
WIKINDX / News: Recent posts

Wikindx v6.3.8 Released

Focus: Minor bug fixes, maintenance, and feature enhancements


  • Correct a path for a file icon.
  • For the special restricted user, ensure they cannot change their user details (inc. password) in MyWikindx.
  • Tidied up display of MyWikindx.
  • Fix a duplicate declaration of default value for db users.usersFullname field.
  • Update the repairkit schema.
  • Prevent a crash when the database is empty and the userId is known by the session.
  • Prevent a crash with a negative result when full-text searching attachments (Advanced search).
  • When full-text searching attachments (Advanced search), ensure all attachments with the search term are presented for each resource.
  • When browsing resources or listing some by various parameters, ensure the displayed list parameters are maintained through reordering operations.
  • Fix a missing input message when the last multi list is Metadata:Keyword.
  • Fix for web server crash with pasted images:
  • Guard against null resource IDs in the total list when executing some searches.
  • Correct 'Resources citing this' link when viewing a single resource.
  • When browsing cited creators, ensure cited resources without creators do not cause an error.
  • Ensure there is no option to add bookmarks when viewing the front page.
  • When deleting resources from within a list (i.e. using the select box to delete set resources), ensure that the new display of the list has the corrected number of resources and the correct paging links. Equally, if all resources in the list are deleted, return to the FRONT page.
  • When browsing metadata keywords, clicking on the Reorder button produced and error: fixed.... read more
Posted by Stéphane Aulery 2020-08-19

Wikindx v6.3.7 Released

Focus: Minor bug fixes and feature enhancements


  • Correct a path for a file icon.

Feature enhancements

  • Added delete icons to individual quotes, paraphrases, and musings when viewing a resource.
Posted by Stéphane Aulery 2020-07-21

Wikindx v6.3.6 Released

Focus: Minor bug fixes and maintenance


When adding a plain/txt attachment to a resource, ensure it is copied to the cache directory so it can be searched from Advanced search.
In Advanced search, correct a path when zipping attachments.
Minor correction APA style for unpublished works.


Update PHPMailer to 6.1.7.
Add a component compatible version for each type of component.

Posted by Stéphane Aulery 2020-07-21

Chang of licence for WIKINDX

As of v6.3.5 released 14th July 2020, WIKINDX has changed its licence to the ISC open source licence ( There are several reasons for this but chief among them is a desire to enhance WIKINDX with collaborative-authoring capabilities. That is, software for academic authoring (collaborative or not) that includes at least a database of bibliographic resources and citation data and ideas, a WYSIWYG word processor, and automatic formatting of bibliography and citations before exporting to a file format such as RTF or PDF. In order to achieve this, we need to shift the basis for the external code we use for providing WYSIWYG editing from one vendor to another. This latter vendor provides the collaborative authoring we require but also requires a specific licence for WIKINDX in order to make their code freely available to us and, ultimately, to you.... read more

Posted by Mark Grimshaw 2020-07-14

Wikindx v6.3.5 Released

Focus: Minor bug fixes and maintenance


  • For the wikindx testdrive, update the password of user 'wikindx'.
  • Ensure menu plugins display in the menu system where $authorize in the plugin's config.php is set to 1.
  • Fix an SQL error for non-admin registered users using QUICKSEARCH and alphabetical listing.
  • Corrected incorrect paging when inserting a citation into metadata.

Maintenance... read more

Posted by Stéphane Aulery 2020-07-14

Wikindx v6.3.4 Released

Focus: Quick bug fix


  • Fix for compatibility with PHP < 7.2
Posted by Stéphane Aulery 2020-07-09

Wikindx v6.3.3 Released

Focus: Quick bug fix


  • Fix the release of ideagen plugin and default template components.
Posted by Stéphane Aulery 2020-07-06

Wikindx v6.3.2 Released

Focus: Maintenance and minor feature enhancemen


  • Fix an error that prevent the upgrade of components.
  • Fix some notices when a resource without creator is displayed.
  • Fix the BCP 47 code of to_TO locale.
  • Temporary fix to legacy issue (to be fixed permanently on next database upgrade) – disabled resource types can be stored incorrectly leading to errors when disabling the types from Admin|Configure.
  • Fix mismatch between search results in numerical and alphabetical mode.
  • Add missing message about 'shortNewspaper'.
  • Fix display of deactivated resource types in Admin|Configure.... read more
Posted by Stéphane Aulery 2020-07-05

Wikindx v6.3.2 Beta 2 Released

Focus: Maintenance and minor feature enhancemen

Caution: this is a beta version which may still contain some bugs. We provide it for testing before a public release.


