
Upgrade 5.8.2 to 5.9.1

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  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2020-01-26

    Hi Roger,

    Glad it's all working. With the information you provided, we'll tidy up the loose ends of the new components system.

    Styles are only used for formatting output for resources, bibliographies, and in-text citations (inc. footnote and endote styles).

    Perhaps you need the importexport plugin (in the Components area). If you install the Bibutils binaries ( it would increase your options. I suspect, though, that it does not do what you want as it cannot provide output in Endnote XML. It can provide output in BibTeX but I think it is not a good enough format to import your type of references (patents etc.)



  • Roger Appleby

    Roger Appleby - 2020-01-27

    Hi Mark and Stephane,
    After the clean install the reason the resources were not appearing was that that the defauklt wikindx style was not enabled. Furthermore IEEE was not installed or enabled. So bascially there was no style enabled.

    Once you have tidied up I would be happy to test again for you on my database if that is useful. It is easy for me to go back to 5.9.1 as there are backups available. Just let me know.

    Concerning the custom field for patents I have no idea why this is the case. I can certainly see the patent attorny one is not needed I could not really see a pre-supplied date. I mostly have published date(pre-supplied), Granted Date(Custom ) and Application date(Custom) am I missing something.?
    Once we have the fields straight I will reimport and map to teh correct ones as i still have the Endnote XML.

    Thanks for all your help yesterday and version 6 looks really nice. I had a good look atteh components part and it works well. I only really tested Styles!



  • Mark Grimshaw

    Mark Grimshaw - 2020-01-27

    Hi Roger,

    Glad we could get it working. We hope to fix the update/missing style but shortly for the next release.

    Re patents, to be perfectly honest, I've little idea what fields should be required. When I was deciding on what fields to give various resources, my weak spot was anything to do with legal documents (hearing, case, patent) and what I did find was cobbled together from various sources and from looking at source files for Endnote and so on. If such things are in your area of expertise, I'd be glad to add them into wikindx.

    Re the styles, you can, of course, also edit and create styles with the adminstyles plugin. It can be a long job but if you're only dealing with 3 or 4 types of resources then it can be done quickly. The advantage is that you can then display your patent references etc. with as much or as little information as you want – the styles control the formatting of the resource display.



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