
#185 When disconnecting and connecting tables, buttons are screwed up


I.e. the first button turns into an eraser, while it used to be hand tool. Restarting xournal reliably fixes this problem.

This is a bit cumbersome, as a suspend also causes this problem.


  • Denis Auroux

    Denis Auroux - 2017-08-13

    xournal works on GTK2, which as far as I can tell is unable to deal with hotplugging of input devices (it scans for input devices only once at startup). So if plugging back in modifies the xinput device identifiers, xournal will be confused and won't recognize these as xinput-enabled devices until you restart.

    What I find mysterious though, is that at least in the case of suspend/resume, the device ids should come back the same as previously and xournal should work ok.

    Can you give the output of "xinput list" (just the first half, before the keyboard, is enough), initially? after unplugging and replugging the tablet? after suspend and resume?

    (I expect the device id's for the tablet have changed, and then I can't really do anything about it with the current xournal architecture; if they haven't changed then it shouldn't be hopeless, more debugging might be in order.)


  • Nico Schottelius

    Connected first time:

    [13:40] manager:~% xinput list
    ⎡ Virtual core pointer id=2 [master pointer (3)]
    ⎜ ↳ Virtual core XTEST pointer id=4 [slave pointer (2)]
    ⎜ ↳ Wacom HID 484C Pen stylus id=14 [slave pointer (2)]
    ⎜ ↳ Wacom HID 484C Finger touch id=15 [slave pointer (2)]
    ⎜ ↳ Wacom HID 484C Pen eraser id=22 [slave pointer (2)]
    ⎜ ↳ Alps Alps Touchpad Touchpad id=10 [slave pointer (2)]
    ⎜ ↳ Wacom Bamboo 16FG 4x5 Pen stylus id=11 [slave pointer (2)]
    ⎜ ↳ Wacom Bamboo 16FG 4x5 Pen eraser id=12 [slave pointer (2)]
    ⎜ ↳ Wacom Bamboo 16FG 4x5 Pad pad id=13 [slave pointer (2)]
    ⎜ ↳ Wacom Bamboo 16FG 4x5 Finger touch id=21 [slave pointer (2)]


    [13:40] manager:~% xinput list
    ⎡ Virtual core pointer id=2 [master pointer (3)]
    ⎜ ↳ Virtual core XTEST pointer id=4 [slave pointer (2)]
    ⎜ ↳ Wacom HID 484C Pen stylus id=14 [slave pointer (2)]
    ⎜ ↳ Wacom HID 484C Finger touch id=15 [slave pointer (2)]
    ⎜ ↳ Wacom HID 484C Pen eraser id=22 [slave pointer (2)]
    ⎜ ↳ Alps Alps Touchpad Touchpad id=10 [slave pointer (2)]

    Connected second time:

    [13:40] manager:~% xinput list
    ⎡ Virtual core pointer id=2 [master pointer (3)]
    ⎜ ↳ Virtual core XTEST pointer id=4 [slave pointer (2)]
    ⎜ ↳ Wacom HID 484C Pen stylus id=14 [slave pointer (2)]
    ⎜ ↳ Wacom HID 484C Finger touch id=15 [slave pointer (2)]
    ⎜ ↳ Wacom HID 484C Pen eraser id=22 [slave pointer (2)]
    ⎜ ↳ Alps Alps Touchpad Touchpad id=10 [slave pointer (2)]
    ⎜ ↳ Wacom Bamboo 16FG 4x5 Pen stylus id=11 [slave pointer (2)]
    ⎜ ↳ Wacom Bamboo 16FG 4x5 Pen eraser id=12 [slave pointer (2)]
    ⎜ ↳ Wacom Bamboo 16FG 4x5 Pad pad id=13 [slave pointer (2)]
    ⎜ ↳ Wacom Bamboo 16FG 4x5 Finger touch id=21 [slave pointer (2)]

  • Denis Auroux

    Denis Auroux - 2017-08-14

    Strange -- since the id's come back identical there shouldn't be a problem. What version of xournal are you using exactly? I'm travelling this week and don't have any input devices I can attach and detach at will, but I'll try to remember to test next week. (In case I forget, feel free to remind me by responding here if nothing happens in the next 2 weeks or so).



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