
#114 OSX - Drives window with contents and drag&drop support

User Interface

I really miss an optional drive window where the contents of the selected drive is shown.

PRG should be able to start by double clicking, drag and drop support within these windows (and putting files by drag and drop onto the VICE window) would be very nice as this would help a lot to manage files within .d64 images!

Take a look at Power64, the C64 emulator for MacOS X. It exactely does what I described here! Please port that to VICE!


  • Ingo Korb

    Ingo Korb - 2012-07-21

    On some platforms VICE already shows the disk contents in the open dialog and allows you to run a file by double-clicking in that list, so I assume you use one of the platforms where it doesn't do that. Maybe you could tell us which one?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-07-21

    I know that the directory is shown with the open dialog. But on MacOS X you can not double click a file within this directory to start it - I have to choose the file and then click on open.

    But I did not think of that but I thought of an additional window in the Window menu to open a permanent window with the contents of the image currently opened. And the possibility to start files from there, too. And, if two of these windows are opened (e.g. one for drive 8 and one for drive 9 with different images) the possibility to copy files via drag and drop, or if only one image is open to be able to drag and drop files from the host system into the image. Same thing Power64 is able to.

  • gpz

    gpz - 2012-12-13
    • milestone: --> OSX
    • assigned_to: nobody --> cnvogelg
    • summary: Drives window with contents and drag&drop support --> OSX - Drives window with contents and drag&drop support
  • gpz

    gpz - 2013-06-16
    • labels: User Interface -->
    • Category: --> User Interface
  • gpz

    gpz - 2019-08-20
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
  • gpz

    gpz - 2019-08-20

    OSX uses GTK3 port now


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