
#1231 New function to copy selection from one pane to other



RFE: [ 1202409 ] Request shortcut for ctrl-c, F6, ctrl-v

This patch copies the text in the selected area of the
active pane to the selected area of the other pane.


  • elsapo

    elsapo - 2005-05-16

    Logged In: YES

    (Of course there are zillions of spurious changes to the rc
    file, due to the fact that our Merge.rc file is so different
    from how MSVC6 writes it out -- ignore the rc file -- the
    only difference is, of course, adding the accelerator.)

  • elsapo

    elsapo - 2005-05-16

    150Kb zip of 6 files changed & original

  • elsapo

    elsapo - 2005-05-16

    Logged In: YES

    Oh, I also added a menu item to the bottom of the Edit menu
    for this functionality - when I was struggling because F2
    hotkeys don't work.

    The new function, performed by this patch, is driven by
    command symbol ID_COPYSELACROSS.

  • Kimmo Varis

    Kimmo Varis - 2005-05-16

    Logged In: YES

    Hmm. What happens when there is no selection in other side?
    Text is copied to cursor pos, and that can be surprising
    user. Because cursor and/or anchor might not be where user
    expects it to be..

    This would be very nice if it could be used to replace
    selected line in another file. I mean, seleting line in
    FileA, and this feature replaces matching line in another
    file, instead of appending new text. That would be handy for
    example merging rc files, no need to copy/paste new strings,
    just select line in other side and use this.

    Determining that 'matching line' in another file is usually
    simple by view line number (not actual file linenumber). But
    propably there are nasty special cases too.

  • elsapo

    elsapo - 2005-05-16

    Logged In: YES

    re: when there is no selection in other side

    Yes, it pastes where the caret it, which is the invisible
    selection area.

    This was exactly what I want, when I'm in the middle of
    doing the hundreds of times of this in the Chinese merge --
    that happened when there was nothing on the right side. That
    was fairly rare, actually, and I forget -- oh, it happened
    with keyword changes.

    I think maybe you're talking about a different functionality
    -- about finding the matching line. I mean, that would be
    different than this one.

    I think this one is pretty simple to explain -- copy
    selected area to selected area

  • Kimmo Varis

    Kimmo Varis - 2005-05-16

    Logged In: YES

    Pasting to where cursor is doesn't make sense many times.
    Cursor is usually in begin of line in other view. Unless you
    specifically set cursor position in another view, and then
    you propably select word(s) you want to replace also.

    And after scrolling to diff cursor is at begin of first line
    of diff. When do you want to copy from middle of (for
    example) third line to begin of first line (of diff)?

    This is fine to replace selection in another file. But its
    pretty problematic when there is no selection. You cannot
    suprise users with unpredictable paste location. And thats
    the reason we don't have those line-by-line diff features,
    correct behavior is hard to get right.

  • elsapo

    elsapo - 2005-05-16

    Logged In: YES

    But, what I really want here, is exactly to paste where the
    cursor is. That is the whole point. The reason is that I'm
    not selecting where the cursor is, WinMerge is, because I'm
    doing this right after doing either "shift-F4" or "F4,F4",
    both of which set the cursor the appropriate place.

  • elsapo

    elsapo - 2005-05-16

    Logged In: YES

    By the way

    > And thats the reason we don't have those line-by-line diff
    features, correct behavior is hard to get right.

    What are these "line-by-line diff features" ?

    If I knew, I've forgotten. :(

  • elsapo

    elsapo - 2005-05-16

    Logged In: YES

    Can we move the discussion about finding matching lines to
    somewhere more appropriate? I have some thought about that,
    but this doesn't seem to me to be a very good place for me
    to put them.

    (That--finding matching lines--could be pretty useful.)

  • Kimmo Varis

    Kimmo Varis - 2005-05-16

    Logged In: YES

    Yes. We have couple of RFE items about that already.

    Can you change this patch so it only replaces selection for
    now. Like I mentioned, its confusing if copied selection
    appears to seemingly random places (inactive view has no
    cursor visible!).

  • elsapo

    elsapo - 2005-05-16

    Logged In: YES

    Well, its not as useful if it doesn't handle the case that
    the selection on the other side is empty.

    I wrote it to work perfectly with both Shift-F4 and F4,F4.

    If I understand, you want it only work when the matching
    area on the other side is non-empty?

    That will mostly impede this on the F4 operations -- the
    ones where you are walking across the interior diffs in a
    line, and some of them have empty matching spots on the
    other, because you have an added word highlighted.

    I suppose the workaround (if we make this patch not work for
    those parts), is to hit F6 and then do it again, because it
    will work the other way, but no -- that will merge the wrong

    I think this functionality is actually less confusing that
    the existing ctrl-alt-right arrow, because with this, you
    can see what just happened -- with ctrl-alt-right, you
    usually cannot see what just happened, because WinMerge
    purposefully scrolls to somewhere else immediately.

    But, even though ctrl-alt-right is somewhat dangerous and
    possibly confusing, we want it, because it is so useful to
    power users; I certainly want it -- the single keystroke
    that it saves is very valuable because it is so common.

    I think this patch is similar -- it only saves a few
    keystrokes, but they are terribly repetitive when you're
    using them.

    This functionality, like ctrl-alt-right, is aimed at the
    power user, not the novice. The novice is likely to start
    out doing simple select, copy, select paste operations.

