
No Year from Vorbis Tag

  • jerryleebenjamin

    Hi out there!

    I am using version 1.2 of TagSupportExtender. And I have numerous OGG files edited with Mp3tag v2.36a. I also filled the Year tag but after importing the tags in WMP 11 the date tag is not imported. My OGG files are correct because I used the other freeware tag plugin that is available and this one imports the date (unfortunately it doesn't make use of albumartist...)

    So do you have an idea of what is going wrong?!

    Thx and have a nice New Years Eve :-) Sascha.....*>

    • M@B

      M@B - 2007-01-01

      No idea, but i'm not sure you're not mixing the 'DATE' tag with the 'YEAR' tag...And beware of the format. Currently WMPTSE handles only year format (YYYY) no day, month nor anything else...


    • jerryleebenjamin

      Hi MaB_fr!

      In fact the DATE tag is filled. Mp3Tag 2.36 cannot fill a seperate YEAR tag of an ogg file. It always fills DATE. And the format is exactly yyyy, so from my point of view it should not be a problem.

      I sent you a vorbis file that matches my description by mail. If you could have a look at it and tell me if there is anything wrong I would be glad.

      Thx, Sascha.....*>

      • M@B

        M@B - 2007-01-04

        I've checked...There's a DATE tag with year format and WMTPSE does recognize it...So i see no problem under my config...

        Any more information ?


    • jerryleebenjamin

      OK! If your MediaPlayer reads the DATE tag with the given OGG file there must be a problem with my configuration. I encounter the problem on two computers:

      Windows Media Center 2005
      K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 1.62

      Windows XP SP2
      K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 1.60

      On both computers I am logged in as a user with administrator rights. I also had older versions of the WMPTSE installed before version 1.2 on both computers.
      Using Tag Support Plugin for Media Player 1.1 from the DATE tag is read and set!!! correctly on both computers...
      WMPTSE has problems setting the tag on my computer. It is read correctly from the OGG file but cannot be stored in the media library using the API functions on my computer.

      Any more ideas whay this happens?

      Thx, Sascha.....*>

    • Ken Larabee

      Ken Larabee - 2007-01-21

      I have this same problem.  No matter what I try, WMP always displays 'Unknown Year' with FLAC files. I have experienced this problem on two systems.

      Config 1
      Win XP SP2
      WMP 11
      illiminable oggcodec 0.73.1936
      WMPTSE 1.2 (previous version was installed)

      Config 2
      Win XP SP2
      WMP 11
      illiminable oggcodec 0.71.0946
      WMPTSE 1.2 (no previous version ever installed)

      I have tried this with files made with FLAC 1.1.2a and 1.1.3b.  I use EAC with '-T "date=%y"' (I have even tried "DATE=%y", "year=%y" and even hard-coding a date "date=20067") in the command line options to create my FLAC files.

      The GodFather software tool displays the vorbis comments complete with YEAR/DATE information.  However, unlike the previous person, using plugin does NOT fix my problems.  WMP still displays 'unknown year'.


      • M@B

        M@B - 2007-01-21

        There's no reason why it shouldn't work with some software and not others...

        Could you please (legally) send me the incriminated file ? Or at least the necessary part ?

        The FLAC version shouldn't make a difference.


    • Ken Larabee

      Ken Larabee - 2007-01-21


      As you requested, I have sent you a small sample FLAC file I have made.

      I am fairly sure it has to be my software configuration here (tho it occurred on both my desktop and laptop) - some conflict between software apps. As an experiment I decided to try creating a wavpack file with APEv2 tags.  The result ended up the same - WMP still displayed 'Unknown Year' for the newly created wavpack file.  Again checking the tags with GodFather resulted in the APEv2 tags looking fine.

      It must be a conflict with different DLL versions somewhere in Windows.  The really odd part is I just tried this on my laptop and it behaves identically.  This is despite the fact the laptop is only a couple months old and I have not installed much upon it yet.

      Not sure if it matters, but the full version of WMP on my desktop is: 11.0.5721.5145

      Anyways, thanks for your assistance and time in making this tool.


    • alidaf

      alidaf - 2007-01-22

      I also have this problem.  Also, the 'length' tag is empty in WMP (version 11).  I only noticed it when messing about with a new PMP.  I was using Media Monkey to synchronize and switched to WMP to compare the two.  I used MP3TAG to create/modify my vorbis tags and they appear correct in that, Media Monkey and Winamp.
      Great utility though.  I wouldn't have bought the PMP I did if I didn't know about this tool.

    • Ken Larabee

      Ken Larabee - 2007-01-22

      Actually, from what I've read here in this forum and in the Hydrogenaudio Forums, the 'length' field is behaving as designed.

      The purpose of MetaData/Tags is to provide additional information about the data in the file, that can not be obtained from the actual data itself.  The length of an audio file can be determined by examining/decoding the data itself.  One could argue the data itself would give you a more accurate/correct length, than a custom edited text field.

      In short, its not the Metadata/Tags job to provide WMP with the length of the audio file.  The DirectShow codec should provide WMP with this length.  If it does not (as illiminable oggcodec does not) this would be a bug in the codec and nothing to do with WMPTSE.

      Tho, seeing as I didn't write this software tool, I probably should assume anything ;-)

      The DATE Tag ('Date Released' for WMP) not appearing does appear to be a problem.  Or at the least a configuration problem on my (and some other users) end.


      • M@B

        M@B - 2007-01-23

        You're perfectly right. No more to say.

        Year/Date tag is currently under investigation.


    • Ken Larabee

      Ken Larabee - 2007-01-22

      Hmmm... wish there was a way to edit posts...

      Correction: Tho, seeing as I didn't write this software tool, I probably SHOULDN'T assume anything ;-)

    • jerryleebenjamin

      Any news on this? I already updated to version 1.4 but still neither on my laptop nor on my MCE system the year tag is being imported from OGG files.

    • djoole

      djoole - 2007-06-02

      Hi, and first, thanks for the great plugin.
      I wouldn't use Vista Media Center without your plugin :-)

      I have the same year problem here, on WMP11 Vista

      Is there any new about this issue?

    • djoole

      djoole - 2007-06-24

      Hi again,
      Is there any news about this missing year problem?


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