
#57 RC6 Suggestions

Other (29)

After having used RC6 for a few days, I have a few
suggestions to make it better.

1)I would like to see a hook on reading registry. I
think this could really improve Winpooch.

2)I would like to see the delete key added as a quicker
way to delete rules. (With pop-up "are you sure...")

3)The last thing I would like to see is a more secure
kill process option. I can think of two ways to
implement this. The first being some sort of checkbox
such as, "Show protected processes." Which would
toggle whether or not certain processes show.
The other way I could suggest to implement this
security, is simply a better warning box for closing of
"protected" processes. So that a user does not close
something that they shouldn't.

What I mean by a "protected" process, is a process
which could crash your system when killed. There are
many processes which are NOT safe to kill. I
understand that you can not always be sure which
processes are safe and which are not safe to kill, but
you could EASILY build a list of processes which are
for sure not safe to close.

Another thing you could do, to increase the
functionality of this suggestion, is use the registry,
as is done with background-scan, using multiple-string
keys. This way, not only could you create standard
"protected processes" (Perhaps on Winpooch first run,
so it can make sure it finds the correct EXEs via
system path) that are always there, but also, the user
could add to the list processes they have found
"unsafe" to close.


  • Visualcode

    Visualcode - 2006-08-19
    • assigned_to: nobody --> bblanchon
  • Benoît Blanchon

    Logged In: YES

    OK, I added 1) and 2).
    I keep this tracker open.
    I'll add the 3) later because it requires much more work.


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