
Menu is smashed...

  • Thomas Coyle

    Thomas Coyle - 2015-12-06

    The menu is smashed to the left side of the application. I am running Win7 SP1 64bit



    Last edit: Thomas Coyle 2015-12-06
  • matt911

    matt911 - 2015-12-06

    I tested it just now on a system with Windows 7 SP1 Ultimate (64-bit) and I could not reproduce the problem.

    I would suggest first off you make sure you have installed all available Windows updates for Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 through Windows Update.

    If that doesn't resolve the problem perhaps you could answer these questions that might help me narrow it down by helping me figure out how your configuration is different from the "standard" U.S. Windows configuration.

    1) Are you running WT# on a standard Windows machine? If you are running in a virtual machine or emulated Windows environment like WINE on Linux or Parallels on Mac please let me know what the environment is.
    2) What country and language is your version of Windows?
    3) What is the resolution of your screen?
    4) Do you use the default display DPI for Windows or have you increased the DPI in the control panel to make text and icons appear larger?
    5) Do you use the default Windows font sizes or have you changed them?
    6) Does your computer have a single monitor or more than one monitor?
    7) Do you use the default Windows visual style or have you possibly disabled visual styles by selecting the old Windows 2000 classic visual style?


    Last edit: matt911 2015-12-06
  • matt911

    matt911 - 2015-12-07

    I looked at the code to see how this might have happened and it appears that probably what is happening is I am calling TextRenderer.MeasureText and it is returning a Size with a negative width so instead of the tabs expanding out to the right they are being drawn right on top of each other because the final calculated width of each tab in the tab control after adding padding ends up right around 0. How or why this would happen is unclear to me.

    Is your Windows version perhaps from a country or language that displays data on the screen in Right-To-Left format rather than Left-To-Right like the Arabic or Hebrew version?

    I could try to make a version that can account for negative values by making them positive to see if that will fix the rendering problem, but I don't understand exactly why it is happening or if the rest of the layout will work properly once that is fixed. I don't know if it is because of some bug in an old version of NET Framework, because of a bug in the NET Framework emulation provided in a virtual environment,, because of some corrupted font data that is returning the font size as negative or something of that nature, or because of some natural behavior of MeasureText that is different on right-to-left versions but not documented on Microsoft's website.

  • matt911

    matt911 - 2015-12-07

    I've released a new experimental revision that attempts to deal with the issue of possible negative return values of MeasureText. Perhaps this will fix your rendering issue. Please try it and let me know if it fixes the issue. It is available in the experimental folder in the files area or as the default WT# download link on the main page.

  • Thomas Coyle

    Thomas Coyle - 2015-12-11

    Sorry for the delay,I did not receive any notification that this topic was updated. After checking my system settings, my text size was set to medium. The menu appeared correctly after changing this setting to small in both versions. The menu is still smashed in the experimental version with the text set to medium.

    1) Are you running WT# on a standard Windows machine? If you are running in a virtual machine or emulated Windows environment like WINE on Linux or Parallels on Mac please let me know what the environment is. standard windows machine
    2) What country and language is your version of Windows? US and english
    3) What is the resolution of your screen? 1920x1080
    4) Do you use the default display DPI for Windows or have you increased the DPI in the control panel to make text and icons appear larger? medium
    5) Do you use the default Windows font sizes or have you changed them? medium
    6) Does your computer have a single monitor or more than one monitor? laptop single monitor
    7) Do you use the default Windows visual style or have you possibly disabled visual styles by selecting the old Windows 2000 classic visual style? default windows style

  • matt911

    matt911 - 2015-12-12

    Ok, thanks for the report. It sounds as if there is some kind of bug in the way the scaling is being calculated at modified DPI. I can't increase the DPI on my reguloar screen and have WT# still fit on the screen but I'll find a higher resolution screen to debug it on and get it fixed in the next few days I hope.

  • matt911

    matt911 - 2015-12-12

    A new revision, has been uploaded which I believe has solved the DPI issue with the tab control so it will render properly on machines with higher than the default DPI. Let me know if it works for you or if you notice any other problems with the rendering.


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