
#103 Record Function does not work properly in 2.2

x64 (101)

Well, there is another recording problem with Vice 2.2.

I just recorded the attached files. It contains the 1st mission of the game "Apollo 18". Everything worked fine in the game, but when I want to view the recording the launch of the rocket is completely screwed.

I just tried again with Vice 2.1, there it seems to work so far.


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  • Flexman

    Flexman - 2010-01-04

    record function malicious

  • Flexman

    Flexman - 2010-01-04

    By the way: Recording does not work when 1541 Emulations is off and game will load other parts (just try Apollo 18 from the GB64 again as example). This works neither in Vice 2.2 nor in 2.1.

    If you have the wrong disk inserted game will also complain about the wrong disk but Vice won't let you insert the correct disk image. If the correct disk image is inserted game video also will be corrupted.

  • Flexman

    Flexman - 2010-01-04
    • priority: 5 --> 7
  • Flexman

    Flexman - 2010-01-04

    Ok I now also detected an error with Vice 2.1.

    The game recorded just fine, also when viewing the video in vice it works - even with alt+w (full speed).

    But when I try to record a video it will fail at the same stage.
    I uploaded the VSF and Video there:

    I tried two times, one time with fastest speed, one time normal and the error converting a Video always at the same time (check Minute 30).

    During recording I use Alt+G and Alt+H several times but I always recorded from the end of the video and did not use the "overwrite recording" function.

  • Andreas Matthies

    Always start the video recording BEFORE you start the history playback. The video recording will also restart automatically.
    If you do it the other way round, sound engine is restarted and the playback may get out of sync.

  • Flexman

    Flexman - 2010-01-08

    but with 2.2 even the playback made problems...

    just take a look on the attached files and the zip uploaded to the link please.

  • Flexman

    Flexman - 2010-01-09

    @amatthies: i did it now like you mentioned but there still is the same problem.

  • Andreas Matthies

    I have uploaded a debug version of x64 (Win32) at
    This may help to find recording bugs (which are snapshot bugs most of the times). Here's how to use:
    0. Make sure you have a fast PC and a lot of free disk space for the log files.
    1. Select all the settings you need for the game-recording and the suggested settings for proper recording (1/1 framerate, disable virtual device traps etc.)
    2. Select File/Debug/Mode/History (or History Autoplay)
    3. Select File/Debug/Main CPU Trace (Alt F10)
    4. Snapshot/Start-stop recording history
    5. Record as long as you think it might need to reproduce the recording bug, then stop recording and start playback. If you've chosen "History Autoplay" the emulator switches automatically between recording and playback every ~4 seconds.
    6. If the playback hits a playback bug (the playback gets out of sync) a message box is shown with the out-of-sync CPU instruction and the corresponding debug....log file. Please post the information here (the text in the message box and the debug...log file mentioned.

    The debug mode (or the whole recording/playback) feature seems to be buggy, e.g. if you stop recording although the emulator is in playback mode or vice versa. This is known and has nothing to to with the playback-gets-out-of sync problems.

  • Flexman

    Flexman - 2010-06-14

    History with Debug Files

  • Flexman

    Flexman - 2010-06-14

    history debug Part 2

  • Flexman

    Flexman - 2010-06-14

    history debug part 3

  • Flexman

    Flexman - 2010-06-14

    Ok I now did that and figured out that the bug appears in the very beginning.

    So it seems to be important at which point you start your recording. If you do it too early than there will be a problem. So it is recommended to start when the game is loaded and started. This explains why others might not have noticed this bug since the seem to start the recording later. I attached the debug-files.

    Still I think there must be a 2nd bug that appears if you play for a while (~30 minutes). I could try this with my apollo18 history if you could send me a debug version of vice 2.1 since 2.2.4 does not seem to be able to read the history files i uploaded here as "apollo-seite1.7z".

  • Andreas Matthies

    I have updated
    You find x64-r22649-debug.exe with a fix in the drive snapshot.
    Please test if you can record and playback the mentioned games. Also changing disks within the recording should work better now.
    Notice that you can't playback old histories with this release.

  • gpz

    gpz - 2010-08-13
    • priority: 7 --> 5
  • gpz

    gpz - 2010-08-13

    so is this fixed? :)

  • Flexman

    Flexman - 2010-08-13

    I don't think so. I had problems recording with the other debug version but I think the bug remains the same. So the file I uploaded still should be valid.

  • Andreas Matthies

    I can't open the attached files. 7zip will create a file "debug.7z" out of them but this one seems to be corrupt. And it would be extremely helpfull if you could use the latest debug version. You talked about "starting the recording too early" but exactly that could be fixed.
    I'm sure there are more bugs left but we need debug output to get behind that. So please
    1. tell me how to opne the attached files
    2. create more debug output with latest test version or at least tell me more about the "problems recording with the other debug version".

  • Flexman

    Flexman - 2010-08-14

    The Bug it still remains exactly the same with 2.2 and it can be reproduced faster than it takes you to open the zip. Just do what you mentioned here, start recording and open a game with alt+8 by double-clicken the correct filename.

    I uploaded the debug files I created for 2.2 at

    If you have problems opening the ZIP, please tell me earlier this time. For the three files: I used the lastest version of 7zip, you just have to put all three files in one directory, right-click the 001-file and say "7zip - extract here". This worked fine here.

  • Flexman

    Flexman - 2010-08-14
    • milestone: 897185 --> 1071835
  • Flexman

    Flexman - 2010-08-15
    • milestone: 1071835 --> 897183
    • priority: 5 --> 7
  • Flexman

    Flexman - 2010-08-15

    Ok I could now reproduce another bug:
    Check my recording at (done with Vice 2.1)

    If I start the playback right away, everything looks normal, but the mission will fail about minute 30.
    If I first start the game (D64 file included in the ZIP) and then start the playback everything works out fine!

    The recording was done earlier with 2.1 - but I don't think that it will be different in 2.2. Also 2.2 has other bugs (logs already mentioned in previous post).

  • gpz

    gpz - 2010-08-15
    • priority: 7 --> 5
  • gpz

    gpz - 2010-08-15

    a recording from an earlier version is useless, sorry. please get a recent binary, for example from here: . don't expect problems related to recordings from 2.1 fixed, they won't. also very likely when there previously was a bug, then a new fixed version will not play back old recordings properly, or even at all. so fresh recordings made with a recent binary are the only way to confirm, reproduce, and eventually fix the problem.

  • Flexman

    Flexman - 2010-08-15

    Please note that I already posted debug files from the bugs I found in 2.2.

    It is not so easy to reproduce all the bugs, so that is why I also posted my record files from 2.1, knowing that similar bugs still exist in 2.2. Please read my comments and you will understand that I posted 2.2 bugs and that it should be easy for you to reproduce at least one of them.

  • Andreas Matthies

    Flexmaen wrote: "The Bug it still remains exactly the same with 2.2 and it can be reproduced faster than it takes you to open the zip. Just do what you mentioned here, start recording and open a game with alt+8 by double-clicken the correct filename."

    Exactly this bug should be fixed _AFTER_ 2.2. So don't report this error in 2.2 again and again. Please test the latest binary or use the binary I uploaded at which can be used to do history debugging. "Knowing that asimilar bugs exist in 2.2" doesn't help. Knowing and proving bugs with a debug output with latest (test-)binary would help.
    The also doesn't help as CPU state in the screenshots is completely different from the debug file so I doub't they show the same run.
    I'm in #vice-dev now so maybe we can discuss there.

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