
#945 'Attach disk image' - Dialog window resize not possible

User Interface

When opening 'Attach disk image' dialog (<alt+8>) the columns are too small (see picture). Trying to grab the window corner to resize just moves the window. Is there any fix for this?


Arch Linux
Vice 3.1


  • compyx

    compyx - 2017-10-13

    Sure it can be fixed. But since we're working towards a proper Gtk3 UI, I don't think this is a priority right now. Perhaps when I have time I'll look into this.

  • compyx

    compyx - 2017-10-13

    I just tried the Gtk2 UI built from trunk. Resizing the dialog works fine on my box. I'm using Debian 9.2 with Gtk2 2.24, Gtk3 3.22.11 and GLib 2.50.3. Perhaps XFCE imposes some weird limits on the Gtk+ widgets/dialogs?

  • Stefan Kurtz

    Stefan Kurtz - 2017-10-15

    I've tested it with Mate as well now and its working there indeed. Looks like you're right and there's something wrong with XFCE. The good thing is i can change the window in Mate and as the settings are persistent it affects XFCE as well. I can live with that. Thank you.

  • compyx

    compyx - 2017-10-18

    Alright. Meanwhile I'll keep this bug open as a reminder, since I'll have to check the new Gtk3 UI against XFCE and a few other window managers anyway.

  • compyx

    compyx - 2017-10-20

    Checked both the old Gtk2 UI and the new Gtk3 UI against XFCE (4.12.3) on my Debian box. Indeed the Gtk2 UI's dialogs refuse to resize, I get a mouse pointer indicating the dialog is resizable, but all it does is move the dialog.

    Using MATE or OpenBox, the Gtk2 UI also works as expected, so it seems to be an XFCE issue.

    Using the new Gtk3 UI, everything works like it should on XFCE. So I'm fine with that, since Gtk2 is on its way out anyway.


    Last edit: compyx 2017-10-20
  • gpz

    gpz - 2018-05-18
    • status: open --> closed-wont-fix
    • Port: Linux --> GTK2
    • Category: x64 --> User Interface
  • gpz

    gpz - 2018-05-18

    GTK2 UI will get removed after 3.2 -> please test the GTK3 port


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