
VeraCrypt does not work on Mac OS 11 Big Sur

John Clark
  • John Clark

    John Clark - 2020-11-14

    The only version of FUSE from FUSE for MacOS that works with Big Sur is a pre-release version.

    VeraCrypt does not recognized this version of FUSE as being installed and as a result, immediately throws and error when launching.

    Is there any estimate when VeraCrypt might be updated to work with the new FUSE and Big Sur?


  • John Howell

    John Howell - 2020-11-14

    Just upgraded to Big Sur, and yup, I have this problem too>
    MacOS 11.0.1
    Installed osxFuse 4.0.2.
    Redownloaded VeraCrypt 1.24U7, errors indicating osxfuse not installed, requires 2.6 or later.

  • Jeffrey Julius

    Jeffrey Julius - 2020-11-14

    Same issue here.

  • Thierry Lelegard

    Same issue here. Extremely annoying since all my confidential files are now inaccessible.

    With macOS 11, osxFUSE has been renamed macFUSE and is in version 4..0.2. When starting VeraCrypt 1.24U7, I first get

    Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libosxfuse_i64.2.dylib

    So, I tried

    ln -s libfuse.2.dylib libosxfuse_i64.2.dylib

    and then got:

    Error: VeraCrypt requires OSXFUSE 2.5 or above

    There is maybe not much to do, maybe only updating the FUSE version checking mechanism, but this is now extremely critical since all encrypted volumes are inaccessible until a new version is released. Please consider this as extremely urgent.

  • John Clark

    John Clark - 2020-11-15

    It is working now.

    I am not sure why my installation of FUSE didn't work after the Big Sur upgrade. I also probably misunderstood the notes for FUSE 4.x and thought it was the only one that would work with Big Sur. Thanks to a reply at, I was pointed to the correct version.

    I did a complete removal of FUSE and installed v 3.11.2 (current stable). Seems I sounded a false alarm.

    • John Howell

      John Howell - 2020-11-15

      Thanks. I was under the same impression after going to the OSXFUSE site an reading through posts there.
      I Removed OSXFUSE 4.x using the preference panel, and reinstalled 3.11.2 and restarted and reauthorised the kernel extension.
      After that I was able to mount my encrypted drives with Veracrypt OK

  • Jeffrey Julius

    Jeffrey Julius - 2020-11-15

    I tried John's solution (complete removal of Fuse and installed v3.11.2. I am still getting the following error:

    Kext load failed ~60349477007
    mount_osxfuse: the file system is not available (255)

    Does anyone have any suggestions for resolving this?

  • Thierry Lelegard

    I fixed the VeraCrypt code so that it now works with macFUSE 4.0.2. Note that you need macFUSE 4.x on macOS 11, osxFUSE 3.x won't work.

    I will send a pull request on github soon so that the VeraCrypt author can integrate it if he likes it.

    Note that I just built a VeraCrypt executable, I haven't rebuilt a package.

  • John Clark

    John Clark - 2020-11-15

    This makes no sense to me unless removing FUSE still leaves something behind that allows 3.11.2 to work.

    Oh, Jeffrey Julius - did you go into the security section of System Prefs to enable the kext? I wasn't prompted with a pop-up and had to do it manually.

  • Thierry Lelegard

    The pull request is here:

    Some instructions are added for users with a macOS development environment so that they can rebuild a working VeraCrypt themselves for macOS 11.

  • Jeffrey Julius

    Jeffrey Julius - 2020-11-16

    I would like to take a minute and thank everyone here for the help. I can once again access my VC volumes. Thank you.

  • Mounir IDRASSI

    Mounir IDRASSI - 2020-11-30

    Version 1.24-Update8 was published based on @lelegard contribution and which fixes this issue. Also VeraCrypt is not compatible with both osxfuse 3.11.x and 4.0.3.

