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Posted by Martijn Kaijser 2013-08-30

Vote for XBMC Media Center!

Vote for XBMC Media Center in SourceForge in SourceForge Community Choice Awards!

Remember a few weeks ago when you flocked in droves to cast your vote for XBMC Media Center to be eligible for SourceForge’s annual Community Choice Awards? You were at that time just voting to NOMINATE us as finalist candidate, and you did a great job at that so our thanks goes out to all of you.... read more

Posted by Andreas Setterlind 2009-06-23

XBMC 9.04 ‘Babylon’ released, ready for download

XBMC Media Center 9.04 (codename: Babylon) final is now released. Versions for Apple TV, Mac OS X (Tiger, Leopard. Intel-x86, PowerPC), Windows (XP, Vista), Linux (Ubuntu PPA), Xbox, and a bootable Live CD/USB distribution (XBMC Live) of this free cross-platform media center software are available and are ready for download, (as usual the full source code is also available in our SVN repository under the GPL open source license).... read more

Posted by Andreas Setterlind 2009-06-03

XBMC Media Center: ‘Atlantis’ Beta 1 released

XBMC media center is a free software cross-platform media player jukebox and entertainment hub. XBMC is capable of playing back almost all known video, audio and picture formats from a computers harddrive, DVD-ROM drive, a local-network, and the internet

Team-XBMC is proud to announce the first cross-platform Beta version of XBMC media center for Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, and Xbox, in preparation for the upcoming stable release of XBMC, code named ‘Atlantis’. There are three important news items associated with this release:... read more

Posted by Andreas Setterlind 2008-09-18

XBMC wins another SourceForge Community Choice Award

XBMC media center were nominated as finalist in this years SourceForge Community Choice Awards (CCA) in no less than seven categories, among those "Most Likely to Change the World" (awarded to Linux) and "Best Project for Multimedia" (awarded to VLC). The winners were announced at a party held as part of OSCON and XBMC won the award for "Best Project for Gamers". The "Best Project" award went to OpenOffice (which was overall winner taking home three awards in total).... read more

Posted by Andreas Setterlind 2008-07-29

Vote for XBMC in SourceForge 2008 Community Choice Awards

XBMC media center project has been nominated as finalist in the 2008 Community Choice Awards (CCA) in no less than seven categories. This is the third annual SourceForge CCA - in the first year XBMC won two of the categories ("best multimedia project" and "best game project"), and last year we were nominated in six categories however not enough XBMC fans voted so we did not win any category. So this year we like to request this to all XBMC users; please registered a user on (registration is free) and then vote for the XBMC project in one or more categories.... read more

Posted by Team-XBMC 2008-07-01

Announcing XBMC DEV CON 2008 hosted by boxee

XBMC DEV CON 2008 will be the first event in which the XBMC developers get a chance to get together face-to-face, meet and greet, discuss XBMC, and maybe get a little coding done as well. After 6 years and with so many users, it is time for the XBMC programmers to get out of the IRC chat-room and meet up in person to talk about the past, present, and future, set priorities and make plans (and yeah, play a few games), and who knows, this may even lead to a XBMC fan convention in the not too distant future.... read more

Posted by Andreas Setterlind 2008-05-30

XBMC, a Google Summer of Code 2008 Project

XBMC is participating in this year's Google Summer of Code (GSoC), which means that we are looking for creative college students who are skilled in the C++ programming language and would be interesting in getting paid by Google to work on new features for XBMC this summer.

Google is this year sponsoring its fourth annual Google Summer of Code (GSoC), a program in which Google rewards students with a stipend of up to US$4500 in order for them to get involved and develop open source code for an existing and established open source project, such as XBMC. So if you are interested here is your chance, XBMC is a cross-platform multimedia-player for Linux, Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows, and the original Xbox game console.... read more

Posted by Andreas Setterlind 2008-03-17

Vote for XBMC in 2007 Community Choice Award

Team-XBMC has just received news that the XBMC (Xbox Media Center) project has been nominated as a 2007 Community Choice Awards (CCA) finalist in no less than six categories. This is the second annual SourceForge CCA - last year the XBMC project won two of the categories; "best multimedia project" and "best game project". If you are a registered user on (registration is free) then you have until July 20th (2007) to vote for the XBMC project in one or more categories. The winning projects will be announced at the SourceForge CCA party on July 26th (2007) during OSCON at the Jupiter Hotel in Portland, Oregon. The winners will also be posted on the website before July 30th (2007). The prize: 'bragging rights' and the CCA logo on the XBMC project page.... read more

Posted by Andreas Setterlind 2007-07-10

XBMC recruiting developers for Linux port

Help wanted: As you may or may not have heard, a few developers on Team-XBMC have begun the porting of XBMC to Linux and OpenGL using the SDL toolkit. The goal is for this to become a full port of XBMC containing all the features and functions available in the Xbox version of XBMC. This is a huge task which is why we are making this public request, seeking C/C++ programmers to volunteer in assisting us with this Linux porting development project. Whether you have contributed to The XBMC Project in the past or not, please consider doing so now. Those of you who are completely unfamiliar with XBMC can get a good overview of what XBMC offers for its end-users by reading through the XBMC article on read more

Posted by Andreas Setterlind 2007-05-29

XboxMediaCenter 2.0.1 released!

