
WIKINDX / News: Recent posts

Wikindx v6.6.3 Released

Focus: bug fixes

Bug fix

  • Crash when a directory of a zipped component is unpacked.
Posted by Stéphane Aulery 2023-01-03

Wikindx v6.6.2 Released

Focus: bug fixes, and maintenance

Feature enhancements

  • Notify administrators of pending registration requests on the front page.
  • Hide the moderation page of registrations when the moderation is disabled.

Bug fix

  • Fix directory hash algo.


  • Remove json2.js (JS library not used anymore).
  • Improve the registration page.


  • Replace the registration captcha by an honeypot.
Posted by Stéphane Aulery 2023-01-02

Wikindx v6.6.1 Released

Focus: bug fixes, and maintenance

Bug fix

  • Crash when editionOrdinalStyle of a bib style is not defined.
  • Set the default locale of TinyMCE according to the default locale of WIKINDX.
  • Use a hash signature for compiled style to prevents the loading of expired styles.
  • Fix the captcha challenge on registration page.
  • configImgWidthLimit and configImgheightLimit were not saved.
  • Handle the Return-Path in SMTP mode.
    ... read more
Posted by Stéphane Aulery 2022-12-21

Wikindx v6.6.0 Released

Focus: bug fixes, major feature enhancements, and maintenance

Important information

This version supports PHP 7.4, 8.0, 8.1, 8.- It’s the first offering PHP 8.1 and 8.2 support. PHP 7.3 support is dropped.

Because the new citation engine uses SQL more efficiently, all bookmarks are deleted at upgrade.

There have been a number of bug fixes, significant maintenance, and security upgrades in this release but the major focus has been feature enhancements. Significant feature enhancements in v6.6.0 include:... read more

Posted by Stéphane Aulery 2022-12-19

Wikindx v6.5.0 Released

Focus: bug fix and maintenance

Important information

This version supports PHP 7.3, 7.4, and 8.0. It’s the first offering PHP 8.0 support.

Bug fix

  • Fixed bug #416 — incorrect formatting of citations/bibliography when exporting to RTF using a footnote/endnote style.


  • Update Ukrainian translation.
  • Update TinyMCE vendor component to 5.10.0.
  • Remove the spellchecker feature (this feature has been deprecated by the next TinyMCE version and browser spellcheckers are fine).
  • Prevent PHPMailer to throw exceptions.
  • Migration to TinyMCE 5 [#119] [#119].
  • Autosave of WordProcessor papers [#155].
  • Update Smarty v4.0.0-rc.0 (PHP 8.0 support [#339]).
  • PHP 8.0 support.
Posted by Stéphane Aulery 2021-10-21

Wikindx v6.4.14 Released

Focus: maintenance


  • Keep the pre-PHP 8.1 behavior instead of throwing an exception when an error occurs in the MySQLi lib [#411].
  • Hardcode the pre-PHP 8.1 behavior of html_entity_decode() and htmlspecialchars() [#411].
  • Replace calls to strftime() for an IntlDateFormatter formater [#411].
  • The FILE_BINARY constant is deprecated by PHP 8.1 [#411].
  • Support Unicode 13 and 14.
  • Hide characters not defined by Unicode from the character table (ranges are not always full).
  • Hide characters not defined by the PHP mbstring lib from the character table.
  • Update components using the version number or the hash signature (allow to release again a component with a higher version number or release twice a day with different hashs: E.g. reverting code to fix a crash).
  • Bump component compatibility version of all components (plugins:15, style:8, template:3): allow to upload again a component of same version.
  • Display useful information for debuging in debug config admin.
  • Update French translation.
Posted by Stéphane Aulery 2021-10-09

Wikindx v6.4.13 Released

Focus: maintenance

Bug fixes

  • Prevent a warning when $this->img is not a GdImage object [#315].

Feature enhancements

  • In QUICKSEARCH, ensure the 'include attachments' checkbox is only shown a) when the configuration allows it for the user and b) if there are attachments.


