
VR Juggler / News: Recent posts

VR Juggler 2.2.1 Released

I am pleased to announce the availability of VR Juggler 2.2.1, albeit several days after the actual release occurred. VR Juggler 2.2.1 represents a significant improvement to the VR Juggler 2.2 release series, due in no small part to feedback, bug reports, and fixes from users. All users of VR Juggler 2.0.x and 2.2.0 are strongly encouraged to update to this release.

Source code for VR Juggler 2.2.1 is available on SourceForge at the following address:... read more

Posted by Patrick Fewell-Hartling 2008-03-20

VR Juggler 2.0.4 released

VR Juggler 2.0.4 has been released. This release has several bug fixes made since the 2.0.3 release. The most critical of these is that VRPN device now work in a cluster configuration again and vrj::OsgApp is now stable in multi-pipe/multi-threaded VR Juggler configurations. All users of Open Scene Graph and VR Juggler 2.0 are strongly encouraged to update to this release and recompile their applications. This can be accomplished by copying the 2.0.4 vrj/Draw/OSG/OsgApp.h file in to an older VR Juggler 2.0 release, but the best results will be achieved by updating the entire Juggler platform to 2.0.4.... read more

Posted by Patrick Fewell-Hartling 2007-08-14

VR Juggler 2.2 Beta 1 released


Two years a few days after the release of VR Juggler 2.0.0, VR Juggler 2.2 Beta 1 finally sees the light of day. VR Juggler 2.2 represents a significant improvement over the VR Juggler 2.0 release series, and we think that users will be quite happy with the results. Download information is available at this location:

RPMs for several Linux distributions are available in the "infiscape-testing" repository. Information about this is available on the page above. VR Juggler 2.2 Beta 1 is officially version 2.1.31, and the RPMs use the actual version identifiers rather than the symbolic "Beta 1" name.... read more

Posted by Patrick Fewell-Hartling 2007-07-14

PyJuggler 1.0.1 released

Following up on the release of VR Juggler 2.0.3, I would like to announce formally the release of PyJuggler 1.0.1. This version is up to date with VR Juggler 2.0.3 and includes fixes for some minor bugs. The source for this release has been available for a a few weeks now, and there have been RPMs and an installer for Mac OS X available. Now, there are new builds of PyJuggler 1.0.1 made against VR Juggler 2.0.3 and Windows installation wizards. The installation wizards for Windows include the Boost.Python DLL and PyGMTL 0.4.12.... read more

Posted by Patrick Fewell-Hartling 2007-02-16

VR Juggler 2.0.3 released

* Introduction

VR Juggler 2.0.3 has been released after a critical bug was fixed in the configuration file loading having to do with how included files are found when using relative paths. While this bug may not affect all (or even most) users of VR Juggler 2.0.2, we still recommend that everyone update to this release. Download information is available at this location: read more

Posted by Patrick Fewell-Hartling 2007-02-16

VR Juggler 2.0.1 released

* Introduction

Today marks the release of the best version of VR Juggler yet: 2.0.1. Many hours and days have been spent tracking down and fixing bugs reported by users of the VR Juggler 2.0.0 release, and the result is a much more stable and more reliable VR Juggler 2.0 release. VR Juggler 2.0.1 is a bug-fix release relative to VR Juggler 2.0.0, and all users of VR Juggler 2.0.0 and the 2.0 pre-releases are strongly encouraged to upgrade to this new release.... read more

Posted by Patrick Fewell-Hartling 2005-08-30

PyJuggler 1.0.0 released

It gives me great pleasure to announce the release of PyJuggler 1.0.0. This release is fully compatible with VR Juggler 2.0.0 and is ready for widespread use. Since PyJuggler 1.0 Beta 2 was released, many bugs were fixed in classes introduced in PyJuggler 1.0 Beta 1. These classes were primarily in the modules PyJuggler.snx and PyJuggler.gadget, so they may not have seen too much use yet. Users updating to PyJuggler 1.0.0 are strongly encouraged to update to PyGMTL 0.4.9 as well. That release has a couple of important bug fixes relative to PyGMTL 0.4.8.... read more

Posted by Patrick Fewell-Hartling 2005-07-07

VR Juggler 2.0.0 released


After three developer releases, four alpha releases, and three beta releases, it gives me great pleasure to announce the long-awaited release of VR Juggler 2.0.0. VR Juggler 2.0 has been in development for more than four and a half years, and it has been a long and winding road to reach this point. This release represents the work of a varied group of developers, many who have come and gone during the last four and a half years. Just as importantly, VR Juggler 2.0 is the result of feedback from countless users of VR Juggler 1.0 and the ten (!) 2.0 pre-releases.... read more

Posted by Patrick Fewell-Hartling 2005-07-06

PyJuggler 1.0 Beta 2 released

Following up on the release of VR Juggler 2.0 Beta 3, I am pleased to announce the release of PyJuggler 1.0 Beta 2. This release is primarily a bug-fix release relative to 1.0 Beta 1, released in December 2004. The most significant aspect of this release is the update to use PyGMTL 0.4.8, which was released earlier this week. PyGMTL 0.4.8 has dozens of bug fixes and interface enhancements to ensure that the full power of GMTL can be accessed from Python.... read more

Posted by Patrick Fewell-Hartling 2005-06-13

VR Juggler 2.0 Beta 3 released


As the VR Juggler 2.0 release manager, I am pleased to announce the the long-awaited, long-delayed release of VR Juggler 2.0 Beta 3. This release is the culmination of more than four years of work by a varied group of developers and the results of feedback from countless users who tried out the beta releases and the alpha releases.