    Moreover, for those having issue with osxfuse error after performing an upgrade, I propose the following procedure to fix it:

    • completely uninstall osxfuse using its official uninstall script. For that, download osxfuse of the same version that is already installed (either 3.11.2 or 4.0.3), open installation dmg but instead of clicking on the installer, double click on the "Extras" folder. After it opens, you will find "Uninstaller" file. Double click on it and follow the wizard to remove osxfuse.
    • Reboot your machine (important step)
    • open again osxfuse installation dmg and this time launch the installer. Follow the steps of the wizard.
    • Normally you should see the message about allowing osxfuse extension in "System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> General"
    • Regardless if the message appear or not, reboot the machine (important step).
    • After reboot, try to use VeraCrypt again.
    • If issue persists, go to "System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> General" and see if there is an allow button at the bottom for 'Benjamin Fleischer". If it is there, click on it and then reboot the machine.
    • After the machine boots, try veraCrypt again.
  • Jeffrey Julius

    Jeffrey Julius - 2020-11-30

    A thank you for and quick question about the Mounir IDRASSI post. Should the word "not" in the second sentence of the first paragraph be "now"? Or put another way, is v 1.24-Update8 compatible with osxfuse 3.11 and 4.03?

  • Alan Goho

    Alan Goho - 2020-12-17

    FYI, I was able to correct this issue by upgrading to FUSE 4.0.4

  • elseo

    elseo - 2020-12-22

    Hy Guys, here is the Solution:

    When you update from macOS Catalina -> BIG SUR

    Then you need to update FUSE to 4.0.4
    And then if appears another error you need to update Veracrypt itself to the latest version:


  • Ralf Schröter

    Ralf Schröter - 2021-02-07


    After updating to Big Sur I have problems with Veracrypt 1.24-Update8 and the latest macFUSE 4.05 on an Intel iMac Retina 5K (2017). Veracrypt just reports that macFUSE is not installed and that it requires 2.6 or later. I tried several suggestions from different forum posts to fix it. Uninstalling macFUSE and reinstalling everything with the recommended reboots inbetween (see post from Mounir Idrassi above) didn't work.

    Only downgrading to macFUSE 4.04 solved my problem!

    Did macFUSE 4.05 change some important libraries or APIs?

  • Stig Andersen

    Stig Andersen - 2021-03-16

    I had the same issue with macFUSE 4.0.5 and fixed it by downgrading macFUSE to 4.0.4. Now the problem has returned. Running VeraCrypt 1.24-Update 8 on macOS Big Sur 11.2.1 with macFUSE 4.0.4 returns "kext load failed: -603947007mount_osxfuse: the file system is not available (255)" when trying to mount existing encrypted volumes. Updating again to macFUSE 4.0.5 yields the error message "fuse: failed to exec mount program: No such file or directory."

    However, updating further to macFUSE 4.1.0 fixed the issue again.

    Note that according to the macFUSE GitHub site, version 4.1.0 is currently in pre-release.

  • John Howell

    John Howell - 2021-03-16

    Another question before I upgrade my mac, is macfuse of any version and veracrypt supported on an M1 processor and Big Sur

  • Rickey Ostgulen

    Rickey Ostgulen - 2021-04-23

    Installed macfuse 4.1.0 with suggested security changes for system then veracrypt 1.24.8. Both successful. I can select device and mount successfully. Finder displays root level folders and files OK. But when I open a folder results vary 1) nothing displayed even folders as though folder is empty; 2) partial display - some files and folders but not all; 3) works as expected or 4) works as expected to some levels then nothing displays. This performance is not usable. Any suggestions? Thanks

    PS: I use veracrypt on Linux Mint and all works fine. Created volume on W10 originally (still works there). It is NTFS so I know MAC can't write but is supposed to read properly


    Last edit: Rickey Ostgulen 2021-04-28
  • Vladimir Mikhelson

    As of 05-21-2021 everything works as expected with macfuse-4.1.2 and VeraCrypt 1.24-Update8 on the Intel based MacBook Pro.

    Reboot was needed after installing MacFuse.


    Last edit: Vladimir Mikhelson 2021-05-21

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