
VeraCrypt 1.18 (BETA7) EFI GPT PROBLEM

  • SelectLine

    SelectLine - 2016-05-21

    sorry l'm low english.

    system will not start (continuous loading) :( disk not encrypted only pretest.

    configuration system:
    fast boot: disabled
    Launch CSM: disabled
    Secure Boot Control: disabled


    Last edit: SelectLine 2016-05-21
  • Mounir IDRASSI

    Mounir IDRASSI - 2016-05-21

    Normally, even if the ASUS logo is still shown, the password prompt will be displayed on the top left.
    Which ASUS computer is this?

    If there is no password promp at the top left, it probably means that it is just not displaying for some reason.

    Solution: after boot, type your password, then hit ENTER, then ENTER again if you didn't specify a PIM and your machine will boot.

    Can you try this?

  • SelectLine

    SelectLine - 2016-05-21

    video for you IDRASSI

    system will not start .
    ASUS VivoBook S500CA


    Last edit: SelectLine 2016-05-21
  • Mounir IDRASSI

    Mounir IDRASSI - 2016-05-21

    Thank you for the video, I understand now the issue.

    So basically, password validation is OK but Windows keeps loading indefinitely...maybe there is something special in the disk layout.

    To start Windows and do diagnostics, there is an easy step:

    • restart computer and F2 in order to enter BIOS setup
    • Go to the boot override menu. In my ASUS test machine, it is located in the last panel "Save & Exit"
    • Choose Windows Boot Manager as bootloader and hit ENTER.

    Screenshot below shows this menu in my ASUS test machine.

    Windows will load directly without VeraCrypt password prompt and VeraCrypt will tell that pre-test failed. You can then choose to remove VeraCrypt bootloader.

    After this, can you please share the layout of your disk as show in Windows Disk Management.

    Also, if you find anything useful in Windows Event Viewer related to the previous failed boot, please post it.

    Remark: DcsBoot means Disk Cryptographic Service for Boot. This acronyme may change in the future.


  • SelectLine

    SelectLine - 2016-05-21

    "After this, can you please share the layout of your disk as show in Windows Disk Management."

    hmmm ?


    Last edit: SelectLine 2016-05-21
  • Mounir IDRASSI

    Mounir IDRASSI - 2016-05-21

    Disk layout OK.

    This looks more a BIOS issue. Did you upgrade the BIOS of your Asus computer to the latest version?

    On Asus website, the latest BIOS version for Asus VivoBook S500CA is 204:

    VeraCrypt EFI implementation requires a BIOS released on 2013 or later. Asus VivoBook S500CA was shipped on 2012 so its original BIOS is too old.

    Does updating the BIOS solves the issue?

  • SelectLine

    SelectLine - 2016-05-21

    I'm have the latest versions

  • SelectLine

    SelectLine - 2016-05-21

  • Mounir IDRASSI

    Mounir IDRASSI - 2016-05-21

    I see that "Fast Boot" is disabled. Can you please enable Fast Boot and see if it solves the issue?

    You can also try disable GUI Boot mode in Windows. This tutorial explain how to do it:

  • SelectLine

    SelectLine - 2016-05-21

    I see that "Fast Boot" is disabled. Can you please enable Fast Boot and see if it solves the issue?

    no :(

    You can also try disable GUI Boot mode in Windows.

    Windows no loading :(

    BestCrypt Volume Encryption - problem does not occur (no problem)

    I look forward to new versions veracrypt

    • Alex

      Alex - 2016-05-23

      Thank you for the bug report. The problem was reproduced on my computer. We are preparing the update.

  • Mounir IDRASSI

    Mounir IDRASSI - 2016-05-21

    ok...thank you for the feedback.

    It is difficult to say where this issue comes from...Many machines have bugs in EFI implementation and it is difficult to implement workarounds for each EFI bug (commercial product have resources to do that). It could also be some other incompatibilities...

    I will add Asus VivoBook S500CA to the list of incompatibilities for now.

    FYI, VeraCrypt EFI has been tested successfully on Asus N551V, Microsoft SurfacePro 4, ASRock Vision X and Packard bell iMedia. Other tests are needed. Maybe I should create a thread dedicated to references of machines and resut of tests.

  • Mounir IDRASSI

    Mounir IDRASSI - 2016-05-24

    As announced by Alex, I have uploaded a new build of EFI Preview installer that should solve the Asus VivoBook S500CA.

    Can you please check that it works now for you?

    Thank you in advance.

  • SelectLine

    SelectLine - 2016-05-24

    Hi IDRASSI and Alex.


    pretest - OK! MANY THANKS !!!
    Windows loading - hmmm slow ?

    Windows loading: disk is not responding

    1minute - disk is responding = Windows loading

    sorry l'm low english


    Last edit: SelectLine 2016-05-24

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