
Issues with VSS Backup System and VeraCrypt

  • Ashley Terry

    Ashley Terry - 2017-03-07

    I need some help here. We have recently started using VeraCrypt to encrypt SQL databases, this use of VeraCrypt seems to have inturrupted the use of our VSS backup system we use through DATTO. Does anyone know if there is a fix or a work around? I am not trying to backup the VeraCrypt mounted drive, only the phsycial disks in the servers.

    The error the backup system is giving states a permission denied while accessing the VSS writer, when I dismount the VeraCrypt drive the backup runs just fine.

    All help is greatly appreciated,

    Thank you!

  • Enigma2Illusion

    Enigma2Illusion - 2017-03-07

    The Windows Volume Shadow Copy Service is currently supported only for partitions within the key scope of system encryption (e.g. a system partition encrypted by VeraCrypt, or a non- system partition located on a system drive encrypted by VeraCrypt, mounted when the encrypted operating system is running). Note: For other types of volumes, the Volume Shadow Copy Service is not supported because the documentation for the necessary API is not available.

  • Ashley Terry

    Ashley Terry - 2017-03-07

    Okay, so it would be a mounted encryption container, which would then use the VSS...right?

    Any ideas why this might cause issues with the backup software?

  • Enigma2Illusion

    Enigma2Illusion - 2017-03-07

    Okay, so it would be a mounted encryption container, which would then use the VSS...right?

    Per the documentation, this configuration will not work. Please reread my previous posting referencing the conditions for VSS to work with VeraCrypt.

    Any ideas why this might cause issues with the backup software?

    An additional issue can be the backup software attempting to write to an VeraCrypt encrypted drive/partition.

    How can I perform a Windows built-in backup on a VeraCrypt volume? The VeraCrypt volume doesn't show up in the list of available backup paths.

    Windows built-in backup utility looks only for physical driver, that's why it doesn't display the VeraCrypt volume. Nevertheless, you can still backup on a VeraCrypt volume by using a trick: activate sharing on the VeraCrypt volume through Explorer interface (of course, you have to put the correct permission to avoid unauthorized access) and then choose the option "Remote shared folder" (it is not remote of course but Windows needs a network path). There you can type the path of the shared drive (for example \ServerName\sharename) and the backup will be configured correctly.

  • Ashley Terry

    Ashley Terry - 2017-03-07

    I think we are not understanding each other...

    I do not want to backup VeraCrypt with the backup system.

    The issue is that my backups run fine if the container is dismounted.
    If the encrypted container is mounted the DATTO StorageCraft backup fails until I dismount the container.

    The error I get from my backup software is that it doesn't have admin rights to the VSS Writer, though VeraCrypt seems to be the culprit due to the backups running normally until a VeraCrypt volume is mounted as a drive on the server, then they fail until I dismount it.


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