  • Configure jpGraph lib to support PHP 8.0 [#350].
  • Download the signature files of components instead of using the precomputed hash of the components list: allow to upload again a component of same version.
Posted by Stéphane Aulery 2021-10-07

WIKINDX v6.4.11 and v6.4.12 released

Focus: bug fixes, maintenance

Bug fixes

  • In QUICKSEARCH ensure the 'Include attachments' checkbox only shows if there are attachments.
  • Correct some CMS paths.
  • Fix a path that broke the wordprocessor plugin when saving to RTF.
  • Ensure bookmarks are only available for registered users.
  • Fix bug [#407]: ensure '<' and '>' in style templates are printed in HTML as is.
  • In v6.4.8, the view of statistics (popularity etc.) was disabled by default due to speed concerns on large databases. Display of the popularity index when viewing random metadata was overlooked causing a slow reponse—this has been corrected.
  • Apply Smarty pull request 586 to fix a crash with Turkish locale [#408]:
  • Memoization of false translations when the instantiation of localization objects occurs before the complete determination of the user's locale.
  • On the front page, either the latest added/edited resources can be displayed or resources added/edited in the last xxx days. In both cases, an error occurred if there were no such resources. This has been fixed.
  • Fix bug [#409]: SQL error on publisher statistics.
  • Fix the random resource display: SQL LIMIT was inconsistent.
  • Fix a warning about missing components.... read more
Posted by Mark Grimshaw 2021-09-22

Wikindx v6.4.10 Released

Focus: bug fixes, maintenance

Bug fixes

  • Correct display of resource icons in list view – 4 possibilities: resource only, resource with metadata, resource with attachment, resource with metadata and attachment. Update the latter icon.
  • Fix missing message when authGate is enabled.
  • Fix RSS/ATOM feed display.
  • Fix an issue paging through a basket.
  • Do not restore memory_limit configuration to work around PHP bug #81070 (in PHP 7.4 and 8.0).... read more
Posted by Stéphane Aulery 2021-07-07

Wikindx v6.4.9 Released

Focus: bug fixes, maintenance, feature enhancements

Important information

The attachment cache is completely rebuilt to take advantage of new supported formats and fixes.

Bug fixes

  • The default value configBrowserTabID option was wrong in the configuration screen.
  • Restore the migration of config options of from 5.3.1 (this code should not change).
  • RSS language tag was not compliant with the spec when the country part is added.
  • Don’t crash when opening a non Zip Archive.
  • Fix the mimetype detection of attachments.... read more
Posted by Stéphane Aulery 2021-05-29

Wikindx v6.4.8 Released

Focus: bug fixes & feature enhancements

Important information

Three extensions become mandatory: curl, dom (libxml) and zip.

This allows:

  • More attachment formats covered by search
  • Components update more stable

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a rare error (missing URL array) when adding/editing resources.
  • Replace some call to strstr by mb_strstr (UTF-8 support).
  • Set max_allowed_packet to 1073741824 (allow to store LONGTEXT type in one statement, MySQL).
  • Fix an error in paging ideas following Advanced Search when ideas are the only field searched on.
  • Matching with matchPrefix() and matchSuffix() was partly insensitive.
  • Prevent issues when a plugin is removed but not disabled safely by the admin.
  • Fix a crash on creation of resource_attachments table.
  • Fix a crash during a fresh install (error on table counting).
  • Fix a bug in search highlighting that remembered a previous search instead of removing it.
  • Fix a bug in resource view for the delete icon for a user's own resource if they are not the superadmin.
  • Fix bug [#314] (warning if not enough creators available for creator grouping).
  • Fix charset handling of BiBTeX import [#366].... read more
Posted by Stéphane Aulery 2021-05-19

WIKINDX Google Docs add-on published

The WIKINDX Google Docs add-on has now been published by Google and can be installed from the Add-ons menu of a Google Docs document.

Read about WIKINDX's office plugins here:

Mark Grimshaw-Aagaard

Posted by Mark Grimshaw 2021-04-24

Wikindx v6.4.7 Released

Focus: bug fixes, maintenance

Important information

This version remove the database prefix 'wkx_' from tables (official and unofficial).

This functionality is only useful for several programs sharing the same database with the same table names or several WIKINDX installations in the same database. These two practices are to be avoided because they are a good way to lose your data. Each software should be isolated in its own database for privacy, security, bug resistance and ease of maintenance. We believe that very few installs use this feature.... read more

Posted by Stéphane Aulery 2021-04-19

Wikindx v6.4.6 Released

Focus: bug fixes, features, maintenance

Important information

The next version of WIKINDX will remove the prefix from tables.

