
#2941 TimeSizeCompare with TimeShift

Not Scheduled

related to the discuss in phpBB forum 'one-hour differencies'
I create that patch whitch allow users to select a time difference in hh:mm:ss
So th engine will compare with same time, or filetime+ TimeShift and of option ingore smalltimediff also.


  • Matthias

    Matthias - 2010-04-23


  • Kimmo Varis

    Kimmo Varis - 2010-05-03

    So this implements one and perhaps the least interesting part of time ignore in compare. No, I'm not very interested.

    There are at least these cases for time ignore:
    #1 ignore time differences less than given time
    #2 ignore time differences greater than given time
    #3 ignore exactly given time difference
    #4 ignore time difference greater than A but smaller than B

    First two are the really useful ones. You can ignore files changed in last couple of days if you want to compare files changed last week. Or you can ignore files that have changed during last hour if you know you changed some important file during last hour.

    #3 is to fix some special cases. Yes, some users need them but they are always some special case. #4 might be handy with #1 and #2 also.

    GUI can be always improved later on but actual compare code must support all these cases from the beginning.

  • Matthias

    Matthias - 2010-05-08

    sorry, i dont agree. we should only compare with a defined difference.
    what you suggest must be a part of filtering. so not only in filename but also in
    attfibutes.time or size.selected for one, or both sides. that would expant the opendialog.

  • Kimmo Varis

    Kimmo Varis - 2010-05-09

    Why is not this then part of the filtering. Consistency is important in GUI. Either we have all these date/time ignores in compare options or in filtering. Opinions are nice but you really need to have facts about usability. Opinions don't matter and only lead to arguing forever.

    And to have file attributes part of the filtering would need totally new filtering mechanisms, GUIs etc. No sense to do that for just this trivial feature.

  • Matthias

    Matthias - 2010-05-25

    >Either we have all these date/time ignores in compare options or in filtering.
    Agree with you. I prefer filter for that. Even it is a lot todo.
    The one hour diff make more sence in compare, as this mostly effects in sommer/wintertime.

  • Kimmo Varis

    Kimmo Varis - 2010-06-06

    One hour difference is just one common case. But it is not the only one. We don't want to specialize GUI for each such case. Special cases are always bad.

  • Christian List

    Christian List - 2013-03-02
    • milestone: Trunk --> Not Scheduled

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