VR Juggler 2.0 Beta 3 is primarily a bug-fix release relative to the 2.0 Beta 2 release made in January 2005. We got a fantastic amount of feedback about the 2.0 Beta 2 release and were able to make numerous improvements to the C++ code base as a result. We are hopeful that that trend will continue with this release to ensure that VR Juggler 2.0.0 is stable, robust, and generally fun to use.... read more

Posted by Patrick Fewell-Hartling 2005-06-09

VR Juggler 2.0 Beta 2 released


As the VR Juggler 2.0 release manager, I am pleased to announce the the release of VR Juggler 2.0 Beta 2. This release represents four years of work by a varied group of developers and the results of feedback from countless users who tried out early alpha and pre-alpha releases.

VR Juggler 2.0 Beta 2 is primarily a bug-fix release relative to the 2.0 Beta 1 release made last month. All bugs reported with VR Juggler 2.0 Beta 1 have been fixed. This includes many usability fixes with VRJConfig. Two new custom editors have been added to VRJConfig for editing Ascension MotionStar Wireless and Ascension Flock of Birds configurations. These editors can be accessed through the VRJConfig Control Panel.... read more

Posted by Patrick Fewell-Hartling 2005-01-19

PyJuggler 1.0 Beta 1 released

Following up on the release of VR Juggler 2.0 Beta 1, I am pleased to announce the release of PyJuggler 1.0 Beta 1. This release includes many important additions over the last release in July 2004:

1) Complete code coverage for user-visible application programming interfaces
2) Addition of bindings for vrj::GlContextData<T> to allow for user-defined application-specific data in Python application objects
3) Addition of bindings for cluster::UserData<T> to allow for user-defined shared data types in cluster configurations
4) Addition of docstrings for all classes and nearly all methods and functions
5) Support for Mac OS X (without PyJuggler.vrj.OsgApp, however)
6) Support for pickling of types commonly used with application-specific shared data in cluster configurations
7) Addition of bindings for Sonix in the new module PyJuggler.snx... read more

Posted by Patrick Fewell-Hartling 2004-12-28

VR Juggler 2.0 Beta 1 released


As the VR Juggler 2.0 release manager, it gives me great pleasure to announce the the long-awaited release of VR Juggler 2.0 Beta 1. This release represents four years of work by a varied group of developers and the results of feedback from countless users who tried out early alpha and pre-alpha releases.

Since VR Juggler 2.0 Alpha 4 was released in May 2004, many, many bugs have been fixed, and existing features have been enhanced. Much of the progress is the direct result of users who reported bugs and/or provided patches to fix problems that they found in the code. Those efforts are greatly appreciated; they form the foundation of successful open source software.... read more

Posted by Patrick Fewell-Hartling 2004-12-28

PyJuggler 0.9.2 is available

I just uploaded PyJuggler 0.9.2 to SourceForge. This is a bug-fix release made to correct problems with the use of PyOSG and PyJuggler together. To prove that the two do work together, there is a new sampleapplication called that loads a model and allows navigationthrough the virtual space.For more information and downloads, go to the following website: read more

Posted by Patrick Fewell-Hartling 2004-07-14

PyJuggler 0.9.1 is available

PyJuggler 0.9.1 is a bug-fix release made to correct problems with the use of Python 2.3 on Windows.

For more information and downloads, go to the following ebsite:

The full source code and binary versions of PyJuggler for Fedora Cora 1, Red Hat Linux 8.0, and Microsoft Windows (Visual C++ 7.1) can be downloaded from this page: read more

Posted by Patrick Fewell-Hartling 2004-07-02

PyJuggler 0.9.0 is available

Hot on the heels of the VR Juggler 2.0 Alpha 4 release, I am pleased to announce the release of PyJuggler 0.9.0. Windows support has been dramatically improved, and bindings for vrj::OsgApp are now included by default. If you do not have Open Scene Graph installed, do not worry; its use is entirely optional. Those who do have OSG installed can take advantage of it by extending vrj.OsgApp.

