
#882 Whole emulation in Windows 10 is broken!



I tried to use VICE emulators, but each (tested are written below) at disk access or cartridge change after few seconds not responding and only one way to solve it is force closing emulator.
Tested: xvic, x64sc, xscpu64, x128.
Only one works - xplus4
It is problem of builds last few days (downloaded from pokefinder),
For correction:
IO collision: detach last inserted
JAM action: continue
Drive: true emulation, used JiffyDOS in each, 1571, 1581, 4000
Kernals: JiffyDOS all
x64sc: CP/M cartridge enabled
Using default option it solves, but the same configs in old versions (2.4 - 2.4.1) are working...
Really I'm personally confused - configs were working - and in one build came this problem, I meant it will solve VICE team but to last tested build not, last not working build: 3.0.32893:33008
Please look at - if is it only my problem, suggest solution.


  • gpz

    gpz - 2017-03-20

    please provide detailed information on how to reproduce this.

    also, where does this "3.0.32893:33008" build come from?

    oh and please try to explain exactly what the problem is - "Whole emulation is broken!" is obviously wrong when it works with default config.


    Last edit: gpz 2017-03-20

    MIRKOSOFT - 2017-03-20

    As first - whole emulation is broken means - each disk access/cartridge change makes VICE not responding and req'd is force exit.
    Problem is written detaily in previous post - really don't understand if default config works, what was changed to make my old working config unusable?
    Problem cannot to be in config, but in changes which makes config now unusable.
    Needs explain - for correction I attached all emulators used by me config in single INI file and report log of xscpu64 crash after accessing GEOS for SCPU D64 image.
    Again - I changed not working config - anything was chaqnged in VICE what makes config not usable.
    Build is downloaded from


  • compyx

    compyx - 2017-03-20

    Things are actually the other way around: a new VICE version doesn't support config files from previous versions. So old config files might work on a newer VICE version, but that is not at all guaranteed. So start with an empty config, and then reconfigure your emu's the way you want.

    I know this is a hassle, but supporting all kinds of old config files is even more work for us, since things tend to change quickly and supporting/recognizing all resource/config changes is pretty much undoable.


    MIRKOSOFT - 2017-03-20

    Ok, thank you for explaining problem.
    I do it later, but good is that I know why it was working not.

  • compyx

    compyx - 2017-03-20

    Okay, I know it's annoying having to reconfigure all emu's, but that's how its is. Good luck!

  • gpz

    gpz - 2017-03-20

    there certainly is something wrong with the setup too, for example in the C128 section there is




    ... which will not work, and should give an I/O collision.

    you should start with a clean config, and then try to find out the least amount of options you have to enable to make it misbehave.


    MIRKOSOFT - 2017-03-22

    Now I'm after more than hour of configuring VICE surprised - where is stored VICE.INI????
    I want to backup it and I selected always "Save settings" instead "Save settings to specified file"...
    So, where is in new version stored VICE.INI?
    If is it not possible to backup, it is wrong as is possible.

  • Querino

    Querino - 2017-03-22


    searchtools are of great use.

  • compyx

    compyx - 2017-03-25
    • status: open --> closed-invalid
  • compyx

    compyx - 2017-03-25

    Closing, clear case of config "abuse".


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