Activity for WaveShop

  • Chris Korda Chris Korda posted a comment on discussion Help

    You need to select a suitable input device in the Audio page of the Options dialog. See

  • Dennis w Bergendorf Dennis w Bergendorf posted a comment on discussion Help

    What driver do I need for WaveShop recording? (That's the error message I get when I push the record button.)

  • Chris Korda Chris Korda modified ticket #12

    Further keyboard integration

  • Chris Korda Chris Korda posted a comment on ticket #12

    Selecting from cursor to start/end via keyboard is already supported as follows: Select from cursor to end: 1. press [ to start selection 2. press Ctrl + End to move cursor to end of audio 3. press ] to end selection Select from cursor to start: 1. press ] to end selection 2. press Ctrl + Home to move cursor to start of audio 3. press [ to start selection Moving the cursor via arrow keys is unsupported because it is poorly-defined. Use the mouse for this instead.

  • HaikenEdge HaikenEdge created ticket #12

    Further keyboard integration

  • Chris Korda Chris Korda posted a comment on discussion Help

    I'm sorry but I don't take consulting gigs anymore. You are free to modify the Waveshop source as needed. If you can't code C++ perhaps you can find a collaborator who will modify it for you. But not me, alas.

  • Chris Korda Chris Korda modified a comment on ticket #11

    Thank you for your interest. I don't use the word "abandoned" as it's unduly pejorative. The project is in a stable state and no longer requires my intervention. There's nothing preventing others from improving on it of course, but in that case the correct procedure is to fork the project, either here or at GitHub. Your query isn't a bug or feature request and hence doesn't constitute a proper ticket so I'm closing it. If you wish to continue the discussion please use the Discussions forum.

  • Chris Korda Chris Korda modified ticket #11

    Is the project abandoned?

  • Chris Korda Chris Korda posted a comment on ticket #11

    Thank you for your interest. I don't use the word "abandoned" as it's unduly pejorative. The project is in a stable state and no longer requires my intervention. There's nothing preventing others from improving on it of course, but in that case the correct procedure is to fork the project, either here or at GitHub. Your query isn't a bug or feature request and hence doesn't constitute a proper ticket so I'm closing it. If you wish to continue the discussions please use the Discussions forum.

  • s-r-grass s-r-grass created ticket #11

    Is the project abandoned?

  • harbod harbod modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hi I want this in an app, Just It works when adding a wave Thanks

  • harbod harbod posted a comment on discussion Help

    مرحبا اريد هذا في تطبيق، فقط يعمل عند اضافة موجة شكرا

  • Chris Korda Chris Korda posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Sorry I can't help you. WaveShop is an audio editor, not a statistics application. Best of luck. On Wed, Apr 1, 2020 at 10:23 AM harbod wrote: Hi I was looking for RMS After looking at the source file, I experienced a lot of fatigue Because I am dealing with Pascal and Delphi and I know nothing about C. can you help me, I need a simple application for statistics Many thanks to you RMS Histogram

  • harbod harbod posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi I was looking for RMS After looking at the source file, I experienced a lot of fatigue Because I am dealing with Pascal and Delphi and I know nothing about C. can you help me, I need a simple application for statistics Many thanks to you

  • Johan Johan posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi. Very old post but I had this issue just now and found the obscure solution. I registered just for this so any future searchers might find the solution. If you have disabled "Allow apps to access your microphone" in the privacy settings in Windows 10 this will cause any software from recording audio, even win32 apps. I don't know when they started to include desktop apps here but I think it originally only was UWP apps.

  • Chris Korda Chris Korda posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I have occasionally heard reports of this. It's caused by the MP3 export library which I didn't write and can't do anything about. On Wed, Aug 15, 2018 at 8:29 AM Kadir wrote: Yesterday i've downloaded the last windows version of software. i have 1 hour 16 minues 1 secong long m4a file. I import it, cut the first 11 second. save it as mp3 and i see mp3 file is 1 hour 20 minutes. Sorry i've deleted it. (OS: Win10 Build 1083) converted m4a to mp3 file has more play time...

  • Kadir Kadir posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Yesterday i've downloaded the last windows version of software. i have 1 hour 16 minues 1 secong long m4a file. I import it, cut the first 11 second. save it as mp3 and i see mp3 file is 1 hour 20 minutes. Sorry i've deleted it. (OS: Win10 Build 1083)

  • Chris Korda Chris Korda posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Jacques, I regret to inform you that WaveShop's command-line does not support selecting the output fle name. WaveShop is a GUI, not a command-line app. Not sure what you're trying to do but for file format conversions you could use ffmpeg or something similar. Chris

  • Jacques Gander Jacques Gander posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello guys, always happy with programs from SourceForge :):) now i need to use the Waveshop called from another program. Calling like CMD /c "path\waveshop.exe" "UNC-Input-filename" works fine. is there a way to select the save as outputname from the command line, something like CMD /c "path\waveshop.exe" /input"UNC-Input-filename" /output"UNC-Output-filename" i don't want my customers to be able to change the output name. thanks for more explanations about the commandline capabilities (didn't find...

