf background, depends on
    an absolute path of the original pdf file. Since I organize pdf's very
    frequently, .xoj files associated with them become easily obsolete. I'm sure
    many people are suffering from this behavior.

    To workaround this issue, we can use the md5 sum (or some hash function) of
    the pdf content to determine its associated .xoj file.

    This way, if .xoj file repository is fixed (e.g. ~/.xournal/xoj/), we will be
    able to get a corresponding between the two regardless of the paths of the pdf

    An Illustration:

    1. user executes
    $ xournal Matplotlib.pdf

    2. xournal calculates md5(Matplotlib.pdf): 5bb4eeba7e8d86c6e129a80c169f3ab9

    3. xournal looks up its mapping file: ~/.xournal/md5sums
    Xournal finds the entry

      5bb4eeba7e8d86c6e129a80c169f3ab9  ~/.xournal/xoj/Matplotlib.pdf.xoj

    4. xournal opens ~/.xournal/xoj/Matplotlib.pdf.xoj

    5. xournal sets Matplotlib.pdf as background as it does normally.

    This works better because .pdf content usually wouldn't change (or if it did
    at all, less frequent its path being changed).

  • Eric Martin Christiansen

    I use xournal every day, and I'm one of the "many people  are suffering from this behavior."

    I think the proposal is excellent, though I would go a step further and bundle the pdf with the xoj.

  • Denis Auroux

    Denis Auroux - 2009-12-05

    I'm quite confused - why don't you just leave the xoj file next to its pdf, in the same directory? Then you can move them both simultaneously, xournal is smart enough to find the PDF file if it's next to the xoj. (at least in 0.4.5; you should upgrade if you haven't done so already).

    In any case your proposal to use md5 sums and a central repository seems very complicated. Not to mention that, in my typical use scenarios, I often have one pdf file with many xoj files annotating it, so when I open a pdf file in xournal, I really want the pdf, not one set of annotations chosen at random. If I wanted the annotations, I'd open the xoj, not the pdf.

    (I do realize that you're visibly using xournal as a tool to maintain annotations on a library of PDF files; this is pretty different from the needs of people who use xournal as a notetaking tool and may have PDF templates of paper to write on. In any case I think keeping the PDF and the xoj in the same directory should be an easier solution to almost everyone's needs?).


  • Taka

    Taka - 2009-12-05


    I see. So the Xournal ontology between you and I seems to be very
    much different. I never found myself using multiple .xoj for the
    same pdf.  You are quite right that I'm using xournal as an
    annotator to maintain annotations on a library of pdf files.  In
    fact, I regard it as something like Amazon Kindle with more
    interactive features: a book reader and a book annotator. Under
    this ontology, it makes more (intuitive) sense to have a 1-1
    correspondence between pdf (book) and xoj (annotation), in which
    case it is convenient to have a feature such as the one I

    I do place .xoj under the same directory as its pdf file.  In my
    case, "inconvenience" appears in situations where e.g.

      • you try to change the name of the original pdf (in which case
    you'd have to zcat .xoj and do a sed substitution for the stored
    pdf filename).

      • you'd like to move the location of a pdf (as you also would
    have to move its .xoj along with it. this may sound easy enough,
    but easily becomes tedius for a huge pdf collection).

      • you'd like to keep the pdf directory clean (it's a bit
    distracting to see .xoj under each pdf when doing "ls" or on a
    file manager; also, when deleting pdf, it becomes another work to
    delete its xoj.)

      • the target pdf is accessed through symlinks.

    But, based on your comment and the way xournal loads pdf
    backgrounds, I kind of gather that Xournal's primary focus is to
    fulfill notetaking purposes. If so, I probably should back off a
    bit, though it would be very nice to have a ./configure option
    that switches between notetaking and ebook-reading mode.  I still
    think the proposal in comment 1 is pretty straight-forward and
    benefits users who prefer keeping only one .xoj for a pdf though;
    and it does not break xournal's role as a notetaking tool: if a
    user executes "xournal note.xoj", then let it just open a plain
    xournal without pdf background. In the meantime, maybe I should
    just keep working on creating patches for "book-reading" mode (like
    bookmarking, lateral page loading, single key <-> action mapping, etc ;)

  • Denis Auroux

    Denis Auroux - 2009-12-05

    I see. You do have a valid point. Added to my (lengthy) to-do list. (If you have any inclination to do so, feel free to write some patches that will make things better for you, as I'm usually pretty slow at coding things…)



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