
#141 VRT try 2

cartridge (1)
new Feature

Add VRT (VIC-20 caRTridge support), adapted from VICEminus. This is v2 of the patch with cartconv instead of vrtconv and documentation in vice.texi and the cartconv manpage. If there is still some reason to not merge this, please declare it so we can have easy to use VIC carts this decade. Despite the moniker, I'll cruise the neighborhood until this is in.

2 Attachments


  • Marco van den Heuvel

    Thank you for reworking the patch.

    We're currently in the bug-fix/gui-update cycle of the upcoming vice 3.0 release, so the patch will not be merged at this time. It will be taken into consideration for after the 3.0 release.

  • gpz

    gpz - 2016-12-31

    the "tricky" cartridge should get removed from this patch - we prefer to add seperate cartridge types for different hardware types.

  • Drive-by Patch

    Drive-by Patch - 2017-01-12

    That reason is bullshit.

    The generic type also encompasses multiple different hardware ypes. Should it be removed too? Since the cartridges representable by the tricky type is a superset of the generic type, perhaps that is a better one to get rid of.

    Consider the case of Vicmon-b000. It is a non-mirrored 4 KiB cart at $B000. (There also exists a version located at $A000.)
    Should it get its own type "Vicmon $B000"?
    Maybe a cart type for "4 KiB at $B000"?
    Then how about Victool, a 2 KiB cart at $B000? Own type for that too?
    And all the 4 KiB carts at $A000 (for example HesMON) ...

    The question "why not just have the generic type not mirrored" may pop up here.
    I think the original reasons for that were:
    - the existing generic code needs no changes
    - using a generic .vrt on real hardware is possible (there was a proof of concept .vrt loader for FE3 somewhere in Denial)

    Which solution to non-mirrored undersized cart should it be?
    a) cart type for each case (type "Vicmon at $B000")
    b) cart type for each class (type "4 KiB at $B000")
    c) new non-mirrored generic type (name please)
    d) make generic non-mirrored (implementation may end up looking a lot like tricky)
    e) tricky type (this patch right here)

    In the case of not taking option e), also give a proper reason for not merging it.

  • gpz

    gpz - 2017-01-12

    that we want to have different types for different cartridge hardware was already discussed, and decided, internally and is not open for debate here. we just dont want another "fits for all but not quite" thing in VICE - and when i asked around for examples of cartridges that would fall into this category, noone could name more than a handful either, which seems to make it not much needed too.

    if you are not sure what type a specifc cartridge should get and/or how it should be added, post a feature request with a link to the image and specs and we can discuss it then.

  • Drive-by Patch

    Drive-by Patch - 2017-01-15

    So it is either a) or b)? And you want me to hunt for links to every 4 KiB cart and post feature request for each? Fuck that shit.

    No cart format this decade either. Waving goodbye while cruising off...

  • gpz

    gpz - 2017-03-13

    took a closer look at the patch, and even when ignoring the "tricky" stuff the changes seem to be overcomplicated. i dont see how vic20 carts would require so much new code in cartconv, for example. it should be possible to do a lot simpler, essentially reusing the c64 format and changing the header.

  • compyx

    compyx - 2018-05-19
    • status: open --> closed-rejected
  • compyx

    compyx - 2018-05-19
    • labels: --> cartridge
    • status: closed-rejected --> open
    • Version: v2.4.x --> v3.x
  • gpz

    gpz - 2019-08-23

    closing for the reasons mentioned, we'll have to implement something reasonably simple from scratch

  • gpz

    gpz - 2019-08-23
    • status: open --> closed-rejected

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