
#131 xinput / pressure sensitivity greyed out


The option to use XInput and pressure sensitivity is only available when the program is started using the wacom pen (or when the pen is "in use" which is somewhat erratic). Otherwise the XInput and pressure sensitivity options are greyed out in the menus. When starting xournal with the mouse, one is only allowed to turn on pressure sensitivity by restarting xournal. In some cases this is inconvenient.

suggestion: the greying of these menu items should be determined not only at the start of xournal, but whenever the menu is opened.


  • Denis Auroux

    Denis Auroux - 2013-08-21

    This is strange -- are you in Linux or Windows, and is it a tablet PC or an external tablet device? I'm going to guess Windows, as in Linux the XInput events should be available even without a tablet (though it is mostly useless without a tablet device since trackpads etc. don't have pressure sensitivity).

    Xournal queries GTK+ at startup for the availability of XInput devices on the system, and grays the menu or not based on that. Normally, if there's a functioning Wacom device on your system at startup and the appropriate Wacom driver, the XInput and pressure sensitivity menus should be enabled regardless of what you used to actually launch Xournal. Unfortunately, I don't think GTK+ can start talking to the Wacom driver unless it was found at initialization, so this is not something I can change.

    I don't use Windows much but, on my system, the Wacom driver seems to take a while to start up due to a race condition, and for me Xournal shows the XInput and pressure options only if I wait at least 2-3 minutes after booting before starting xournal, but regardless of whether I launch it with the mouse or with the pen... Can you confirm that in your case what makes it work or not is whether you're using the pen or not at the precise moment while it's being started, and not just some arbitrary delay or first having used the pen in another program before starting xournal? Seems like a bug at the interface of the Wacom driver and the Windows port of GTK+...


  • Michael Walter

    Michael Walter - 2014-05-31

    I have the same problem. For me, it doesn't matter how long Windows has been running, but only if I have used the pen yet. This seems in line with Niklas' report.

    Is it possible to listen for a device-added signal or is that GTK3 only?

    • Denis Auroux

      Denis Auroux - 2014-06-01

      Alas, the device-added signal seems to be GTK3 only... As far as I know
      GTK2 looks for devices only during initial startup.


  • Denis Auroux

    Denis Auroux - 2014-06-30

    Ok, I agree that on Windows 8 the wacom driver is only active if the stylus has already been in contact with the screen sometime in the recent past. I don't see any way around this since GTK+-2 does not query the input devices after startup.


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