This functionality is only useful for several programs sharing the same database with the same table names or several WIKINDX installations in the same database. These two practices are to be avoided because they are a good way to lose your data. Each software should be isolated in its own database for privacy, security, bug resistance and ease of maintenance. We believe that very few installs use this feature.... read more

Posted by Stéphane Aulery 2021-04-17

Wikindx v6.4.5 Released

Focus: bug fixes, maintenance

Important information

The storage (file to db) and format (php_serialize) of sessions change. All sessions will be lost when upgrading to this version.

Bugs fixes

  • Allow missing directory for SQL on upgrade (but not creation).


  • Use the php_serialize handler for session serialization which can managed corner cases.
  • Store sessions in db [#274].
  • Restore garbage collection of sessions (except during an upgrade).
  • Remove the barrier against double session launching from plugins. The change of includes must have corrected this problem.
Posted by Stéphane Aulery 2021-04-10

Wikindx v6.4.4 Released

Focus: bug fixes, maintenance, feature enhancements

Bugs fixes

  • Add missing indices, again.
  • In the distribution, rename override.css to override.css.dist. This stops any required override.css being overwritten at upgrade. To make use of override.css.dist for CSS control, rename override.css.dist to override.css.
  • Fix search on titles with hyphens [#324].
  • Align textboxes on “File URLs edit” screen.
  • Search on title fields of resources failed where the title/subtitle made use of {...} to protect against changes in bibliographic capitalization [#336].
  • Corrected added/edited message on resource add/edit form return.... read more
Posted by Stéphane Aulery 2021-04-08

Wikindx v6.4.3 Released

Focus: bug fixes

Bugs fixes

  • Undefined variable during upgrade.
  • Version comparison could fail. E.g. strcmp(’5.7.5’, ’5.7.31’).
  • Fix the rewrite function of config.php (syntax errors).
Posted by Stéphane Aulery 2021-03-15

Wikindx v6.4.2 Released

Focus: bug fixes, maintenance

Important information

**From this version the API documentation and manual are integrated into the website. The manual will no longer be packaged. **

Bugs fixes

  • When adding a new resource form, if a duplicate title is detected, the form is now re-presented with the filled-in form data intact [#313].
  • Fix SQL formatting.
  • Rearrange the order of some default function fields in readiness for PHP 8 [#312].
  • In some cases, QUICKSEARCH searched on an empty field in FULLTEXT mode (abstracts, notes, etc.) – fixed.
  • Recreate the usersUsernameUnique index with a BTREE type [#318].
  • Index_Type option is unreliable for InnoDB due to functionality of bug #22632.
  • Edit collection did not update the collection's resources [#319].
  • Drop old form_data table.
  • Add a missing index on resourceattachmentsResourceId (previous upgrade code missing).
  • Add a missing index on resourcecustomCustomId (previous upgrade code missing).
  • Add a missing index on resourcelanguageLanguageId (previous upgrade code missing).
  • Add a missing index on resourcelanguageResourceId (previous upgrade code missing).
  • Add a missing index on resourcemiscCollection (previous upgrade code missing).
  • Add a missing index on resourcemiscPublisher (previous upgrade code missing).
  • Add a missing index on resourcetimestampTimestamp (previous upgrade code missing).
  • Add a missing index on resourcetimestampTimestamp (previous upgrade code missing).
  • Add a missing index on resourcetimestampTimestampAdd (previous upgrade code missing).
  • Fix indices categoryCategory, keywordKeyword, and resourceTitle.
  • Workaround a limitation of MySQL (no self update of a table).
  • Allow the two syntax of current_timestamp() for MySQL and MariaDB.... read more
Posted by Stéphane Aulery 2021-03-13

Documentation on MacOs setup


Our section about the MacOs setup is deprecated because XAMPP deprecated its non VM installer.

We are looking for someone who can help us write new instructions for setting up hosting on this operating system.

Discussion take place on



Posted by Stéphane Aulery 2021-03-12

Wikindx v6.4.1 Released

Focus: minor bug fixes, maintenance, security


The security vulnerability is critical. We advise to update quickly.

