
VeraCrypt file on FTP server - access with mounted ftp drive on win7/8

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-02-10

    Is there a possibility to store a VeraCrypt volume file on a FTP server and use a ftp drive mount tool on Win7/8 to access the stored files on it?
    Which ftp drive mount tool is the best to handle such a environment (open source preferred)

    Thanks for any help

  • Mounir IDRASSI

    Mounir IDRASSI - 2015-02-11

    It is possible to share VeraCrypt volumes over network (like FTP or Samba) but you should mount it in Read-Only mode. This is important in order to avoid any corruption of the volume if there is a network issue while a write operation in ongoing.

    If you really need to write data to the VeraCrypt volume, then it is safer to download the container, write it locally and then upload it again.

    I don't use FTP as it is not secure (FTP-SSL is a the closest secure alternative) so I can't recommend any FTP mount tool.

    For more information about network sharing, please read the dedicated chapter on the documentation:


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