  • Fix an error that prevent the upgrade of components.
  • Fix some notices when a resource without creator is displayed.
  • Fix the BCP 47 code of to_TO locale.
  • Temporary fix to legacy issue (to be fixed permanently on next database upgrade) – disabled resource types can be stored incorrectly leading to errors when disabling the types from Admin|Configure.
  • Fix mismatch between search results in numerical and alphabetical mode.... read more
Posted by Stéphane Aulery 2020-07-03

Wikindx v6.3.2 Beta 1 Released

Focus: Maintenance

Caution: this is a beta version which may still contain some bugs. We provide it for testing before a public release.


  • Fix an error that prevent the upgrade of components.


  • Changes the operation of the component version number so as not to mislead users.
  • Increase memory prerequisite to 64MB.
  • Add a notice about memory comsumption of upgrade stage 13.
Posted by Stéphane Aulery 2020-06-20

Wikindx v6.3.1 Released

Focus: Quick bug fix.


  • Fix an error in v6.3.0 upgrade relating to components.json and an incorrect UPDATEDATABASE.php.
  • Upgrade plugins to wikindx plugin version 8.
  • Attempt to deal with a memory leak when caching large PDF files on attachment uploads.
  • As an exception to guarantee access in the event of a misconfiguration or an offline server, if the LDAP authentication of the Super Admin account fails, a second will be attempted with the native method.
  • Prevent the loading of broken plugins.
  • Force to refresh the components.json files on upgrade.
  • Catch more errors of LDAP auth.... read more
Posted by Stéphane Aulery 2020-06-20

Wikindx v6.3.0 Released

Focus: Minor bug fixes and feature enhancements and maintenance.


  • Fix SQL errors on insert citation.
  • Fix SQL errors on listing citing resources when viewing a single resource.
  • Fix display of user bibliography details when viewing a single resource.
  • Fix SQL error in QUICKSEARCH resulting from a NULL id.
  • Fix an error of version check in the repairKit.
  • When loading the basic configuration, only check email settings if email is enabled.
  • Fix the type of the default value of WIKINDX_MAIL_RETURN_PATH to a string and fix the current config.
  • Fix the default smtp encryption method (after a migration).
  • Fix the default smtp backend (after a migration).
  • Fix the type of the default value of WIKINDX_AUTHGATE_MESSAGE to a string and fix the current config.
  • Fix accessors to config variables of array type (#149).
  • Handle a warning in CLI mode about HTTP_HOST.
  • Fix a warning of smarty when the contactEmail is empty.
  • Fix the display of the password size requirement.
  • Bug 214 ( – allow forward slashes in searches.
  • Ensure the superadmin can edit all quotes and paraphrases (original behaviour that seems to have dropped away).
  • Fix user creation in LDAP context.
  • Fix duplication of username in user creation.
  • Corrected templates – if read-only users are allowed to view attachments (see Admin|Configure), then display attachments when viewing a single resource.
  • Remove statistical lists and ordering (by views, downloads, and popularity indices) as these take too long to compile with large databases.
  • Fix the default value of usersTemplateMenu (#217).
  • Fix the type mismatch bool/Varchar(N) of WIKINDX_LIST_LINK (#216).
  • Fix type mismatch in users options (#218).
  • Fix utf8 encoding of two characters that triggers errors during the manual building.
  • Fix some errors in user administration/preferences.
  • Plugged some memory leaks particularly virulent for large databases.
  • Missing message (
  • Admin|Images – fix a bug that causes images (with spaces in their names) to be displayed as NOT used in metadata when they are.
  • Fix the setting of language/locale once and for all . . .
  • Ensure the selected bibliography is taken account of when doing a Quick list all...
  • Fix a potential SQL error with the use of single quotes in the search field of QUICKSEARCH and Advanced Search.
  • Fix some housekeeping statistics generated at the start of each month.
  • Some fixes to user notifications regarding resources added/edited.
  • Ensure specific emails (news and resource notifications) are properly decoded for UTF-8.
  • Fix quicksearch bug (
  • Fix an error encoded URLs when paging ideas.... read more
Posted by Stéphane Aulery 2020-05-24

Wikindx v6.2.2 Released

Focus: Minor bug fixes.


