
#646 Escaping error in HTML export


Hi Mark,

I find some fields of Miscellaneous type not escaped in HTML export (Publisher, Medium, Authors).


2 Attachments


News: 2024/01/wikindx-v680-release-candidate-1
News: 2024/02/wikindx-v680-release-candidate-2
News: 2024/02/wikindx-v680


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  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2024-01-28

    . . . but perhaps my latest fix accomplishes the task without substitution or need for another function. It might be helped with {1} in it. If it's fine, I'll remove the print statements and commenting.

    • Stéphane Aulery

      Not botter. It's an edge case. Let's save this for later and continue.

      • Mark Grimshaw

        Mark Grimshaw - 2024-01-28

        OK. I'll save the code as is with comments in case it is needed later. But I'll improve the multiple punctuation detection because it does need to account for HTML entities elsewhere.

        • Stéphane Aulery

          If at the time of release there are still things to correct, we will close this ticket and open a second ticket with more precise information on the remaining error.

  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2024-01-28

    Hi Stéphane,

    I have no problem with tinyMCE—I know it's fine. What I want to know is, when loading a resource into the edit interface's text inputs (not textareas), should I escape what comes from the database?

    i.e. &amp; in the database becomes &in the text input and thus is saved back to the database as &.

    This is what happens currently but seems wrong to me because the user might have entered &amp; quite deliberately in the text input to begin with.

    If what we are doing is wrong, then I should also check other text input interfaces such as editing keywords, creators, collections, publishers, etc.

    If there are issues with imports, then that is another issue.


    • Stéphane Aulery

      I checked. Yes "My & test 2" in the database is displayed "My & test 2" in the resource form. It's wrong. Thext should be displayed in input and texarea is ain the database. TinyMCE is a special case.

      Perhaps there are some case where $value should be escaped in textInput(). In which case, we should write a textInputRawValue() and use that explicitly in RESOURCEFORM and elsewhere.


      Last edit: Mark Grimshaw 2024-01-28
      • Mark Grimshaw

        Mark Grimshaw - 2024-01-28

        Great. I will check throughout.

      • Mark Grimshaw

        Mark Grimshaw - 2024-01-28

        The solution that I can see is that \FORM\_inlineHtmlAttribute() in \form\textnput() should not be applied to $value because that escapes $value (which is not what we want).

        • Stéphane Aulery

          Hum. No, it's because I made this found universal by not double escaping but the value the should be escaped regardless to retrain the original value. I still need to fix the escaping of value attribut.

          • Mark Grimshaw

            Mark Grimshaw - 2024-01-28

            My edit disappeared.. . . I added that perhaps a textInputRaw() should be added and explicitly used in RESOURCEFORM and elsewhere where escaping of a value from the database is not wanted.

            Other than that, don't know what else to suggest if we don't want textInputs to escape data from the database.

  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2024-01-28

    . . . and your latest fix does it.

    • Stéphane Aulery

      Escazping is always a headache.

      • Mark Grimshaw

        Mark Grimshaw - 2024-01-28


  • Stéphane Aulery

    • status: open --> wip
  • Stéphane Aulery

    • status: wip --> pending
  • Stéphane Aulery

    • status: pending --> closed
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