
VLAN doesnt work on WifiRemote, but on the web does.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-09-11

    Hello. I am interesed how to start up WifiRemoteplay on mobile if on the web VLAN works well, but on this app doesnt. I figure out that app requiring me 5-number port(13579), but VLAN has only 4-number port (8080). When i input 4-number port 8080 on this app it doenst work but when i start web and input http://[myip]:8080 it works normal. Are this bug or something? I read all instruction very many times, but nowhere is writed how to do in this problem. Its only solved # uncommenting problem, but not this.

    Sorry before my writing style.


    Last edit: Anonymous 2013-04-14
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-09-11

    PS - I have a Symbian OS.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-09-11

    I have noticed that on the mobile after 4-number port writted different htm. The was writted controls.html, but when i write mobile.htm all works fine. So application created for only WMP which writes controls.htm instead .mobile.htm?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-09-11

    "When Media Player Classic or VLC is running, start Wifi Remote Play. The first time you run it, you'll be asked whether you are using it with Media Player Classic or VLC (n.b., if upgrading from Wifi Remote Play 1.4 or earlier, it will default to using MPC - use the "Choose player" menu option to change it). "

    I havent no option to change the player and when i start app it didnt ask my which player i choose.

    • Mark

      Mark - 2012-09-11

      What happens if you select "Options" then "Choose player"? This will show you what the player is currently set as, and allow you to change it to VLC.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-09-12

    My problem solved. The solution were reinstall to the newest version (I had 1.4 version before where didn't "Choose player" option). I thought that Nokia store recommend to update this application automatically at "My staff", but its didn't happens. So I understood that app put again and I start to find and download it anew. All works fine now. Thanks anyway to the response.

    • Mark

      Mark - 2012-09-13

      Glad it's fixed!



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