For more information and downloads, go to the following website:... read more

Posted by Patrick Fewell-Hartling 2004-05-05

VR Juggler 2.0 Alpha 4 is available


The VR Juggler Team is pleased to announce the fourth alpha release of VR Juggler 2.0. This represents a snapshot of the code that will become VR Juggler 2.0. Since VR Juggler 2.0 Alpha 3 was released in late September 2003, a huge effort has gone into improving the code and the documentation. Bug reports from the brave early adopters helped greatly in making progress. Some important, long-desired features have been added as well.... read more

Posted by Patrick Fewell-Hartling 2004-05-05

VR Juggler 2.0 Alpha 3 available


The VR Juggler Team is pleased to announce the third alpha release of VR Juggler 2.0. This represents a snapshot of the code that will become VR Juggler 2.0. Since VR Juggler 2.0 Alpha 2 was released in early July 2003, there have been many important bug fixes that have helped stabilize the VR Juggler code base. Bug reports from the brave early adopters helped greatly in finding these errors.... read more

Posted by Patrick Fewell-Hartling 2003-09-25

VR Juggler 2.0 Alpha 1 update

In my haste to get the VR Juggler 2.0 Alpha 1 builds done and uploaded to SourceForge, I forgot to include two of the newest pieces: a compiled VRPN driver (VRPN_drv.{so,dll}) and the vjAvatar library. Also, the day after the release, it was discovered that there were two compile-time errors in vrj/Draw/OSG/OsgApp.h.

To correct all of this, I have just finished rebuilding and re-uploading the source and binary distribution files for 2.0 Alpha 1. Anyone who has already downloaded either the source or a pre-compiled version of VR Juggler 2.0 Alpha 1 is encouraged to do the download again. Note, however, that vjAvatar is not supported on Windows at the moment, so the only differences in the Windows ZIP file are the VRPN driver and the fixed OsgApp.h header file.... read more

Posted by Patrick Fewell-Hartling 2003-03-19

VR Juggler 2.0 Alpha 1 is available


The VR Juggler Team is pleased to announce the long-overdue first alpha release of VR Juggler 2.0. This represents a snapshot of the code that will become VR Juggler 2.0. Since VR Juggler 1.1 DR3 was released in late September 2002, a huge effort has gone into improving the code and the documentation. Bug reports from the brave early adopters helped greatly in making progress. Some important, long-desired features have been added as well. For example, it is no longer necessary to have separate configurations for applications that want units of measure in meters and for those that want to use feet. In fact, you could write an application to use furlongs if you felt the need. :)... read more

Posted by Patrick Fewell-Hartling 2003-03-16

VR Juggler 1.1 DR3 Available


The VR Juggler Team is pleased to announce the long-awaited third developer release of VR Juggler 1.1. This is the code that will become VR Juggler 2.0. This release is being made available so that people using VR Juggler 1.0 have ample opportunity to prepare for the changes coming in version 2.0 and so that we as developers can get feedback from the user community. We want your comments, questions, concerns, and (especially) bug reports!... read more

Posted by Ben Scott 2002-09-30

VR Juggler 1.1 DR2 available


The VR Juggler Team is pleased to announce the long-awaited second developer release of VR Juggler 1.1. This is the code that will become VR Juggler 2.0. This release is being made available so that people using VR Juggler 1.0 have ample opportunity to prepare for the changes coming in version 2.0 and so that we as developers can get feedback from the user community. We want your comments, questions, concerns, and (especially) bug reports!... read more

Posted by Ben Scott 2002-09-07

VR Juggler 1.0.6 released

The VR Juggler team is pleased to announce the release of VR Juggler 1.0.6, the latest patch release on the stable 1.0 line. This version contains many important bug fixes, most of which were fixed through submissions from the user community. The key fixes are as follows:

* Stereo rendering works correctly with OpenSceneGraph 0.8.45.
* Stereo rendering works on Win32.
* Dynamic, user-defined device registration works.
* The Ascension Flock of Birds driver initializes birds correctly
when the transmitter is not the last device on the bird bus.
* Analog data collection with the Immersion Interface Box works.... read more

Posted by Patrick Fewell-Hartling 2002-07-01

VR Juggler 1.1 DR1 available


The VR Juggler Team is pleased to announce the long-awaited first developer release of VR Juggler 1.1. This is the code that will become VR Juggler 2.0. This release is being made available so that people using VR Juggler 1.0 have ample opportunity to prepare for the changes coming in version 2.0 and so that we as developers can get feedback from the user community. We want your comments, questions, concerns, and (especially) bug reports!... read more

Posted by Patrick Fewell-Hartling 2002-06-14

VR Juggler 1.0.5 released

The VR Juggler team would like to announce the release of VR Juggler 1.0.5. This version contains a fix for a few things that weren't quite right in the 1.0.4 release. Most notably OpenSceneGraph support. It seems that some of the code that worked fine in the 1.1 tree did not convert over the 1.0 tree very well.

Anyway, on the with good news.

VR Juggler now has full support for OpenSceneGraph in simulator and multi-pipe setups (requires OSG v0.8.44 or later)... read more

Posted by Allen Bierbaum 2002-02-08