
#759 Professional DOS emulation doesn't work

Shock Wave

Professional DOS emulation appears to have been broken somewhere past 2.3.12 (last 2.3.x version for Windows I could find). Tested versions were 2.4 main, 2.4.27, 2.4.28 and a few others in between.
Attached are the c64-kernal, 1571-kernal and additional floppy rom as well as the windows batch file to configure all required parameters. Alternative Kernals ("Professional-DOS Release 2-4-7 L2 - C64-Kernal 2764" from also appear to work in 2.3. Other speeders (Dolphin DOS 3, SpeedDOS Plus/Expert) still work as intended.

Problem is as follows: Using the settings that work under 2.3 attempting to list the directory gives an instant "ready" without any contents listed, loading the first file gives a file not found. Changing the parallel cable to "dolphin dos 3" hangs those operations, using the "formel 64" cable listing the directory and loading files works, but are at the usual kernal speed.

1 Attachments


  • gpz

    gpz - 2016-06-22

    weird bug - the speeddos parallel cable works (with speeddos) so its not that. shrug

  • Shock Wave

    Shock Wave - 2016-08-12

    Maybe something regarding low level emulation of the 1571 changed between versions? Just found out the parallelcable used on Professional DOS in a 1571 doesn't comply with the average SpeedDOS cable.

  • mc4duck

    mc4duck - 2020-01-24

    Vice-2.3.15 and ProfDOS is working... but in 2.3.16, it's broken (File not found). Same Parameters, compiled in gentoo linux x64.

  • Querino

    Querino - 2020-02-02

    wow, this is along way back, early 2012

    only about 3 weeks between .15 and .16, but sadly lots of commits.

    2.3.16 and older starts at

  • Querino

    Querino - 2020-02-12

    btw, it also does not work in newest 3.4.x versions

    • standard speed with "none" or "formel 64" cable
    • hangs with "dolphin" cable
    • file not found with "standard" cable

    also changing other drive settings did not help.

    but then, it's really annoying, there are really many different versions of this floating around.

  • Querino

    Querino - 2021-10-26

    this doesn't work now since 10 years.

    how about removing at least this from the GUI?
    it only fools users who try all sorts of settings to get it working.

  • gpz

    gpz - 2021-10-26

    Na, thats not the way to go. (Honestly, i dont think many ppl are trying - or even missing this)

  • Querino

    Querino - 2021-10-26

    honestly, i think this gives a very bad impression, and i bet most people would agree.
    after all it's not something that is working at least halfway, it doesn't work at all.
    but it sits in the GUI, version after version.

    personally it does not worry me too much, i removed it in my own builds long ago. still it would be nice seeing it fixed. :)

  • Goran Skvorc

    Goran Skvorc - 2021-11-01

    Last edit: Goran Skvorc 2021-11-03
  • gpz

    gpz - 2023-08-13
    • status: open --> open-need-test
  • mc4duck

    mc4duck - 2023-11-29

    WinVice-2.3.15 (x86): working (at ~35x speed)
    GTK Vice-3.7 (win64): only original speed (1x), no acceleration.

    same ROMs, tested from GUI, and also from command line parameters.
    Even tested different parameters (parallel cables, burst modes, CIA modes, ...)

  • mc4duck

    mc4duck - 2023-11-30

    specifying kernal rom and 1571 dos rom gives log entries:

    Loading system file "C:\prg\c64\vice-3.7\profdos\"
    Loading system file "C:\prg\c64\vice-3.7\profdos\"

    while the parameter
    -profdos1571 "C:\prg\c64\vice-3.7\profdos\"
    never gives a log message - but this behavior is also in version 2.3.15, where it is working.

    Gladly, vice emulates a lot of hardware speeders and even exotic types of hardware, even scpu etc.
    I would love to see Professional DOS working, as it was the fastest (and perhaps most compatible?) hardware speeder. It is at least as fast as using no truedrive-emulation, but without truedrive many software won't work.

    • Querino

      Querino - 2023-11-30

      it's now even removed from the GUI, so i guess chances are small it will come back.

      • gpz

        gpz - 2023-11-30

        Well, obviously someone would have to look at at :)


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