
XBMC, a Google Summer of Code 2008 Project

XBMC is participating in this year's Google Summer of Code (GSoC), which means that we are looking for creative college students who are skilled in the C++ programming language and would be interesting in getting paid by Google to work on new features for XBMC this summer.

Google is this year sponsoring its fourth annual Google Summer of Code (GSoC), a program in which Google rewards students with a stipend of up to US$4500 in order for them to get involved and develop open source code for an existing and established open source project, such as XBMC. So if you are interested here is your chance, XBMC is a cross-platform multimedia-player for Linux, Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows, and the original Xbox game console.

The student application period starts on Monday March 24th and closes Monday March 31st, so be sure to hurry to sign-up and submit a project proposal by then, however there's no reason to wait for the application period to start before you get involved, so you can begin now deciding on an idea and discussing it with the team. To take part you are required to perform a small qualification task to make sure that you are prepared for your larger project. There is more information and some ideas for qualification tasks and projects on our wiki article for this years GSoC - see the link below. So get thinking about what you'd like to see in XBMC this summer that you may be able to help out on, and post on our forums about your idea for feedback from the team and the community!

- The XBMC GSoC 2008 Wiki Article
- Google Summer of Code Sign-up
- XBMC community forum discussion

Posted by Andreas Setterlind 2008-03-17

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