  • Remove a forgotten var_dump() that breaks the output.
Posted by Stéphane Aulery 2020-03-27

SVN migration

For reasons of maintenance of the source code we have archived the sources up to version 6.2.1 in a read-only repository at:

Development continues in a new repository at:

The folder structure has been changed. Read the README.txt file at the root of the repository for details.

For people following the stable branch you must clone again from or change your clone with svn switch.... read more

Posted by Stéphane Aulery 2020-02-20

Wikindx v6.2.0 Released

Focus: maintenance.



  • Drop upgrade support before v5.1.
Posted by Stéphane Aulery 2020-02-11

Wikindx v6.1.0 Released

Focus: maintenance.



  • Drop PHP 5.6 support.
  • Add PHP 7.4 support.
Posted by Stéphane Aulery 2020-02-10

Wikindx v6.0.8 Released

Focus: Minor bug fixes and feature enhancements.



  • Fix a syntaxic error in importexportbib plugin.
  • Fix memory leak when email resource change notifications (
  • Fix memory leak when upgrading database and compiling the statistics.
  • Fix the initialisation of configUserRegistrationModerate config variable.
  • Fix some test error in the global configuration screen.
  • Add a missing initialisation of configLastChangesDayLimit config variable.
  • Add a missing initialisation of configPagingTagCloud config variable.
  • Remove config options added by mistake (configMaxWriteChunk, configCaptchaPublicKey, configCaptchaPrivateKey, configRegistrationModerate).
  • Fix the configRestrictUserId default value 0 to instead of FALSE.
  • Fix the configLdapDn default value "" to instead of FALSE.
  • Fix a character case error for option configListLink.
  • Fix the name of the default values of global options.
  • Fix a global option name (configSqlEmail => configDebugEmail).
  • Fix the LDAP Server validity check.
  • Fix a crash on a first install when the statistics are compiled without resources available.
  • Fix the name of the default constant value of WIKINDX_CONTACT_EMAIL.
  • Add a missing default value for WIKINDX_DEACTIVATE_RESOURCE_TYPES (configDeactivateResourceTypes).
  • Fix the name of the default constant value of WIKINDX_EMAIL_CONTACT.
  • Fix the name of the default constant value of WIKINDX_EMAIL_NEWREGISTRATIONS.
  • Fix the name of the default constant value of WIKINDX_EMAIL_NEWS.
  • Fix the name of the default constant value of WIKINDX_EMAIL_STATISTICS.
  • Fix the name of the default constant value of WIKINDX_FILE_DELETESECONDS.
  • Fix the name of the default constant value of WIKINDX_IMG_WIDTHLIMIT.
  • Fix the name of the default constant value of WIKINDX_IMG_HEIGHTLIMIT.
  • Fix the name of the default constant value of WIKINDX_METADATA_ALLOW.
  • Fix the name of the default constant value of WIKINDX_PAGING_MAXLINKS.
  • Fix the name of the default constant value of WIKINDX_DEBUG_SQLERROROUTPUT.
  • Prevent errors when the config table is not yet initialized during the installation.
  • Move the initialisation of the config table in LOADCONFIG table: this prevent misconfigured options.
  • Logos without version number.
  • Add missing default values for WIKINDX_BASE_URL and WIKINDX_TRUNK_VERSION options.
  • Fix the language display and setup.
  • Prevent a 404 HTTP error about favicon.ico when a template is not used.... read more
Posted by Stéphane Aulery 2020-02-10

Wikindx v6.0.7 Released

Focus: Minor bug fixes.


  • Fix some heredoc string opening syntax.
  • Fix display of Register User in the Wikindx menu – under the right conditions (Admin|Configure interface), the menu item is now displayed.
  • Fix RSS.
  • Fix text replacement in Help files.
  • Fix an crash during translation in the link dialog of the custom TinyMCE dialog.
  • Remove useless instances of ENVIRONMENT class.
  • Fix a warning in JS debugger of the browser about a missing JS map.
  • Disable the CSS of the TinyMCE dialog in o2k7 skin because this interacts poorly with the templates CSS.
  • Fix the encoding of TinyMCE html files.
  • Use an absolute path for tinyMCE js if possible (unbreak templates CSS in some TinyMCE dialogs).
  • Call LOADCONFIG class in WEBSERVERCONFIG.php which fix a hidden bug in RESOURCEMAP.php during an RTF export.
  • Add a cache directory for common files.
  • Fix RTF export of images (#206).
  • Fix a letter case issue stopping the plugin working on some systems.
Posted by Stéphane Aulery 2020-02-01

Wikindx v6.0.6 Released

Focus: Minor bug fixes.