Team-XBMC and The XBMC Project is proud to announce the release of XboxMediaCenter 2.0.1. XBox Media Center (XBMC) is an award winning, free and open source media player for the Xbox™ game-console. XboxMediaCenter 2.0.1 point-release source code has now been set in our CVS, and all XBMC users are highly encouraged to upgrade to this version. Know that this point-release version marks the end of the 2.0 era of XBMC, there will be no more 2.0.x bug-fix point-releases. The next point-release of XBMC will be 2.1 (or maybe even 3.0), and it will probably be quite a while before that 2.1 (or 3.0) version sees the light of day with all new major features/functions we have planned for the future, (those who can not wait can always use the latest daily CVS of XBMC).... read more

Posted by Andreas Setterlind 2006-11-12

XboxMediaCenter 2.0.0 released!

Team-XBMC and The XBMC Project is proud to announce the release of XboxMediaCenter 2.0.0. XBox Media Center (XBMC) is an award winning, free and open source media player for the Xbox™ game-console.

The XboxMediaCenter 2.0.0 point-release source code has now been set in our CVS. We consider that the current code in the XBMC CVS is as stable as a point-release should be. All XBMC users are highly encouraged to upgrade to this stable Xbox Media Center 2.0.0 point-release. Remember, the XBMC source code needs to be compiled with the XDK, and requires a modded Xbox to run. Our thanks goes out to everyone who has tested, reported bugs, and helped fix them in order to make this release possible.... read more

Posted by Andreas Setterlind 2006-10-02

XBMC DVD-Player announcement!

The day many of you have been waiting for has finally come; XBMC's built-in DVD-player core is now officially open to the public for general usage. The new dvdplayer-core, which a few of our developers have been working on for almost a year has been enabled in our CVS and is of today the default player for DVD-Video playback in XBMC. Please be patient with it, understand that it can be a bit buggy, it has some limitations, and still needs a lot of work. The basics functions for DVD-Video playback (DVD-menus support) is in there and from now on we will accept (properly formatted) bug-reports from end-users and we will do our best to help users of the player. We would also like to take this moment to ask and encourage programmers who may or may not yet have contributed to the XBMC project to step up and assist in the development of this new core for DVD-Video playback. Please take a look at the source code, its potential, and then look at the many (big and small) features that are missing or lacking, there are things that almost anyone can help with.... read more

Posted by Andreas Setterlind 2005-09-12

XboxMediaCenter 1.1.0 released!

XboxMediaCenter (XBMC) is a multimedia player come jukebox for Microsoft Xbox game console, it is capable of playing back almost all know video, audio and picture formats from the Xbox harddrive, Xbox DVD-ROM, from a local network or even of the internet. XBMC 1.1.0 FINAL point release source code has now been set in our CVS! Once again we felt that we had been holding off doing any official release candidates for so long that we now consider the current XBMC CVS to be as stable as a point release should and could be, so we decided that we were ready to go final without a release candidate process. Yes, there are still a few known bugs but none serious enough to stop you from fully using and enjoying XBMC. All XBMC users (and XBMP users if there still are any?) are highly encouraged to upgrade to this stable Xbox Media Center 1.1.0 point release which is now officially the only supported version. For those of you who are new to XBMC (and/or XBMP) please understand and respect that Team-XBMC do not release nor distribute Xbox executables (XDK binaries) at all, so please do not ask us where to find/download a compiled versions of XBMC (which you do require to run XBMC on your Xbox). Please read through our FAQ and the online-manual carefully before posting/asking anything in our official XBMC Community-Forums. Know that the official CVS feature/skin freeze has now been lifted, meaning our team-devs are again allowed to add new features/functions to the XBMC CVS, and independent programmers can too.... read more

Posted by Andreas Setterlind 2004-10-18

XboxMediaCenter 1.0.0 released!

XBMC 1.0.0 point release source code has now been set in our CVS, so believe it or not, the day that many of you been waiting for is finally here, today, now! We felt that we had been holding off doing release candidates for so long that we now consider the XBMC CVS to be as stable as a point release should be, so we decided that we were ready to go final (gold) without a release candidate process. Yes, there are still a few known bugs but none serious enough to stop you from fully enjoying XBMC. Know that we will keep the CVS feature freeze for a few more days, just in case any huge bugs are discovered in this release (in which case we fix them then set and announce a 1.0.1 point release src). All XBMP and XBMC-Beta users out there are highly encouraged to upgrade to Xbox Media Center 1.0.0 point release which is now officially the only supported version. For those of you who are new to XBMC (and/or XBMP) please understand and respect that we do not release nor distribute Xbox executable (XDK binaries) at all, so please do not ask us where to find/download compiled versions of XBMC (which you do require to run XBMC on your Xbox).... read more

Posted by Andreas Setterlind 2004-06-29

Public Announcement: Xbox Media Center (XBMC)

XboxMediaCenter (XBMC) is a new free open source (GPL) multimedia player for Microsoft's Xbox. XboxMediaCenter is still in beta stage but can currently be used to play and view most video/audio/picture formats such as MPEG/MPG, VOB, AVI, OGM, DivX, XVID, MP3, OGG, JPG, GIF and many more direct from a CD/DVD in the DVD-ROM or of the Xbox build-in hard disk drive, it can also play files over a network (LAN) from a PC via an "XStream Server" application or from a Windows (SMB) share. It has playlist + slideshow functions and ability to funcion as a full replacement Xbox dashboard. These and more features enables the Xbox running XboxMediaCenter to fully function as a multi-media jukebox. XboxMediaCenter also known as "Xbox Media Center" or simply "XBMC". ... read more

Posted by Andreas Setterlind 2003-10-01