
#17 Support for Commodore C65 emulation

new Emulator


I am wondering whether it is possible for ViCE to support the Commodore 65 as an emulated platform. I have heard that the MESS-emulator supports the C65 but I rather like to use ViCE :).



  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Support for the Commodore LCD laptop should also be added (even if partial) as well.

  • John Paul Adrian Glaubitz

    Yep. The more the better. ViCE is just a wonderful piece of software, being a dignified replacement for original CBM-machines (together with a Catweasel-controller :)). Hope someone will add those 2 machines. I'd spend some money for that.


  • Spiro Trikaliotis

    • priority: 5 --> 1
  • Spiro Trikaliotis

    Someone would have to do this work, and I doubt there are many volunteers. BTW: *Which* C65 do you want to emulate? There are some variants out, and these are not completely compatible to each other. I doubt it will be possible to do so with a reasonable effort. The same goes for the LCD, BTW. I already asked for specific documentation for it, but it seems there is none. Thus, how do you want to emulate a machine you know next to knothing about?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Yes, partial support for the Commodore LCD would be nice too - especially since ROM dumps for the system ROMs are out there.

    BUT! One thing that should be relatively easy to add in VICE would be MOS Technology/Commodore KIM emulation.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Actually I'm a bit surprised KIM emulation hasn't been added - there is very little to it compared to the other systems VICE supports.

  • gpz

    gpz - 2013-06-16
    • Group: --> general
    • Category: --> new Emulator
  • Velteyn

    Velteyn - 2016-02-16

    Hi all, I found a complete technical details about Commodore 65 with detailed hardware specifications:

    someone did already an emulator..

    Don't know if it works I did not try.

    I hope this can help

    Have a nice day

  • Paul Gardner-Stephen

    I'm taking a look implementing C65 support to VICE, as part of our MEGA65 project. No guarantees. Any offers of assistance welcome to spread the load.


    • Marco van den Heuvel


      if you have any questions about VICE I would suggest you join the vice ml and/or join irc on #vice-dev.

      I/we are more than willing to integrate a (partially) working c65 emulator into the mainstream vice, provided you can select the version of the prototype it emulates (or mega65), like in the other emu's model selection.

  • Paul Gardner-Stephen

    Thanks! What I was looking at doing, was forking off the x64 target, and using the same framework that it has to allow selection of models. Initially, I expect that it would just have C65 PAL, based on the C65 that I used to own, and MEGA65.

    If someone on the VICE team is willing, it would be great if they could set up the target in a fork of the source for me, so that I can focus on the C65 stuff, rather than have to start out by learning all the internals of VICE before being able to make a start.

    Happy to be pointed to the mailing list. IRC may be more hit and miss for me, simply because I am in Australia on GMT+10.5 hours.



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