
WebASK - Web GUI for Active Spam Killer / News: Recent posts

WebAsk 0.9.0 Beta Released

This release is intended for the more technically inclined people as the current docs are not very good. This is gonna be for bug testing while i also try to write better docs, unless of course someone can do it for me =)

I plan to release a cPanel release coming shortly, but that is a little more hairy for getting setup.

Posted by Kelly Hamlin 2004-06-09

WebASK 9.0 Just Around the Corner!

So many changes, too many to list, but i will note the highlights which SEVERAL of you have been waiting for and wanting bad!

This release is focused on Multiple Accounts on a server, ill even include a php script i created that you run from command line which will setup the user, create thier directory, touch the mail file, set permissions on mailfile, copy .ask/ and .askrc from /etc/skel (youn have to put them there with my .askrc template), create the .forward file to parse mail to, and prefill that .askrc file so that you have to do NOTHING! :)... read more

Posted by Kelly Hamlin 2003-12-04


Currently In development, we now have a DHTML/JAVA expand, retract on message headers on the message view screen. We are also currently overhauling the design to make it more user friendly, and less buggy (looks like crap in mozilla).

There is also a few new features coming into this release, and you can expect to see this in about a week, as long as testing doesnt show any horrible bugs :)

Posted by Kelly Hamlin 2003-07-21

WebASK GUI for ASK (Active Spam Killer)

I have released the first public release for a web based GUI to Active Spam Killer. This program is used to administer your queue files (people who have not yet been confirmed, or junk mail). Its fully operational, you can mass blask/white/ignore list, as well as individual message actions. New in this release is the ability to supress headers on message view making it easier to read messages.

Please note that this version is VERY beta, with absolutly NO authentication. Make use of .htaccess and if you dont know how to do this, wait till a 1.0 release which should have authentication in it by that time. Im also looking for someone looking to help out on the project.

Posted by Kelly Hamlin 2003-07-18