
Wifi Remote Play / Blog: Recent posts

Website moved

Due to my ISP ending their webspace from 28 April 2016, the Wifi Remote Play homepage has moved to .

Posted by Mark 2016-03-12

Wifi Remote Play released for Nokia X

I have released Wifi Remote Play on Nokia Store, making it available for Nokia's new Android-based Nokia X platform.

No changes were required, the same APK file works automatically (I'm not using any Google Play services, so it should be no different to any other variant of Android, such as Samsung's Touchwiz). I've briefly tested this on Nokia's Remote Device Access, but I don't have a real Nokia X to test it on - so please let me know of any problems!... read more

Posted by Mark 2014-03-13

Version 1.12

Version 1.12 of Wifi Remote Play for Android is now released!

This release fixes compatibility with VLC 2.1.0 or later - if you are using VLC 2.1.0 or later, you must now set a password in VLC, then set the same password in the Wifi Remote Play settings (see the Wifi Remote Play homepage for more info; also see ).

This version also fixes potential crashes on errors from network commands.... read more

Posted by Mark 2013-12-19

Wifi Remote Play now 100% rewritten for Android

Wifi Remote Play has now been 100% rewritten for Android (as of v1.10 onwards).

Earlier versions (v1.9 and earlier) used Qt, the standard API for Symbian, that also has an Android port available. It works for Android, though the downside is it requires installing a separate app (Ministro), and the downloading of ~25MB of libraries, which is a bit annoying for what should otherwise be a small app.... read more

Posted by Mark 2013-11-01

Downloads by platform

I'm pleased that the number of downloads for Wifi Remote Play has passed 800,000 :) One thing I have found interesting is the staggering split between platforms:

That's the downloads for the first 30 days on each platform. In numbers, that's:

Android: 3363
Symbian: 347287

The peak daily downloads was 14442 for Symbian, 200 for Android. Symbian has gradually declined since then - the daily downloads on day 30 was 9972. Android on the other hand fell sharply when it fell of the "Top New" list, with the day 30 downloads being 53.... read more

Posted by Mark 2012-05-14