  • Fix a non-disruptive warning when upgrading from v3.8.
  • Fix an unnecessary GROUP BY statement in QUICKSEARCH that greatly slows down the search.
  • Fix the migration of 5.8.2 styles when foreign files are present in style folders.
  • Fix the migration of image links in papers.
  • Fix the migration of image links in resources.
  • Partial fix for the escaping of a LIKE SQL clause.
  • Change the default language in the user config and try to fix a crash of the chooseLanguage plugin.
  • Fix the sort order of the list of resource types in the configuration.
Posted by Stéphane Aulery 2020-01-30

Wikindx v6.0.5 Released

Focus: Minor bug fixes.


  • Fix the character case of style and template options in db.
Posted by Stéphane Aulery 2020-01-28

Wikindx v6.0.4 Released

Focus: Minor bug fixes.


  • If QUICKSEARCH is called by the special string $QUICKSEARCH$ on the front page, the help icon is already in use – don't override it with search help.
  • Fix the character case of all style options in db.
  • Fix the style options to lowercase to avoid empty formatting of resources when a session has a bad character style after a migration from a pre-5.9.1 version or a non-installed style.
  • Prevent a crash when a style already defined in an option is not yet enabled in the new component system.
  • Prevent a crash when a template already defined in an option is not yet enabled in the new component system.
  • Prevent a crash when a language already defined in an option is not yet enabled in the new component system.
  • Repair the image library (JS libs packaged in vendor components).
  • Fix the encoding of the special chars dialog.
  • Fix the special chars dialog (JS libs packaged in vendor components).
Posted by Stéphane Aulery 2020-01-28

Wikindx v6.0.3 Released

Focus: Minor bug fixes.


  1. When a user selects menu reduced level 2 from MyWikindx, there were fatal errors when menus with submenus were selected. Fixed.
  2. Add a missing string in English messages of collections.
Posted by Stéphane Aulery 2020-01-26

Wikindx v6.0.2 Released

Focus: Minor bug fixes and maintenance.


  1. Fix the return value of displayUserAddEditPlain().
  2. Add some missing messages.
  3. Fix missing variable configIsCreator in Configure.
  4. When listing resources containing resources with multiple creators, the number of resources returned as per the paging value was incorrect. An erroneous GROUP BY statement has been corrected.
  5. Ensure read only users have access to some configuration options (Wikindx|Preferences menu).
  6. Correct a syntax error preventing code execution under PHP 5.6 and 7.0.... read more
Posted by Stéphane Aulery 2020-01-25

Wikindx v6.0.1 Released

Focus: Minor bug fixes and maintenance.


  • Fix bug #202 ( – unable to read temporary config.php when editing
    plugin configurations – and ensure the temporary file has a secure name.
  • Fix JS includes of the word processor.


  • No longer use session_id() as a random string.


  • Switch the project to license CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0.
  • Add an internal version number that trigger the upgrade process.
  • Fix a warning in the components signature script.
Posted by Stéphane Aulery 2020-01-20

Wikindx v6 Released

Focus: Minor bug fixes for 5.9.1.

An existing database is upgraded with this release – backup the database before running the code.


  • Fix the default db value of the usersLanguage field (auto instead of en_GB) for the RepairKit.
  • Fix some bug in the detection of index mismatchs in the RepairKit.
  • Fix a string access error in BibTex import/export (PHP 7.4 support).
  • Fix an error in the folder check of a component.
  • Fix an error in the version check during an upgrade.
  • Correction of the loading of certain configuration variables defined in the database and which have been moved from the config.php file.
  • Fix the migration of the word processor papers.
  • Move all component folders to a "components" sub-folder.
  • Fix the loading of styles.
  • Fix escaping of values in multiUpdate() function.
  • Fix the values updated by the multiUpdate() function.
  • Fix a wrong array access in upgrade of 5.8.1.
  • Fix the style loading during a setup or when there are only the default style available after an upgrade.
  • Fix the query of contact email during the upgrade.... read more
Posted by Stéphane Aulery 2020-01-12