  • elsapo

    elsapo - 2005-05-16

    Logged In: YES

    Hm. I'm sure I can cripple this function to only work if the
    other side has non-empty selection, but I'm not immediately
    sure how to do so, so I'll have to investigate, and post a
    revised, crippled version later. (In this code, I never had
    to fetch the selection from the other side -- but it should
    be analogous to fetching the active selection text, so it
    should be easy.) Then I can apply that (new crippled) one
    for now, right?

  • elsapo

    elsapo - 2005-05-16

    Logged In: YES

    Here is the revised method code for a crippled version, for
    minimized possible confusion:

    void CMergeDoc::CopySelToOtherView(CMergeEditView * pActiveView)
    CMergeEditView * pInactiveView = GetOtherView(pActiveView);

    CString text = pActiveView->GetCopyableText();
    CString oldtext = pInactiveView->GetCopyableText();
    if (oldtext.IsEmpty())
    return; // we don't copy if there isn't a selection
    on the other side
    pInactiveView->ReplaceSelection(text, 0);


  • Kimmo Varis

    Kimmo Varis - 2005-05-16

    Logged In: YES

    Ctrl-Alt-Left/Right behaves always like expected. It doesn't
    copy random diffs to random places.

    Hmm. Good point that F4 sets cursor position to inactive
    side, and then this is useful as adding text. Now, this
    starts to sound like we should have this as just
    shortcut/helper for F4, not as general feature.

    But still, user cannot see cursor position in inactive view,
    so user has no clue where text is to be added. After F4 user
    has clue and certain expectation, its safe and good behavior.

    But real problem is when that text is pasted to totally
    different place, it can even be begin of first line of view.
    User may not even notice where text was pasted, especially
    if its already inside another diff. So one scrolls view and
    losts pasted text, saves file...

    This scares me somewhat, making unexpected changes to files.

    Hmm. Do we have a way to determine if current selection is
    by word-diff? Then we could (at start) enable this only when
    used with F4?

  • Kimmo Varis

    Kimmo Varis - 2005-05-16

    Logged In: YES

    That revised method is ok for me. Don't get me wrong, I
    certainly am happy user of this new feature, but we have to
    handle all cases not just most obvious ones. Like shown with
    multi-doc and per-doc-menu patches, both work nice for
    general cases but then there are those ugly corner cases.

  • elsapo

    elsapo - 2005-05-16

    Logged In: YES

    > Ctrl-Alt-Left/Right behaves always like expected. It doesn't
    copy random diffs to random places.

    I don't understand -- are you saying that this patch copies
    to random place? I wrote the patch, and didn't observe any
    behavior like that. I admit I didn't test very much -- have
    you tried it?

    I don't understand what you mean by unexpected change either.

    This is like ctrl-alt-right -- if you push it, that is what
    you get. Except, this patch doesn't scroll away, so at least
    it doesn't try to hide the results from you.

    But, the crippled version will probably solve most of my
    needs anyway, so I doubt I'll care :)

  • elsapo

    elsapo - 2005-05-16

    Logged In: YES

    How about if I leave a comment in the code, saying to remove
    those two lines to get the uncrippled version? Just to help
    me find them and remove them, if I need the full version, in
    my own IDE running.

  • Kimmo Varis

    Kimmo Varis - 2005-05-16

    Logged In: YES

    You have not seen weird behavior since you are using it like
    you expect it is to be used. Other case is simple (once again):
    - scroll to diff with Alt-Down
    Now, where is the cursor in another (inactive) file?

    It is in begin of the first line of diff. Do we agree about

    Now, user selects text in active view, lets say from third
    line in diff, and uses this feature. Where does text get
    copied? To third line of diff in inactive view? Nope. To
    begin of first line of diff. Does user expect that? I don't
    think so.

    What if cursor is somewhere else in file? User may have
    edited that other file, then swiched to other side to select
    text. Now user has no any idea where cursor is in inactive
    file, and where text gets copied. And cursor can be outside
    visible area of file. Just scroll view using scrollbars.
    That certainly causes confusion.

    I've spent many days with this selection and inactive file
    cursor position code. Its hard to get right so it feels natural.

    Full code in comments is OK. Propably best solution right
    now so more people can easily experiment with this.

  • elsapo

    elsapo - 2005-05-17

    Logged In: YES

    Another approach would be some type of UI so that I can make
    this as a macro.

    That might make more sense, as you're convinced that this is
    too dangerous for users, right?

    And I'm entirely convinced that this is what I need (after
    doing hundreds of operations wishing I had it).

    So, some type of interface like macros, where I can program
    in this functionality, but it won't affect other users,
    might be best.

  • Kimmo Varis

    Kimmo Varis - 2005-05-18

    Logged In: YES

    I like this idea and I have thought implementing something
    like this myselft. But UI has serious problems.

    Hmm. Just checking that we are replacing selecting in same
    screen lines propably addresses all complaints I have.

    So this could be done in two ways:
    - only enable/allow this feature when cursor/selection is
    in same lines in both sides
    - enable/allow always, but show warning if cursor/selection
    is in different lines

  • elsapo

    elsapo - 2005-05-23

    Logged In: YES

    I thought about it some, but I am not ready to try to solve
    the UI for macros -- that will be difficult.

    So I'll go back to applying a reduced version of this patch.


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