  • Chris Korda Chris Korda posted a comment on discussion Help

    Sorry to hear of your troubles. It's almost certainly an audio driver issue. Driver issues can be a royal pain to debug. What audio playback options do you have? In other words, in Edit/Options/Audio/Playback Device, what's currently selected, and what (if any) are the other options? If there are other audio playback options, I would try them systematically. If you have good audio hardware it may have its own driver listed, and it's likely to be better than the default Windows driver. I would also...

  • Rokk Lattanzio Rokk Lattanzio posted a comment on discussion Help

    I have used Waveshop on a number of PC's, Desktop & Laptop 32 bit and 64 bit with geat results and no problems in the past. I have always purchased used computers until recently. Now I've rewarded myself spending close to $2,000 on a PC. 64 bit, Intel Core i7, SS Drive, Windows 10 machine and it rocks. All my audio software is wroking faster and more efficiently. BUT I installed a new download of Waveshop and it plays all files slow and with glitches. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling another download...

  • Chris Korda Chris Korda posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Your issue belongs here:

  • Chris Korda Chris Korda modified a comment on discussion Help

    WaveShop itself can be compiled for Unicode, provided the following fix is made to CDocManagerEx::CFileDialogEx::OnTypeChange() in DocManagerEx.cpp: USES_CONVERSION; SetDefExt(T2CA(ext)); // set default extension should be changed to: USES_CONVERSION; SetDefExt((LPCSTR)(LPCTSTR)ext); // set default extension UNLESS you're using VS2012 or higher, in which case it should just be: SetDefExt(ext); // set default extension Here the issue is that CFileDialog::SetDefExt had an incorrect prototype in afxdlgs.h...

  • Chris Korda Chris Korda modified a comment on discussion Help

    WaveShop itself can be compiled for Unicode, provided the following fix is made to CDocManagerEx::CFileDialogEx::OnTypeChange() in DocManagerEx.cpp: USES_CONVERSION; SetDefExt(T2CA(ext)); // set default extension should be changed to: USES_CONVERSION; SetDefExt((LPCSTR)(LPCTSTR)ext); // set default extension UNLESS you're using VS2012 or higher, in which case it should just be: SetDefExt(ext); // set default extension Here the issue is that CFileDialog::SetDefExt had an incorrect prototype in afxdlgs.h...

  • Chris Korda Chris Korda modified a comment on discussion Help

    WaveShop itself can be compiled for Unicode, provided the following fix is made to CDocManagerEx::CFileDialogEx::OnTypeChange() in DocManagerEx.cpp: USES_CONVERSION; SetDefExt(T2CA(ext)); // set default extension should be changed to: USES_CONVERSION; SetDefExt((LPCSTR)(LPCTSTR)ext); // set default extension UNLESS you're using VS2012 or higher, in which case it should just be: SetDefExt(ext); // set default extension Here the issue is that CFileDialog::SetDefExt had an incorrect prototype in afxdlgs.h...

  • Chris Korda Chris Korda modified a comment on discussion Help

    WaveShop itself can be compiled for Unicode, provided the following fix is made to CDocManagerEx::CFileDialogEx::OnTypeChange() in DocManagerEx.cpp: USES_CONVERSION; SetDefExt(T2CA(ext)); // set default extension should be changed to: USES_CONVERSION; SetDefExt((LPCSTR)(LPCTSTR)ext); // set default extension UNLESS you're using VS2012 or higher, in which case it should just be: SetDefExt(ext); // set default extension Here the issue is that CFileDialog::SetDefExt had an incorrect prototype in afxdlgs.h...

  • Chris Korda Chris Korda posted a comment on discussion Help

    WaveShop itself can be compiled for Unicode, provided the following fix is made to CDocManagerEx::CFileDialogEx::OnTypeChange() in DocManagerEx.cpp: USES_CONVERSION; SetDefExt(T2CA(ext)); // set default extension should be changed to: USES_CONVERSION; SetDefExt((LPCSTR)(LPCTSTR)ext); // set default extension UNLESS you're using VS2012 or higher, in which case it should just be: SetDefExt(ext); // set default extension Here the issue is that CFileDialog::SetDefExt had an incorrect prototype in afxdlgs.h...

  • Tom Sepka Tom Sepka posted a comment on ticket #10

    Never mind - I answered my own question. I have no idea where I got the idea that it was part of WaveShop.

