Bob Pruett - 2004-09-11

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The problem is that WEBO assumes register_globals = On. All
the current versions of PHP that I am aware of now default to
register_globals = Off (which is a good idea).

You have a couple of choices to solve this.

1. Change the WEBO code to not require register_globals be
On, That is what I plan to do if I decide to continue using
WEBO. No really a trivial thing to do, but not too hard either.

2. Add register_globals = On to an .htaccess file within the
webo directory structure. That is what I have currently in
place. That allows my other apps that do not require it to
function correctly. You just need to create a .htaccess file
with this line in it.

php_value register_globals Off

3. Change the register_globals value in your php.ini file. On
most Linux distributions this is at /etc/php.ini

There are a few other ways to do it such as importing all the
globals for $_POST and $_GET, but if you are going to do that
you might as well just fix WEBO.