Bugs fixes

  • Typo in changelog.
  • Field userkgusergroupsUserGroupId in table user_kg_usergroups should not accept NULL on first install.
  • Fix [#304] (missing input when clicking on Quarantine in Admin menu).
  • Syntax error in TinyMCE spellChecker code.
  • Syntax errors in API doc.
  • Remove some leftover print_r() statements.
  • Fix a missing icon when deleting a resource.
  • Correct totals when paging through the front page list.
  • Fix a missing input error in bibliographic/citation styles (bugs [#249] & [#305]).
  • Fix a crash on upgrade of step 34 for version 6.4.0. MariaDB and/or MySQL engines don’t support to fill, drop, and create a table in a single transaction.
  • Vendor components cannot be enabled/disabled.
  • Ensure that user database rows are universally deleted when deleting a user.
  • Ensure that logged-in users can attach resources to user tags.
  • Ensure that logged-in users can only edit a resource's categories, keywords, and languages if they own the resource or allowed to by the superadmin.
  • Add a default value to the users.usersFullname field [#316].... read more
Posted by Stéphane Aulery 2021-01-28

Wikindx v6.4.0 Released

Focus: minor bug fixes, major feature enhancement, and maintenance


The attachment cache is cleared because their creation has been greatly improved and search results will be better.

This version supports php 7.3 and 7.4 only. php 8.0 support is a work in progress.

It is no longer possible to modify the prefix of the tables in the database. This functionality is only useful for several programs sharing the same database with the same table names or several wikindx installations in the same database. These two practices are to be avoided because they are a good way to lose your data. Each software should be isolated in its own database for privacy, security, bug resistance and ease of maintenance. Firstly, the "wkx_" prefix will be kept for some versions and cannot be changed. Secondly, it will be deleted. We believe that very few installs use this feature and we will handle it on a case-by-case basis. If you are affected by this change please contact us for help with the transition.... read more

Posted by Stéphane Aulery 2020-12-21

Wikindx v6.3.10 Released

Focus: Bug fixes

NB: Intl PHP extension is mandatory now.


  • When organizing a list into categories, keywords, and so on, selecting the radio button 'Use all in list' then put all resources in the database into the selected categories, keywords, and so on. This operation should, of course, just use the members of the list. This has been corrected.
Posted by Stéphane Aulery 2020-08-30

Wikindx v6.3.9 Released

Focus: Minor bug fixes, maintenance, and feature enhancements

NB: Intl PHP extension is mandatory now.


  • When viewing a list, fix the use of 'Use all checked' and 'Use all in list' when organizing resources, adding to basket etc.
  • Add back in the missing Admin|Languages menu item.
  • Fix global deletion when editing note and note happens to be an empty string.
  • Fix paging of ideas from Advanced Search.
  • Ensure that an idea can comprise just an image.
  • Fixed case where noteEdit to second resource are lost upon saving after noteEdit of first resource are saved (editing resources in multiple tabs).
  • Extended fix #6 to also allow editing individual quotes, paraphrases, and musing independently of other edits.... read more
Posted by Stéphane Aulery 2020-08-29

Wikindx v6.3.8 Released

Focus: Minor bug fixes, maintenance, and feature enhancements


  • Correct a path for a file icon.
  • For the special restricted user, ensure they cannot change their user details (inc. password) in MyWikindx.
  • Tidied up display of MyWikindx.
  • Fix a duplicate declaration of default value for db users.usersFullname field.
  • Update the repairkit schema.
  • Prevent a crash when the database is empty and the userId is known by the session.
  • Prevent a crash with a negative result when full-text searching attachments (Advanced search).
  • When full-text searching attachments (Advanced search), ensure all attachments with the search term are presented for each resource.
  • When browsing resources or listing some by various parameters, ensure the displayed list parameters are maintained through reordering operations.
  • Fix a missing input message when the last multi list is Metadata:Keyword.
  • Fix for web server crash with pasted images:
  • Guard against null resource IDs in the total list when executing some searches.
  • Correct 'Resources citing this' link when viewing a single resource.
  • When browsing cited creators, ensure cited resources without creators do not cause an error.
  • Ensure there is no option to add bookmarks when viewing the front page.
  • When deleting resources from within a list (i.e. using the select box to delete set resources), ensure that the new display of the list has the corrected number of resources and the correct paging links. Equally, if all resources in the list are deleted, return to the FRONT page.
  • When browsing metadata keywords, clicking on the Reorder button produced and error: fixed.... read more
Posted by Stéphane Aulery 2020-08-19

Wikindx v6.3.7 Released

Focus: Minor bug fixes and feature enhancements


  • Correct a path for a file icon.

Feature enhancements

  • Added delete icons to individual quotes, paraphrases, and musings when viewing a resource.
Posted by Stéphane Aulery 2020-07-21