  • Tom Sepka Tom Sepka posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Sorry, for some reason your comment didn't appear as part of this ticket. I somehow though rthe dll was part of WaveShop, but now I can't find why I thought that. Can you confirm that the dll is not part of WaveShop?

  • Tom Sepka Tom Sepka posted a comment on ticket #10

    Sorry, for some reason your comment didn't appear as part of this ticket. I somehow though rthe dll was part of WaveShop, but now I can't find why I thought that. Can you confirm that the dll is not part of WaveShop?

  • Tom Sepka Tom Sepka posted a comment on ticket #10

    By closing the ticket, does it mean that based upon the information I submitted above, that the fault is not within the referenced WaveShop dll?

  • Chris Korda Chris Korda modified a comment on discussion Help

    The shipping version of Waveshop isn't built for Unicode. The only solution is to rebuild the project sources with Unicode enabled.

  • WaveShop WaveShop released /waveshop-1.0.15/readme.txt

  • WaveShop WaveShop released /waveshop-1.0.15/

  • WaveShop WaveShop released /waveshop-1.0.15/

  • WaveShop WaveShop released /waveshop-1.0.15/

  • WaveShop WaveShop released /waveshop-1.0.15/

  • WaveShop WaveShop released /waveshop-1.0.15/

  • Chris Korda Chris Korda modified ticket #10

    Crashing, faulting module libfftw3f-3.dll

  • Chris Korda Chris Korda posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thanks for the information but it's not clear why you're reporting a problem with Equalizer APO in the WaveShop group. Also if the issue is caused by libfftw as you say, there's nothing I can do about it.

  • Chris Korda Chris Korda posted a comment on discussion Help

    The shipping version of Waveshop isn't built for Unicode. The only solution is to rebuild the project sources with Unicode enabled. I just tried it and it builds except for one compiler error. That error is minor and fixable with some work. I'm willing to do the work to release a Unicode version provided you're willing to commit to beta-testing it. Best, Chris

  • Justin Chan Justin Chan posted a comment on discussion Help

    I'm trying to edit some .wav files and .flac files. The filenames are in japanese/english. Every single time I want to open an audio file in Waveshop, it keeps providing an error about an Incorrect File Path. How do I fix this?

  • Tom Sepka Tom Sepka created ticket #10

    Crashing, faulting module libfftw3f-3.dll

  • Tom Sepka Tom Sepka posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    The application I'm running that produces this fault is Equakizer APO. I opened a support ticket (#42) there, but I believe the root cause is in libfftw3f-3.dll. I posted the following information there for reference: Faulting application name: AUDIODG.EXE, version: 10.0.15063.447, time stamp: 0xe365c782 Faulting module name: libfftw3f-3.dll, version:, time stamp: 0x5324c652 Exception code: 0xc0000005 Fault offset: 0x00000000000d7709 Faulting process id: 0x44b8 Faulting application start...

  • Chris Korda Chris Korda posted a comment on discussion Help

    AAC+ is not AAC. The only workaround I can think of to use regular AAC instead. ...

  • Thomas R Horrall Thomas R Horrall posted a comment on discussion Help

    I can't load stereo aac+ files. I get a dialog that indicates channel error. aac+...

  • Richard Thomas Richard Thomas posted a comment on discussion Help

    I get this error when I try to record audio from line input on my audio card. When...

  • Chris Korda Chris Korda posted a comment on ticket #8

    Yep this is a bug for sure. Thanks for reporting it.

  • Chris Korda Chris Korda modified ticket #7

    Selecting with brackets

  • Chris Korda Chris Korda posted a comment on ticket #7

    This issue appears to be a misunderstanding rather than a bug so I'm closing it.

  • Chris Korda Chris Korda posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Unfortunately I have no control over that list of input devices, because it comes...

  • Steve Cardinale Steve Cardinale posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I'm using WaveShop v1.0.14.1 with a MOTU 896mk3 8-channel audio interface, which...

  • Emma Emma created ticket #9

    Beginning of file cut off

  • Chris Korda Chris Korda posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thank you for your interesting suggestions. The ability to resync channels is on...

  • Mike Wiering Mike Wiering posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    For many years I've been using Nero Wave Editor. I would prefer to have an open source...

  • Emma Emma posted a comment on ticket #7

    Sorry, I'm still getting used to the program. I think I just expected it to work...

  • Chris Korda Chris Korda modified a comment on ticket #7

    After deleting, if I left-click to the right of the previous deletion point and press...

  • Chris Korda Chris Korda posted a comment on ticket #7

    After deleting, if I left-click to the right of the previous deletion point and press...

