
Writer2xhtml: Attributes or inline styles?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-03-20

    Thank you for providing this excellent tool. It's a welcome improvement over OO's native HTML export support.

    I had hoped to use it to upload documents I compose in OO to LiveJournal. LJ permits HTML, but it also has a post length limit, so it's important that the HTML be as terse as possible while still formatting the text more or less as I want. I'm therefore using a config based on cleanxhtml.xml, and it's mostly satisfactory. (As you might imagine, OO's extremely verbose HTML was problematic.)

    However, although I generally do not want style information exported, there's one paragraph style which I would always like to be centered. Is there any way to include a tag attribute (such as align="center") or an inline style via the style map? Or am I approaching this wrongly?

  • Henrik Just

    Henrik Just - 2011-03-24


    Thanks for your feedback.

    Unfortunately there is no support for mapping styles to inline styles.
    * If the paragraphs are formatted with a style, you can map this to a CSS class of your choice, e.g. <p class="mycenteredclass">
    (in the user interface that is Tools-Options-Writer2xhtml-Master styles)
    * If the paragraphs are formatted with hard/direct formatting you may try
    <option name="formatting" value="ignore_styles"/>
    (In the user interface that is Tools-Options-Writer2xhtml-Formatting-Ignore styles)
    This will convert all hard/direct formatting. If your document is sufficiently well-structured this might give the result you want.

    If none of this suits your needs, please let me know which new options would do.

    Best regards


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