
#36 ANy chance of GPT partition support?


I'd like to know if there's any chance you'll be implementing GPT soon and if you have any other recommendations for me being able to encrypt my entire HDD until then.


  • Mounir IDRASSI

    Mounir IDRASSI - 2015-03-02

    I guess you are referring to Windows system encryption on a GTP drive since GTP is already supported by VeraCrypt for non-system encryption.

    GPT is part of the UEFI specification and as such it will be implemented in the context of UEFI support.
    The following thread explains all the details of this:

    As of today, the development of UEFI support is on standby because of the lack of resources needed to work on such complex feature.

    There are no open source implementation of UEFI system encryption so I can't recommend any other software for doing so.

    For now, the only solution is to re-install Windows after changing your drive to MBR format and then perform the system encryption using VeraCrypt.

  • Alex

    Alex - 2016-04-20

    I’ve implemented prototype of UEFI support for Veracrypt + EFI + Windows.

    The prototype loads Windows 8.1 in EFI mode from GPT drive. The prototype has been tested on VirtualBox 5.0.14.

    Notes: This is prototype only. Veracrypt driver is not modified.

    It is not suitable for production because it has limited functionality and it uses the following scenario to boot:
    1) Boot from external media;
    2) Encrypt system partition via EFI crypt application;
    3) Start EFI DXE driver to decrypt Windows system partition on fly;
    4) Start windows loader.

    If it is interesting it is necessary to discuss user friendly setup and other EFI specific details.


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