  • Emma Emma created ticket #8

    Save Dialog Doesn't Appear As Expected

  • Chris Korda Chris Korda posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I should add that concatenating files is very easy in WaveShop, via the Insert command:...

  • Chris Korda Chris Korda posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Enable sound activated recording, via Edit/Options/Record. You will get one file...

  • Peter Cumming Peter Cumming posted a comment on discussion General Discussion


  • Chris Korda Chris Korda posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    There is not a way to record into an existing file. This is by design. If that's...

  • Peter Cumming Peter Cumming modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I am recording some verbal spoken audio. I press the red record button to record,...

  • Peter Cumming Peter Cumming posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I am recording some verbal spoken audio. When I press stop or end recording I then...

  • Emma Emma created ticket #7

    Selecting with brackets

  • Emma Emma created ticket #6

    Save As dialog and cursor movements

  • Chris Korda Chris Korda posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thanks for the kind words. Sadly I know nothing about ringtones and have no idea...

  • Peter Cumming Peter Cumming posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Nice program. A few questions: I have a number of MP3's that I am going to sue to...

  • Chris Korda Chris Korda posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    It could be a mismatch of sample rate and/or bit depth between WaveShop and your...

  • Paul Townsend Paul Townsend posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, I'm trying to transfer audio recordings from DAT to .wav files and encountering...

  • Bob Pflug Bob Pflug posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks. I have a good handle on the program now and recorded over 4 hr. to-day and...

  • Chris Korda Chris Korda posted a comment on discussion Help

    It's possible to save the current selection via the Export command, but this will...

  • Bob Pflug Bob Pflug posted a comment on discussion Help

    Had WS for 1.5 days and spent some hours confirming that after trying a half dozen...

  • Chris Korda Chris Korda posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I'm glad to hear WaveShop is working for you. Please consider giving it a positive...

  • Bob Pflug Bob Pflug posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I could not find any info on this topic in Google or WaveShop help so I played around...

  • McFirson McFirson modified a comment on discussion Help

    EDIT: So far, one thing stands as a possible solution (possible facepalm up ahead):...

  • McFirson McFirson modified a comment on discussion Help

    EDIT: So far, one thing stands as a possible solution (possible facepalm up ahead):...

  • McFirson McFirson modified a comment on discussion Help

    Yes, I am using converting software - Format Factory. I am generally satisfied with...

  • McFirson McFirson modified a comment on discussion Help

    Yes, I am using converting software - Format Factory. I am generally satisfied with...

  • McFirson McFirson posted a comment on discussion Help

    Sorry, I am using converting software - Format Factory. I am generally satisfied...

  • Chris Korda Chris Korda posted a comment on discussion Help

    You didn't explain how you converted the WMA file to MP3. Obviously you didn't use...

  • McFirson McFirson posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi again, I was a bit busy, sorry for not responding. You were correct, I have tried...

  • Chris Korda Chris Korda modified a comment on discussion Help

    I suggest using WaveShop to record the audio. MP3 sounds awful and is no longer necessary,...

  • Chris Korda Chris Korda modified a comment on discussion Help

    I suggest using WaveShop to record the audio. MP3 sounds hideous and is no longer...

  • Chris Korda Chris Korda posted a comment on discussion Help

    I suggest using WaveShop to record the audio. If that's not satisfactory for some...

  • McFirson McFirson modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, I have been using Waveshop for quite a while, and I am really satisfied as...

  • McFirson McFirson modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, I have been using Waveshop for quite a while, and Im really satisfied as Im...

  • McFirson McFirson modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, I have been using Waveshop for quite a while, and Im really satisfied as Im...

  • McFirson McFirson posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, I have been using Waveshop for quite a while, and Im really satisfied as Im...

  • Nikita Merzlyakov (Hammerforce) Nikita Merzlyakov (Hammerforce) created ticket #5

    Level range selection or Zoom tool in Spectrum window

  • Chris Korda Chris Korda posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    WaveShop is optimized for 64-bit Windows 7 or 8. The portable version is Windows...

  • bejant bejant posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Chris, With MS support for XP ending soon do you have any plans for a Linux compatible...

  • Chris Korda Chris Korda modified a comment on discussion Help

    I erroneously had my PC speaker settings at "5.1 surround sound" Don't know about...

  • Chris Korda Chris Korda posted a comment on discussion Help

    I erroneously had my PC speaker settings at "5.1 surround sound" Don't know about...

  • bejant bejant modified a comment on discussion Help

    OK, now that I have my PC speaker settings set to "Desktop stereo speakers", the...

  • bejant bejant posted a comment on discussion Help

    OK, now that I have my PC speaker settings set to "Desktop stereo speakers", the...

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